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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. Maybe, maybe not. Going by that notion, everything happens for a reason, does that mean the result in 2 weeks time already pre-ordained? ******summons 2 weeks from now me to tell me who wins******
  2. That [censored] won’t fly, not in another GF with the Dogs in it (after Longmuires uproar in 2016).
  3. Wondering the same thing. The extra week off might be a bit odd to them.
  4. Reckon the dog mids run forward of the ball a bit too much. Maybe something we can take advantage of in 2 weeks.
  5. We were also still in a bit of a rut form wise as well.
  6. Their mids dominated also, I’d think ours would give a better showing this time round. Sets up a ripper of a GF
  7. Agreed. We should’ve just lost to the Cats last night to put our minds at ease.
  8. Port are mentally shot. Psyched themselves out before the first bounce.
  9. You can thank Steve Hocking for this rubbish. Delusional, so will make a good fit back at the Cats.
  10. Like I said, Dogs have/are riding a wave of emotion. Game, recover, travel, train, game. 2 weeks off may disrupt this, give them time to stop and stick their heads up and disrupt this.
  11. Game over methinks. Dogs riding a wave of emotion, so a week off might help us
  12. We will be deserved favourites, but still got to get the job done on the day. Nothing is given, not a this stage of the year. We’re gonna have to want it and take it, like we did last night.
  13. Tassie, quarantine in Brisbane, to WA before heading to Adelaide. Meanwhile Port have had an easy 3 weeks at home. Hope Port get up, as they will have to experience travelling (though 2 weeks prep and no quarantine helps)
  14. According to the Herald Sun, Jonesy will be flying back to Melbourne. Tough break for him, but the boys will do you proud.
  15. Cannot believe we are in the GF. They are so bloody hard to get in to. 1 more step to the top.
  16. Couldn’t have said it any better. heart and soul
  17. Kochie has also been denied entry into WA!
  18. 2 weeks of bliss before a date with destiny. The break may have just come at a good time. Gives me time to come down from all the pent up stress pre-game and exuberance post-game, but more importantly, time for May to give himself the best chance of recovery.
  19. He may not have been his prolific self (he was tagged all night), but he was [censored] brilliant nonetheless.
  20. Now $1.60. We’re drifting.................faaaark
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