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Everything posted by Nasher

  1. Jesus Adelaide, stop being so greedy.
  2. You have a comprehension problem. Thanks for the discussion.
  3. Lots of people take nudes - for fun, excitement etc. The same reasons people do any other risky stuff. Getting plastered (or playing footy) is probably a far more dangerous activity to engage in, but we've all done that. Add to that, he's a guy who clearly has a star complex and allowing young women to paint him as a sexual god would feed that. Most sensible people would probably be a little bit more guarded in who had their junk in soft copy, but nothing in all this has painted Stringer as somebody sensible.
  4. They're losing a 21 year old gun, a player already touted as their next captain. I don't think they'll get their two first rounders but calling them greedy for that being their opening position is ridiculous. He was never going to come cheaply and as we all know, draft picks are a gamble. What would you be asking for if a 21 year old Jack Viney had said "I want to move to SA"?
  5. I heard a rumour Jake Lever might be interested in coming to us, and that we might be trading Watts. Anyone heard anything?
  6. What would be a less tacky way? She said in the article she tried approaching the club about it and was turned away. The man has problems, clearly. He is on a path to ruin and seems hell bent on hurting those he claims to love in the process. He almost certainly isn't the only one in the AFL system having these battles. The clubs and the AFL aren't doing much to change it. I don't see how the ball can get rolling on addressing toxic culture without someone speaking up.
  7. Honestly, who knows really, but it does sound like a mutually beneficial role swap of sorts. Plapp to me has always come across as a coach invested in his players so will bring that to the MFC coaches box, and Rawlings gets the opportunity to enhance his CV by coaching his own team as old dee points out above. Best of luck to both!
  8. Suddenly turned in to a gun half way through the season. Not sure if it was a change of role or just something clicked, but he really got going. He seems to be able to get boot to ball quicker than anyone else on our list other than maybe Mitch Hannan. Would love to see a stat called "number of goals kicked from stationary start inside 50"; I reckon Jake would have been up there. Was a massive whipping boy at Essendon and looked like he might go that way here too.
  9. Can't stand that number 7 chap myself. The boy is just too rough. My real view is that I don't like faux-tough players. I really struggled to warm to Lynden Dunn for that reason. I'd have put Bugg in the same basket until I read his article the other week. I absolutely love 'proper' tough players like Viney. That also includes players that don't look or act tough, but play in a hard manner; I'd include Jayden Hunt in that group.
  10. 100% impossible to judge from the outside. Next topic?
  11. Bernie mentioned earlier in the year that he intended to play for as long as he could, even if that meant mentoring young players in the twos in his last year. I like the attitude - no denial, just acceptance that father time will eventually catch up. On this year's trajectory, that ought to be 2018, but anything could happen and I'm happy to have him about for another year. It would be nice if he could bring up the 100 MFC games - only 17 to go!
  12. Short term decision that I was comfortable with at the time and still am. Ditto the Tyson trade. Phase a) of Era Roos/Goodwin was to restore the club to competitiveness ASAP. I wouldn't support a trade like this for a 30ish year old now, but circumstances were different then.
  13. There's no way the club would even consider trading Petracca anyway, it's just a lol-worthy suggestion. I want Lever, but I don't see the point in the trade if it costs another player likely to be instrumental in our success going forward; it just becomes a sideways step (or at best, a small one forward). If that's really Adelaide's opening offer, they are clearly just starting with an ambit claim in order to set the tone for the conversation and going from there. The final exchange will be pick 10 and whatever upgrade of later/future picks are required. It could be something like asking for Brisbane's 2017 second round pick for our 2017 third round pick and our 2018 second round pick if they'd consider something like that, and including that for Lever.
  14. Mate, it's the silly season. This is no time for facts.
  15. A lot of the value in the Tyson was realised in the first year. We needed to get off the ground, quickly, and it's unlikely any draftee would have helped in that regard.
  16. (quietly puts torch and pitchfork down)
  17. I loved Nudge because his lies were outrageous and clearly ridiculous. I'm bored to death with the BS artists. Maybe I've been here too long.
  18. Suspect this may be the same flog who told everyone we were getting Josh Kennedy.
  19. Willing to bet that dear old Granny turns out to be completely full of it. Seen this movie a dozen times before. Makes up enough detail on the rumours to just sound plausible, when the inevitable gets done but not exactly as described, it's ooh, we/they gave in and agreed in the end to get the deal done. It's directly out of the GNF playbook. Time will tell though.
  20. I like to think this year's rubbish was quite different to the rubbish of previous years.
  21. Joel Smith signed earlier in the year, so eats up one of those four.
  22. Thanks for the service boys and good luck. Especially Trengove - like most of the faithful I hoped for a fairytale ending to the foot saga, but it wasn't to be.
  23. No. If he retires, he goes off the list. His salary will probably still be counted in next year's cap though.
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