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Posts posted by DemonWorshipper

  1. 14 minutes ago, A F said:

    Just another update on this.

    The article with Craig Jennings on the MFC website should include a video and some footage of the Kangaroos' strengths, but also some of our strengths.

    People love video content. That's where it's at and I think is what's missing from the website.

    The video content is quite good but someone at the AFL or Telstra need to fix the video player. Since they updated it I can barely get it to play in decent quality.

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, Demonland said:

    My heart was in my mouth when Game went of the ground today. We need a new poll so here goes. Should we take two Rucks to the dance?

    Might need to check the autocorrect on your first sentence there :) 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, dazzledavey36 said:

    Also as Clint has pointed out injury updates have completely dried up. Joel Smith didn't play in both the WC game and Casey intra club match. And as you say, simple updates to know whats going on with certain players. 

    If we are forking cash for memberships etc then we have every right to lnow whats going on within the club.

    Email the club, Dazzle. That's what I did when the JKH injury appeared on 7 news before the website or social media. The site has been a real disappointment lately, worse than previously and it's time they got some honest feedback.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Lucifer's Hero said:

    Updated to reflect Pedersen signing a one year contract

    Also, updated draft picks to reflect impact of Brisbane's pp.


    Thought it might be interesting to include the number of games each player has played...its a lot easier than searching thru the player list on the club website to get age and # of games!

    Shows how young and inexperienced we really are. 

    Hoges listed twice LH? 

  5. 7 minutes ago, AngryAtCasey said:

    Would love it, given the game was over 24 hours ago, if when the club puts the video up they could add commentary.

    Dr Turf & Rob Sitch could do a good job!

    I agree, definitely missing the commentary. It would at least be helpful to have the player numbers available on the site for easier identification.

  6. Sorry DW, long term losing clubs like StKilda & Footcray/WBDogs have supporters resigned to not being successful.

    Clubs with winning cultures have supporters that will not tolerate failure, yes that includes Collingwood, Richmond and Essendon and do they kick up a stink when the side under performs? Too right they do.

    FU Paul Roos we are negative when the side does not put in the effort required. If you want to accept the last 3 weeks first half performances it is time to move on.

    It is your job to get the players up and if they are are the supporters will be positive. This is your failure not the supporters. Give us a winning team and hold onto your socks for you will be swept up with unbelievable positivity.

    We have 35000 paid up members for a side that does not give 100% effort, The club is lucky to have us. Keep critising the supporters and you won't have a club, not that you'd care.

    Sure, I want to be freakin' ruthless and beat everyone but there has to be some realism involved. We have expect quick fixes for years. You mention Richmond 's winning culture and yet look Richmond in the Late 80s/ Early 90s, so inpatient they never gave a coach enough time to actually do something. They also have won a premiership in 35 years or played in a GF for 32 years,

    Sure we can be critical of the club, the coach and the players but there are times were you need to back the club. If we fail, we try again until we get it right. If you don't want to support your club then don't pay your money and go somewhere else.

    • Like 2
  7. I don't post often on here because of the pessimism around this place that has grown monumentally since 2012. Sure, there is just cause, but Roos and PJ have a fair point.

    Look at Footscray, as an example.

    - Have 1 premiership in 90 years in the VFL/AFL, and that was 61 years ago.

    - Only 2 appearances in a GF in that time

    - Club was all but killed off in 1989

    - Last pre-season they lost their captain, sacked their coach and there CEO quit.

    Yet time and again they dust themselves and off and go again. Sure, they're still a work in progress but they never really give up week to week. Even when talent would dictate they can. They may not have a large supporter base, but they're supporters are loyal.

    I'm not saying we need to copy them, just take a leaf out of they're book to back the players that are here. Failure hurts, I know but there needs to be a change to the 'typical Melbourne' mindset if we are to succeed and that goes from the President down. That is what we are in the middle of and it's a culture shift which will take time and a bit of patience. We are only 2 years into fixing something that was breaking for 10 years+.

    • Like 6
  8. As with most facts from "Lethal", some substance but not entirely true. According to the official stats, we are bottom 4 but Essendon and GWS are slightly worse. As a comparison, Port, Dawks and North are the most accurate. Total goal accuracy difference between best & worst is around 6.5%. (Port 54.2%, Ess 45.4%).

    We still have to straighten up though.

  9. Our current team vs last time greatly improve our side and we have the inside nous of McCartney. Advantage to us.

    But its hard to be optimistic as our players, recovering from the flu on a 6 day break makes it difficult to play out 4 qtrs.

    Their form and two key changes for them vs last time give the advantage to WB:

    - they played no recognised ruckman.

    - their 'great white hope' did nothing and as our 'Great White Hope' :cool: so eloquently pointed out, was subbed off! (Will laugh if Jesse has another shot at Murphy about that)!

    LH, While the flu can knock some around, we will actually have a full 7 day break as we played 1.10pm Sunday last week and play 3:20pm Sunday this week. Bulldogs do have an extra day though as they played Saturday last round.

    I think we're a real chance, but we have to start as we did against the wobbles.

  10. Where's Salem? Is it my imagination or has he been off the injury list for the last fortnight? Also Kent was a "test" this week. I know they need to regain match fitness but I haven't heard anything about when they might return .

    It was made clear that he is regaining match fitness via Casey. He played around a half last week and has been named again this week.


    I have no problem with this. As much as I want to see Salem in the senior side, it's best to be conservative.

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