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The Backyard Charizard

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Posts posted by The Backyard Charizard

  1. Not exactly "doing well" at Adelaide....

    More so, making up the numbers with Hentschel out!!!

    Will be delisted after this season..... If not offered as trade bait....

    You heard it first!

    The man is a worse kick than Simon Godfrey and Ty Zantucks illigitimate child!!!

  2. It will either be Sheedy or Bailey!!!

    Mark my words.... Living here in Adelaide and being involved in local footy has given me a nice insight into the workings of Dean Bailey.....

    The bloke was a shyte player, but his coaching prospects are enormous! Mark Williams is no mug! Port have done some amazing things over the last 5 years and Bailey has flown under the radar a bit in the media....

    He is the real deal...

  3. This will sound strange....


    I would rather see our boys punching on with opposition players in pubs/clubs all across the city, as opposed to drink driving, sooking on the field and/or beating up their wives/girlfriends!

    It has been a frustrating year for us as passionate supporters.... Imagine what the boys are going thru!

    Role models = Yes

    Robots who like being injured and losing to Collingwood = Hell No!!

  4. To me there are only 2 in the running for the leaders position....

    J-Mac is in my opinion the best option.

    Puts in hard yards all day, every day and is a bloke who was born to lead but with Neitz at the club he has not had the chance.... Would command respect and maybe some of his work ethics would rub off on the younger blokes (if they haven't already)

    Cam Bruce is the other.

    A lot of people seem to be under the impression that Cam is soft... But that is absolute crap! The bloke is a gun and if he has a strong summer then IMHO he is the only other choice apart from Junior!

    Chooka is not ready!!

    Born Leader = Yes

    Ready for AFL captaincy = No

    He is still figuring out just how to break himself free of taggers and still learning what it takes to be consistently good in the AFL.... Let him have 2-4 more years to get himself right up there with the likes of Judd, Cousins, Son of God, Bartel, Brent Harvey, Robert Harvey etc.

    The kid should be involved in the leadership group but it is too early to give him the top job! I know he has been ravaged by injury but he is still a few years away!

    Having said all that, if he was to get the job, it would not surprise anyone to see him mature after 2 games and an injury free run to blossom into a kick a$$ captain!

    Two smokeys.....

    Nathan Jones

    Daniel Bell

    Both have "Captain" written all over them!

    Just the humble opinions of a man dying to see a flag :)

  5. Agree totally Redleg.....

    If we were to delist Miller then a massive mistake has been made!!

    He would still be half decent trade bait I think.... The only thing that will haunt us is the fact that after we get rid of him, I guarantee he will become a solid player at whichever club gets him!!

  6. I am a strong believer in Wheatley taking all our kick-ins....

    He can launch it the same distance as Dustin Felcher (that is not a typo) and we just need to learn to get a few open options around the 65 metre mark....

    Having TJ kick in is great for accuracy, but leaves us lacking in run once the ball is back in play!!

    Wheatley has a super boot on him and it annoys me that we don't use him more often!

  7. If that ever happened to me, I'd have to move seats I'd be that nervous!

    Did the players actually cheer and shout out 'balllllll' and all of that?

    And could you hear what they were saying when Bell and co. got injured?

    After a few beers the nerves dissappeared.... Made sure I didn't get too pi$$ed tho :)

    Plenty of "Ball" and "McLaren, you are a bloody joke!" (which was quite amusing)

    When Holland got injured, the wives and girlfriends were a bit sickened by the vision and the boys were obviously concerned! And after Bell got cleaned up, there was genuine worry amongst the fellas.... A few of the old "Johnson, you dirty [censored]" and "You're gone for the year mate"

  8. Well, I flew over from Adelaide for the match and sat above the cheersquad on level 2 in N2

    To my amazement, about 5 mins before the start of the game, who should sit around me and the missus?!?!?!

    None other than.....

    Brad Miller, Daniel Ward, Simon Godfrey, Cam Bruce, The Wrecker, Simon Buckley, Adem Yze, Brent Moloney, PJ, Rivers, Neaves and James Frawley!!!!

    I cheer no matter what, and so does the other half, but it was amazing to see that the Dees in the Outer cheer with the best of them!!!

    Even tho we lost, it will be a night I will never forget!!!

  9. From what I can see, there has not been a lot of talk about the curtain raiser on Friday night....

    Some details can be seen here Qantas Indigenous Kick Start Training Camp

    I am travelling from Adelaide (flying out this arvo) as I wouldn't miss the Skipper's 300th for anything!! Going to be a very, very special moment for not only David, but also the club as a whole.... It's about bloody time we had a 300 gamer at Melbourne!

    The other exciting thing about Friday night (apart from potentially "Dee-railing" the Pies) is that one of the young fellas from my local footy club was selected to take part in this training camp in Melbourne....

    Jordan Mack is a top kid.... The 15 year old Hackham Hawks player has been a shining light at our club in a time of shocking results for the seniors.... He is dominating the Under 16 competition and is drawing a bigger crowd every week....

    He grew up 35km outside of Alice Springs and moved down to Adelaide in 2005 to be with his grandfather who was battling cancer....

    "Jordy" had not played a lot of football in Alice and was persuaded by his cousin to go and train with the Hawks during the 2006 pre-season.... His cousin trained twice and decided that Basketball was the game he wanted to play, but Jordy stuck it out and kept training....

