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Lord Travis

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Everything posted by Lord Travis

  1. Agreed. Oliver should be a starting midfielder. He has unarguably had a better season than Dusty or Danger. They’ve been included based on reputation, not output. Always funny to see Rance permanently listed at full back despite regularly been taken to the cleaners this year. Has there been a more overrated player in the history of the game? The article is behind a paywall so I can’t view it. Does it have a write up of each player included?
  2. Good footballer, but doubt he'd leave WA. He moved home to be with family and to play with his brother. He also left a successful team to move home and play for a sh*t team. He would be mental to ditch his family not long after! Reminder to all on here again that we have no first round pick this year and are not allowed to trade next years first round pick. I'm sick of seeing trade suggestions with first round picks mentioned. Unless we trade Petracca, Oliver, Brayshaw or Hogan, then forget about it!
  3. Don’t know how to finding my posts other than clicking through and reading 100+ pages! I was one of the few on here who thought he was a decent trade and defended him early on. He was good as a half forward/mid at the Bombers, so once moved away from defense it’s no surprise he has thrived. Here’s hoping he can keep having an impact in September!
  4. Weid took 4 contested marks on the weekend. That was the most of anyone on the ground, and more than Hogan has taken in any match this year (his best is 3). No wonder the club are so bullish about him being a dominant aerial threat in the future. He's still got a ton of development ahead of him and he's already able to clunk them! Great to see Weid show some of his talent on the weekend. Hopefully he keeps up that form and doesn't tire. He could be vital for our structure in finals.
  5. If Casey are playing finals at the time, Viney won’t be eligible to play. A player must have played 6 games or more to be eligible to take part in VFL finals. This rule was one of the ones created to stop teams stacking their VFL teams with AFL players come finals time to gain an unfair advantage.
  6. He's Colin Sylvia v 2.0 at this stage. Here's hoping he can have an impact in finals and develop his body further over preseason.
  7. He's developed really well this year and adding more strings to his bow. No longer is a flighty forward flanker who just tries hard, now he can tag the elite midfielders of the competition and have an impact winning his own ball. His kicking has improved too, nowhere near as many shanks as years gone by. When the pressure has been on, he's stood up and showed real mental toughness and lead from the front. Will always have a soft spot for him knowing he was a Demon growing up too!
  8. Good to see Weid stick some of those marks and tackles today. The only thing holding him back is fitness IMO He's got a great leap when flying for marks, and he's an aggressive tackler. You could see in the third quarter he was buggered and his tackles started to slip, but he kept pushing himself to more contests and managed to interrupt a few Eagles forward movements. Weid will become a good AFL player. It's just going to take a bit more time to build fitness and concentration. He'll grow in confidence once his body is capable of producing four quarters of AFL level footy instead of one-two. He has all the physical attributes and skills to make it. Keep it up for the rest of the year Weid!
  9. Spargo and Kent have been shithouse today. Mistake to drop Jeffy, at least he hits the scoreboard.
  10. Not watching the game, but I'm not surprised. Nicholls is blind cheating scum. How he remains employed is one of the greatest mysteries of the universe. He's influenced more AFL matches than the f*cking senior coaches have this year!
  11. That’s true, if you don’t play by the teams rules then you’re gone. It just happens that in this case the rule appears to be a hinderence against quality opposition. Surely there has to be some logic applied to when to pull the trigger. I guess I’m just frustrated, like many, that we seem to waste opportunities by being too cute. And I’m frustrated that talented players like Petracca are yet to impose themselves when opportunity has been presented. Here’s hoping Weid takes his chances today and helps us over the line.
  12. Completely understand this and agree with it all in theory. We showed in the first half of the season that we were the number one team for scoring goals within 15 meters of goal, thus meaning our accuracy was highest. This only came against poor teams however. Against any opposition of substance it hasn’t worked and it’s been an embarrassing shambles. If a player takes a mark 40 meters out from goal, they should take the responsibility of having a set shot and not looking to pass amongst a clogged up area in slow play. I want to see guys like Petracca step up and actually take some responsibility to try to and win games.
  13. If we weren't eligible for one in 2012, then no team should ever be eligible again. Our 2012 was worse than Carltons season this year, and worse than anything produced in decades bar Fitzroys demise as a club. No priority pick.
  14. He's not alone. Whenever any of our players get the ball 40 out they still look to pass it. None of them will stand up and take responsibility for the shot. It's either team direction from above to always look for a better option, or they're all sh*t scared. I'd say it's the later.
  15. I agree that it's become increasingly difficult to umpire our game due to so many stupid rules changes, and the different interpretations they then allow for. Nicholls however is either a deadset cheat or he's blind. There is no way to interpret someone taking possession of the ball, then being barrelled into from behind and then having their head belted as anything but a free kick... not holding the ball! He's not an umpires *sshole that useless c*nt. Get rid of him! The higher-ups need to leave the rules alone and stop trying to shape the game into what they think tv audiences want. The game is fine, and the more it's tinkered with the worse it becomes.
  16. What about Nicholls? Any chance he retires any chance soon? I really don’t want to have to go rogue and smash anymore kneecaps...
  17. Would’ve preferred Garlett than Hannan. Despite having a poor game against the Swans, he was amongst our most dangerous players the week before and was IMO a key reason we beat Adelaide over there. His 2nd/3rd quarter burst set up our win. Hannan has not had any impact on an AFL match in 12 months. Poor selection. The Ins otherwise are all solid choices. Melksham and Hibberd will make a big difference!
  18. I’m just waiting for Weid to start sticking his marks. He is our most aggressive and component tall forward in the air, he just needs to start clunking them. He just launches at the ball so well, a really good leap, it would be a shame if they never stick. The coaching staff are really bullish about him becoming an aerial threat in the future. Part of it is fitness and concentration for Weid. He’s one of the most aggressive tacklers on the list, but once he get what tired he stops sticking them. Hopefully he continues to build fitness, as the aggression and technique are already there. Here’s hoping this weekend it starts to come together more consistently.
  19. In 2017 Pedo was competitive and had a good season. In 2018 at AFL level he has been rubbish. Up forward he has been useless, kicked less than a goal a game and got in others way with poor leads. He was tried down back as a last resort to revive his career and on the weekends showing that move is a bust. He was probably our worst player against the Swans. Only Hunt and Jetta has less impact, andthat was because they both missed part of the game injured and concussed. At 32 years old next season, he’ll be lucky to get a one year contract purely as a last resort to cover injury. As an AFL player he is finished. Disappointing performance his year considering he was competitive last year. The end has come quickly for him and a few others it seems.
  20. Melksham, Hibberd and Weid officially in according to Goodwins press conference today. Likely changes IMO Out: Hogan (inj), Hunt, (inj), Pedo (dropped) In: Weid (for Hogan), Hibberd (to replace Pedo in the backline, as Pedo made us top heavy and provided nothing), Melksham (to replace Hunt, with Fritsch to the backline in Hunts place and Melk up forward)
  21. The eagle flies east after the nest is destroyed
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