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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. You actually raise a point I have thought about. Our "style" , i fear, for many natural footballers is of itself very counter instinctive.
  2. Thanks Rusty....my thinking about the last line is that its the very fact it's persisted with displays the amateur behind it.Anyone with a clue surely brings a quiver to the battle...not a solitary arrow ??
  3. just because it needs another viewing
  4. i wish him well if that were the case...and another spot opens up...win Win
  5. I have to disagree. The game style is very much the cause. it requires relentless attack on the ball..all bull at a gate stuff. There is hardly a sniff of tempo. Our style isnt about skill, about techniques, about any real panache , it's all bang crash stuff. You can't keep this up for a game let alone any number put together without burning out players. Not all of our lot are kids. Those 6-8 weeks that we were "up" as it's put were also directly after the club was being ridiculed for it's seeming inability to take a real scalp. The whip came out...and the bull at a gate style got turned up to "danger will robinson" .It was effective for a short while...and then it wasnt. Not only had we super fatigued our list but put any number on gurneys awaiting the ambo to the surgery dept. Not all game styles are the same....ours is putrid bordering on amateurish.
  6. We haven't a real clue what to do with the pill Earl.. thats our real problem.
  7. Really..Wiseblood. .need o spell it out.. no they cant be dropped. Thats the point. Dropping out of form players used to be standard practice.
  8. Are they likely to be dropped ? There's your answer
  9. League exists on telly north of the Murray..Actual gameday attendences are laughable.
  10. There is something to this. I agree Our culture...well....no idea what it is tbh. As a club, i often feel like a punch drunk boxer.
  11. Of course we went to win....that might well have been the name on the Desto board...but there was practically no petrol in the tank . That in and of itself left us vulnerable., esp as they had plotted our obliteration. Desire is one thing. .ability another. We'll just disagree on the rest. Cheers
  12. They pulled apart a half dead turkey. But yes they certainly knew how to make a meal of it. Granted
  13. To blame it on the PF is a bit like saying its the bullet from a firing squad that ended the prisoners life. It's really about the journey to that point and in our case how we managed to be a band of dead men walking even before the first bounce that day. So in some ways... a coach saying they didnt take anything away from that game is I suppose correct. What is there to learn from a thrashing like that...other than one simple thing. Don't get yourself into that position. Here's that 'by design" issue again. We got into that mess all by ourselves really. We plotted the course to that game...but we just weren't really paying attention to all the metrics. In many ways West Coast didnt win that game as we absolutely LOST it...before the bounce. We still lose much of our football by the very way we go about things. These are all by direction. Nothing really happens by chance The players don't just rock up on the day and ad-lib ,though any casual , or even we seasoned ones, may be forgiven for thinking they do just that. No, they are enacting a series of instructions. They're just not good ones, though they are goodwins !!
  14. an interesting hypothesis..actually it is. I reckon though had we made the GF...it might have been 1988 all over again
  15. The PF was the straw that broke the demon's back Thats the significance of the PF. That so many players went under the knife is imho directly a result of many being ridden into the ground by a playing style that simply cant be done for 100 mins. we were worn out by that game....literally (that is to say ...by that game we were worn out...fried )
  16. @praha Nothing is a quick fix at Melbourne.
  17. Lol Mate the context of the Op was we'd beaten f all in the top 8 h/a simples We hadnt We all got very giddy and blousey winninf a few on the trot when Sim9n said engage hyperdrive. ..until we died Reality sucks doesnt it
  18. Yummy yummy Fruit salad Seriously Pen St D , what's your out for this year Think carefully
  19. I give up They are intent on bastardising what's left of our game Shoot Gil, shock Hocking..slash the nuts of anyone that comes close to the game THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH IT. ..[censored] OFF
  20. We haven't the worst list Why do you think many of our ,possibly best players , aren available ?
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