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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. pretty much wonder which mob will turn up ?
  2. Id just be happy to include blokes who understand .. a little fav concept of mine.. I I I I
  3. changing doesnt always guarantee a difference..... but keep the same all but does. Some improve yes, many just wither and play magoos
  4. I for one and not singling out Watts,,... he has many 'contemporaries' that could be shuffled off also. So RPFC...you think Jackie's output is ok ..certainly to repeat it in 2015 ? christ we're doomed if so
  5. interesting subject..."The Pre Season " If a player is to play ALL of a season from the get go and last it out then I see this Pre Season being totally valid as a reason or excuse. Yes Col had a later start and probably took a bit to get up to speed but I dont really buy into this ...well thats why he's a bit sluggish now.stuff. He would have been ascribed a personal fitness regime for him to get back into things and get back up to match fitness , which is where I would suppose he is. I dont think its a fitness issue I just think hes not matching his 2013 form. How many games does it take to get that i wonder. Would have thought hed played enough by now
  6. not THE answer.....maybe PART of it possibly ? As they say if youre not part of the solution youre part of the problem. Watts isnt playing ( for mine ) as a solution provider....therefore.......
  7. SO would I, but that doesnt preclude me from wanting someone other than Watts now either.
  8. Never thought Id say this.... No Pedersen....Bugger !!! cheers for report
  9. Caring and position of finish are not necessarily mutually inclusive. The premise is a crock of shlt. I still dont care about where we finish this year as its al but irrelevant other than what pick you get. I do do care about our list and many other things....that matter
  10. unless my memory derails me on this ( and it can.....) I seem to remember a certain Northern suburbs team being quite vocal in its angst towards us then..... karma !!!
  11. you did good !!
  12. agree 100%..esp re JW.. The irony is annoying. we have the makings of about 12 decent players.....unfortunately it takes parts of ALL 40 to get them !!
  13. Oh how Id like for some decent scribe to simply put a piece together outlining how it wasnt just Melbourne 'list managing' it was everyone who had a turn in the sun . I.e These teams did, and when and who they got as a result, and the result of getting who they chose etc. We just fukked it up,but we we definitely not alone in going this path. Just some honesty in the press instead of agenda would be refreshing.
  14. But unless i get it wrong theres no identity protection issue at stake here... Its content..i.e what was said between known "conspirants". isnt it ?
  15. Youre definitely on the right track Jr. We need a legion of good standard soldiers around whom you can augment and build a decent team. Currently its more akin to "Carry on Kicking !!" and even them most can't
  16. But the exceptions make them self exempt. Thats good. That more should be in this group. Its a bloody small group at present I reckon
  17. A problem this club has had for quite some while apart from inability to bring some players on ( maybe they just werent up to it either ? ) is to leave it too late to change players. There's this manana complex where there's belief that one day, one more preseason , one more year etc, will reveal that inner player that suggests within. Often it never does and the best currency conversion moment is missed, time and time again. If a player isnt doing it then move him on. Its about the club , not individuals. They are professionals getting paid. If they are good they get paid more and for longer . If they arent they're moved on. Thats the nature of the game come lists. They know this before they sign on. There are NO promises in this game. Theres no requisite to retain a player. They are there to do a job. if they cant do it get someone who can. People get far too attached to players for mine. I really dont care who plays for us as long as they bring their A game and contribute and add to the equation. Too many currently detract from it. They need to go. Why is it made any more complicated than it really is.
  18. either this EOS or next depending on how fair dinkum this club is about weeding !!
  19. We as a club need to do whats best for the list, not so much for those on the list. Its a professional business after all...no ?
  20. captains have moved clubs. Its not an obstacle really. (grimes) Hes a co captain also.Not like we havent got one So here's where we as a club need to be a bit more pragmatic. Is the ONLY reason for some not putting Grimes up being that hes a co captain....i.e all other factors are ok for a trade bar this ??
  21. Agree. Win/win. Even with the great Roos Watts languishes between cameo and ineffectual. Maybe it is indeed best for all to seek new fields.
  22. This is it Nut...Players who CAN kick, who can move the ball on effectively. Its not about stars, or elite etc. We're talkig bread and butter footy. Basic skills applied under game day pressure. We are attrocious
  23. The difference being looked at here, imho are players who under most circumstances would kick a goal and sometimes missed....as compared serial offenders who just cant kick for shlt !!
  24. Not all , you would be getting rid of a serial underperformer and bringing in someone esle. You would be evolving the list. Its really quite simple an idea.
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