    It wasn't long before he started to show some serious promise, winning the best and fairest in his first season with the Hawks under-14 side.... I actually sponsored the 14's B & F and it was with pleasure that I handed him the trophy on Prezzo night....

    Jordy was then invited, this year, to play in the Southern Football League's under-15 association team.... Nearly 1,200 people saw him dominate the game against the Country Rep side in which he picked up 25 touches, 11 tackles, 4 goals, 4 assists and was rested for the last quarter!!

    Last month Jordan represented the South Adelaide Panthers in the under-15 intrastate championships (against all SANFL junior squads) He played up forward, kicking 8 goals in four games, including 4 in the team's final match against North Adelaide...

    His form was good enough to catch the eye of those selecting for the Melbourne camp....

    Watching him play is totally different to anything I've seen before from a junior footballer.... He is a solid kid who just seems to jog around the park! We all joke at the club on Saturdays about the chance that he might get out of 2nd gear one day soon.... The way he reads the play and hovers around the packs is awesome to watch.... Players take him on and he mows them down in a matter of metres!! All while giving off the impression that he is in a City to Bay Fun Run and not playing a footy match....

    Good Luck Jordy and we all know you have a special few years ahead of you!

    And to anyone who is knocking off work early on Friday, get down and support these young fellas!!! Having so many talented youngsters on the field at one time is well worth a look....

    and..... Go Dees!!

  10. I have to laugh at the media frenzy surrounding Carlton and their apparent "Tanking"

    I am pretty sure the reason Riley isn't getting questioned is because the media can actually see how [censored] we are!!!

    Barracking for Melbourne has never (in my life) been so embarrassing! :(

    Juice is going to be a great FF at least! But unless we get some midfielders who can deliver to him, then he will want to be traded in a few years!

    Just a question..... How many times does Brad Green kick around his body without looking?!!!??

  11. Final Score

    Sydney 19. 10. 124

    Melb 13. 10. 88

    Best Melb

    Jones, JMac, Bell, White, Bate and Pickett

    Goals Melb

    Bate, Pickett 3

    Newton 2

    Godfrey, Green, Davey, Wheatley, Neitz 1


    Swans got off to a flyer, kicking 6 goals to 1 in the 1st Qtr

    Melbourne then scrapped for the rest of the match and with a strong effort from Jones and JMac in the midfield keep the Dees in it....

    Jeff White dominated Jolly all day, but the Swans midfield were reading him well enough to win the clearances....

    Matthew Bate lead strongly up the ground all day and showed Brad Miller what a CHF should do, kicking 3 goals

    Byron Pickett, playing his 200th, gave glimpses of his glory days with 24 touches, 12 tackles and 3 classy goals in a strong performance.... He layed a crunching tackle on Adam Schneider in the 3rd Qtr which left the Swan with 4 broken ribs....

  12. Amazes me that Bizzell gets named in a forward pocket for Sandy?!?!?!

    And if they are seriously gonna play TJ at Sandy then our medical staff have bigger mental issues than I first thought! Leave the bloke on the sidelines until he is 100% ripping apart the training track! If they are gonna use him as trade bait then they need him at full fitness! ;)

  13. I am pretty sure they will have a chat with him....

    The bloke has potential to be a good coach one day, but I would assume they would be looking at him for an assistants role, rather than the head coaching position in 2008...

    Viney working under a bloke like Sheedy would be fantastic for his future coaching aspirations!

  14. I agree to get rid of Robbo, White.

    Let Yze wind out his career. He found really strong form after coming back. He had one game with 38 possesions.

    To get rid of Johnstone or Bruce would be the stupidest things the MFC could ever ever ever do.

    For you to even suggest getting rid of Robbo makes me sick!

    The bloke bleeds Red 'n Blue and has been with us through thick and thin.... You say getting rid of TJ and Bruce would be stupid?!?!?! Getting rid of Robbo would be just as cruel as buying a kitten, nurturing it to a ripe old age with love and attention, then grabbing it and throwing it in the microwave!!!

    The thought makes me seriously ill.....

    The Robbo legend deserves to live on! Demon thru and thru....

  15. Well, to say I am excited at the prospect of the great man coaching us is the understatement of the year!

    I can't stop thinking about it!!

    I get the feeling that Sheeds is pretty bloody excited at the prospect of coaching one of the oldest clubs in the world! It will be our 150th next year and I reckon Sheeds will be gettin' a chubby just thinking about it!

    The man is as passionate as any man that has ever been involved in footy and he would take great pleasure and satisfaction in building the Red 'n Blue back to it's once powerful self.... If he could retire from coaching in 3-5 after winning the premiership at Melbourne then he would die a very happy man! The history and prestige that goes with our great club will be the driving force behind his want (and need) to succeed!

    Just thinking out loud :o

  16. Here's the thing about Sheedy, which differentiates him from all others...

    Even if he doesn't win us a single game, he'll bring this club so much media attention, raise our profile and lure the sponsors, and that is something we need nearly as much as a premiership.

    I like it!!

    After listening to Sheedy's comments regarding passion, I am super stoked!! Sign here Mr. Sheedy ...............

    The bloke is [censored] funny and has a record that talks for itself..... The bloke could sell Ice to the Eskimos!!!!

    Out with The Rev.....

    In with The Kev.....


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