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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Clever of AFL to have Maggots in YELLOW !!!
  2. We've just be rescheduled by the media: We're now on the Comedy Chanel
  3. I would suggest those selected says even more.
  4. Not so sure Membrey will be so confined.. but either way The next three things can happen and we can still lose. we've made it a bit of a party trick I expect it to be relatively close at 3/4 time... I suspect it'l change after that...we have a habit of running out of legs
  5. It would be honest. Not the natural go to position in football however. We need money. Nothing new or special about that. We need success more.
  6. My interest here lays more with what/how Ratten employs his team more than Goodwin ours. I suspect Brett will look to negate us winning the guts. He does that we lose. If Goodwin cant conjur a response.... Oh wait. Might be an interesting game...more so if you have no allegiance to Melbourne. We're still shakey up front...whose kcking goals ? Even shakier down back now. Still.....ought not be ant 'breeze' to upset those hard 30m kicks.... Deckchairs... Titanic still goes down.
  7. Isn't that where Demons come from ? (yes....doesn't bode well eh )
  8. It's not my business. People are actually employed to do this. I'm no oracle as you say...but i managed to remain relevant in a number of careers and don't have any non returning debt. ( thats means borrowed money is making money ), when it stops 'returning' I dump it.. I have property and about to realise potential on another block. What this says is I've kept my head above the gurgly stuff. I'm not that special and have limited resources to bring to bear. The club has any number of both employed "professionals" as well as you'd have to think an extended family of movers and shakers among coterie groups. And yet we still look wonderously at the Kakadu Koin . My strategy....maybe get better people.
  9. Its not actually. Business is business. We're no different. Those that remain consolitary to their lot wither. When has this club ever been particularly entrepreneurial ?? Oh woe is us...its a competitive market ..woe woe. I have news. It always has been. ..always will be. . I have no illusions about where we are and why. We seem a business over bloated in some departments, poorly able in others and currently back on the bottom which always entices people and money ( not ) Our core business is football. If we arent any good at that everything else become 2x 3x Yx harder. Ive not only embraced where we sre in the pecking order...i get it. What your good self and others dont get is capable business finds a way..or dies. Which do you prefer. And before you trot out...but our way is whoring our games to the NT consider what that actually accomplishes for iur core business ? Nothing...and i defy anyone to prove otherwise. ....not lovey dovey motherhood statements etc...but how it actually betters our football results. We need to be far cleverer. Taking the "easy money" is short sighted. Whilst i dont particularly like pokies it was foolish to truncate that scheme before you have its replacement on stream. Bit like shutting down power stations too early. Sounds marvelous to the ignorant...but in reality you're shooting yourself in the feet. For a club with supposed blue chip connections ive never really understood why we wallow. Again we need to be far cleverer and lateral than we are. And for the very reason you seek to deride...because it IS hard out there. You know the Billy Ocean lyrics im sure...
  10. Clearly people (some) don't get victim mentality. We act like centrelink recipienta. Its embarrasing. Clever business peo pl e find ways. We obviously arent as clever as some
  11. Time to leave.......the NT It really does nothing for us. If its about money then the club gurus need to get a wiggle on. Either we get serious about football..and about resources or we just continue to street peddle ourselves. Time to grow up Melbourne. ..find your feet or just go home ( where ever that is )
  12. Careful....you'll be ostracized and become quite lonely reeling off such reasoning. Totally agree. This is a professional sport. Yes there's much passion and emotion but its a level headed approach that wins the day. If our list was actually as good as we'd supposed then Chunk wouldn't get a look in next year but its obvious the midfield really needs a bit of a makeover; as much style as personel. So until that's all gonky dory Jones is as good a fill in any....until someone makes him redundant. Those that suppose he can run the wing or pinch hit in the back i can only say he has neither the real speed nor elite ball skill to be the real answer in running the lines and on what team sheet would he honestly be best six down back ? He's a seasoned warrior a stellar stalwart of the club....but there comes a time....so goes the song.
  13. My sympathies. Obviously not in a lounge. Im surprised
  14. generally Id concur..... but getting/marking ball seems a very different thing from Kicking said ball If someone could show Maxy how the drop of the ball SHOULD go then Im all for this
  15. Melbourne. .. kicking Goals ?....winning ?
  16. I essentially agree with him 2018 exibited elements of the Roos era ...and the naturally declined. All Goodwin did was hit the afterburner. Itcworked. For a period as it might. Then we petered out big time. Have we actually recovered ? Not in my view 2020 will tell. Go Dees
  17. Wrong thread...here we talk of lovely cocktails...yum chas and apparently manors, manners, and floggings ( just not the mfc kind )
  18. Oh they're the worst. .. Anyone who has a contrary opinion is what..sexist..racist..?? Reasoned people just see it as a differing opinion. Thanks for outing yourself as a bigot.
  19. In all seriousness what stock should one place in 2-20 v 4-18 It's really much of a muchness. It's totally inadequate by ANY metric. The results could have been wind, an errant umpire's decision ( as if ) , the waxing lyrical (sts) of an oval ball. In all its a nothingness. ..other than it represents a very VERY poor outcome. What say so though the difference between 14-8 And possibly 6-7 and 16-15 ?? I'm being generous/optimistic as really i wouldn't put any hard-earned on us winning another game. But we should. Thats not a trend....it's a very sad picture. I fear we've become a parody of what a club ought be.
  20. And he has a small handfull of games and a preseason to prove his mettle. We really need to employ Blind Freddy as a mentor for he could plainly see the things that needed attention. It was a better game technically if not technique-ly yesterday. Still full of glaring mistakes but a small step for our mankind.
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