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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. We either appeal this idiotic decision or quite frankly we are weak as [censored] as a club. And that would be embarrassing....again
  2. You can... turn off tv sound... Find some generic background noise on utube or similar.( phone ) I just watch in the quiet.🤷
  3. Same re Petty anywhere other than backline . I reckon D.S . been hacked 🤷🥴🙄
  4. One side with Highest points for.. Other side not even makes it to our pts scored against 🤷🤷🤷🤷
  5. Can we just do two things 1: get Caulfield tucked away 2: Remind all others the G is OUR Home.. Ours.. all others are transient. ( by winning ) Ffs..its not that hard a concept....is it .....
  6. You must be a very lucky traveller. I was going to say Jetstar not so much Bogan as Agricultural .... much of a muchness. I would put Virgin as the better of the Cheap lot. That you've experienced enchanted services with little delays, cancellation and other frustrations ... I'm envious, truly All in all I concur with some, Joyce's departure is a good thing. Maybe the incoming might concentrate on running an airline... not a wine-selling,mortgage-broking insurance peddler. Oh yeah Go Dees
  7. Strangely i seldom if ever rely on stats. Applying a numerical outcome via an arbitrary metric concerning an action/reaction with no scientific control seems futile. Then there's watching. Archaic I appreciate.
  8. Very easy to be the chief [censored] spouting rubbish when neither you or club will be immediately affected. He's in a very cushy position.
  9. Thats a very interesting idea. Given that the animal existed ling before Warner Bros.... given the Words are Public Domain, then any gambit that W.B. would wish to undertake ought be thrown out by any Tasmanian Court. They're a bullying type corporation that only understands 2 things.... the nature of bullying...so counter that with dismissal. The other , probably more mutually beneficial ideal is of course $$$. If Marvel can sponsor a Park...Why not W.B a team. Marvellous Idea
  10. His disposal is my only concern. His "footy" is fine.... but in the end it's what you do with it. Imo.. his finishing has slipped.Now is this a case of he's expanding his outward view and options...but just not hitting that mark ? I dunno. Weightingof delivery is a skill...but before you do so you have to know whether to loft the ball over your team mate to allow him to turn/ release his opponent or keep it low to protect it. He seems to get this wrong. Increasingly of late ) effectively creating a contest where there ought not be one. Its wastes otherwise good 'footy'. When he comes forward he seems better... but his primary job is not forward. Just my opinion
  11. Ive never really cared what the makeup of the team.is.. just needs to be the best to do the job.. Bowey has slipped. That's entirely different from any appreciation or otherwise of Salem. If C.S. never plays another senior game im not about to lose sleep.... All that is required is someone to do the job.....properly. Burning players fails that metric. Possibly among the most important disposals is that off the hbl rebounding. That kick or handpass either sets up the attack.. or gifts the opposition as our defenders will be caught out of whack if the ball suddenly comes flying back...or the oppo gets to break the line. Every time youre coming out of that hbl its effectively a douple point play.. I just think Bowey has slipped a cog. Salem is irrelevant in that appraisal.
  12. Salem will.need as many games in the magoos as it takes...2..3..4.. 🤷 Hell need to hit the ground running, and running hard as it's quite possible by then our season will be a constant battle...as it is for all finals aspirants. He cant just come in a get fit... I look forward to his return.
  13. Just goes to show again stats are arguably useless. What am i noticing... who he kicks it to....or rather...misses. If youre going to get cute with delivery....get it right.
  14. Only if wearing particular guernseys
  15. Never thought of Lyon as one either... just a Kyabram lad. There ya go 🤷🥴
  16. Yes and No... We have any number of Father Son opportunities coming through over coming years. Granted not all fly as high as the parent. In a fashion we might have them at a discount if any are promising. We can only offer the picks we have... and everyones is effectively diluted and/or devalued because of the priority picks going to the Dishwashers. We've made an art of finding talent. Tbh...im not that concerned.. We'll still have a very good core to our list.
  17. Might be me... the new occulars... or.. 🤷🤷🤔.. but ive noticed his kicking . Even I initially thought it just the odd occurrence but started to take particular notice ... Granted the earlier games this year..... Its only his kicking per se.. the getting and going.. does well... but id like a $ for every time he's burnt the the deliveree . I prefer Christian in this role.
  18. Couldn't agree more. After the exuberance and jocularity ( for MASH fans ) of Boweys debut and cult effect things seemed to have calmed. Ive mentioned elsewhere ol' Bowey is right up there on my list of unfortunate turnover kings. Seems to have lost the precision of delivery and this can cost dearly.... on the scoreboard. Salem on the other hand is about as sure a pair of hands or feet you could have coming out of the hb line. Imo... his direction and coordination is sorely missed. But he'll need to be fit.. Love to see him before the KBW .
  19. Next time we catch up.... we'll discuss those observational skills ;)
  20. I still think he has something to offer us. Maybe not for a lot longer... but you can't 'train' talent into a player. That is skill on another level. Maybe 5% of current lists have that sort of craft. I like Milky on the field....if even for just a qtr.
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