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Everything posted by Nasher

  1. We missed Brayshaw on the wing terribly on Sunday. He might not be a natural winger in terms of skills or speed, but he’s intelligent and he’s had continuity in the role. Baker did a few nice things, but he didn’t know when or how to defend the way Brayshaw does and I think it hurt us. We’ve got plenty of other options on the inside to cover Viney such as Jones, Harmes or Sparrow. Leave Brayshaw playing in the role he’s now used to, where we need him and where we’re skinniest for options - the wing.
  2. The bitter irony is that reducing the panel down to a single person was supposed to *increase* consistency. That’s the line the AFL sold us. I don’t know who the genius was who thought that would work, because it clearly doesn’t.
  3. Are we going by the dictionary definition of “strike”? If so, it was very clearly a strike.
  4. I had Trac ahead of Oliver in my D’land votes. So me, Goody and Nobes are on the same page, you nuffies can please yourselves.
  5. Look I could be wrong, but my gut feeling is WE ARE DEMONS AND ON TOP OF THE LADDER is not likely to be a very compelling argument for the tribunal.
  6. Demonland was on the Aimoo platform.
  7. Out: Tomlinson, Baker, (Jones) In: Petty, Sparrow If Viney is good then he plays instead of Sparrow. No doubt for me we need another tall to cover Tommo, and Petty is obviously next in line. I’d be just as happy to move TMac back now and bring Weid in, I’m just nervous about moving too far away from what’s been working. Oskar Baker a way off I think. His tackles don’t stick, his defensive efforts are lacking and his ball use doesn’t have the hurt factor to compensate. I’ve got much more trust in Sparrow to deliver in that regard.
  8. To be fair to the good Doc, it must be really tough being the only intellectual on a forum full of footy fans.
  9. Now that everyone has decided they hate Melksham it won’t matter what he does. They will scrutinise every action he does, confirmation bias will mean they see everything not quite up to scratch (but overlook it in his teammates) and conveniently miss his positive contribution. Best just ignore it.
  10. 6. Fritsch 5. Jackson 4. Salem 3. Langdon 2. Pickett 1. Petracca
  11. I was hoping to see what I’d learn by watching Melksham live today that might make me understand why everyone bags him so much and I’m none the wiser. He’s definitely only just going and hanging on to his spot by a thread, but he wasn’t “terrible”. He wasn’t even the worst in the team - that prize goes to ANB who really struggled today, but has a few credits in the bank.
  12. Random thoughts: Thought Gawn really struggled today. We looked better when LJ was in the ruck. Structure down back looked broken without Tomlinson, and better when TMac went back to play on Larkey. Definitely need another tall now with Tommo out, just a question of TMac (Weid in) or Petty. This version of North might suck but nobody told Ben Cun*ington that we’re not their punching bag anymore. He had us over a barrel again today. More Dees fans at Blundstone than North, or at least we were louder. Had a middle aged guy with French visitors sitting behind me who was clearly only a part time Dees watcher. By the end he was calling me The Authority because I kept correcting him every time he said the wrong player. All in good fun though. Fritsch was the only forward who looked genuinely dangerous today. Outstanding game, looked a class above. Kozzy looks better in the flesh than on TV. Gun.
  13. Sorry, hadn’t been paying attention to who had been posting what. Guess I should have said he’s making a fool of himself- impossible to be embarrassed when you’re blissfully unaware of how you others are seeing you.
  14. If we have a percentage of 150% and we win the next game 60-40, we will still have a percentage of 150%, irrespective of whether it’s round 2 or round 22.
  15. Mate, you’re embarrassing yourself. Double check the your maths before you post.
  16. Indeed. In Gus and Max’s podcast with Harmes, they talked about players all having a second position/role. Guess we might find out today whose second position is “inside mid”. I suspect Viney will just be covered by half forwards such as Melksham and Kozzy spending more time in the middle.
  17. Was it? It’s a surprise to me and I was gobbling up any MFC related media I could find. I obviously need to do better at keeping my ear to the ground!
  18. It took me moving out of IT before I realised how obtuse and unhelpful our IT department were. Don’t discount the possibility that you might be the problem. Have a lovely day ?
  19. The main thing keeping my MFCSS settled a bit is how terrible North are. They haven’t had a sustained 4 quarter effort yet and their morale would be in the toilet. Even if we’re off today, I still can’t see them beating us. I hope. Anyway, sitting out in the sun enjoying my morning coffee. It’s already got a hint of warmth, and there’s not a cloud in the sky nor the slightest breath of wind. Weather is going to be perfect. Can’t wait to head over the river in a couple of hours!
  20. That’s what I was thinking too. This is surely an everyone-wins scenario. Amazing how some uncertainty can force us to think outside the way we’ve always done things. Hopefully this fixturing is here to stay.
  21. 2018 and Jesse flying doesn’t feel like that long ago, but he’s hit some pretty low lows since then. He’s still only 26 and has time to reach his potential if he has the will and the luck. I hope he’s able to. He’s certainly off to a good start at GWS.
  22. I was wondering why Preuss wasn’t getting a game at GWS. I tuned out completely over the PS and didn’t realise he’d had a shoulder reconstruction. First time he’s had a real shot at a #1 ruck spot. Unlucky!
  23. We’re flogging a dead horse here mate. Let’s move on.
  24. Is he in the 23? The pic in the OP just has him listed as one of the four emergencies (along with Jones, Baker and Petty). We don’t know the 23rd player yet.
  25. It might have looked that way because everyone kept pouncing on me, but what I actually said was this: “Jones, Melksham and Spargo are our clear bottom 3 at present. I think a case can be made for any of those threeto go - but only one of them. I’d pick Brown ahead of Weid.”
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