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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Roffey needs to go on the offensive... seriously...
  2. Yep.. my 2nd thought was this might well constitute common assault. @Redleg
  3. Keep in mind ... it's invariably the AFL accredited media ;) ;) ;)
  4. I hope you reported that to the club so they can make a formal complaint to the AFL and Port. That's disgusting....Not ON !!!
  5. We need to understand.....it's IMPOSSSIBLE to replace Oliver.....all we really do is add a name to the team sheet. Clarry is as good as 2 others. If this transpires... ... we're not looking too flash....if that we were..
  6. Oh this will be fun esp KBW
  7. That 4pts is/was both enticing and frustrating at same time. In a Schroedinger manner it was both near and far at the sane time. We could well have snagged an improbable win but for the vagueries of umpiring. Had we it would have been ironic given the day( night ) Teams do indeed have plans and schemes to bring us undone....and do. In return we back our brand. Better coaching,better strategies and a better understanding of where we were on the night could have changed the outcome. We lacked all of that. We have the players, we have the ability. We lack football intelligence. This may well prove the winter of our discontent. Sad.
  8. Im fervently coming to the conclusion our 2021 Cup was with apologies to Lemony Snicket....a Series of Very Fortunate events. A lot of things just fell into place...yes...many things were of or by design, and a lot wasnt. Luckily for us...on that day...we clicked...finally..and the rest is history. And it IS HISTORY. What worked then is NOT working now...and again it's not working by DESIGN. The design/gameplan/style/brand ( choose your own jargon ) has gone very STALE. I've used it before and for mine best sums up our situation, we're stale...and stale things left unattended go right off and stink it up...well lookee there...just like us. We are not adapting, there's no real recourse to other styles within a game , especially when you can see as blind Freddy can that something aint working on the day. I really dont get the thinking of our brains-trust. I know there is capacity and capability there. Despite any and al of my reservations about Simon he does and did have ideas. They were quite left field in the early days , with PR at teh helm he ( SG) tried things, changed things up. It was actually refreshing and interesting.. But I did start to notice when either the rule -changes cought up or opposition coaches worked it out thatwe seemed either slow or incapable of again recasting our Runes...And thats exactly where we seem to be today...Stuck in yesterday footy
  9. Yep...we cant play wet footy for [censored]... Our efforts to kick in etc in the pouring rain...the manner, the setup....is Im sorry laughable.....any 2nd tier suburban coach will know NOT TO DO ANY OF THAT. Common sense suggests to adjust for the weather....we just go out in the same shorts and shirt expecting it to work. Bodes well going into winter....you know....when it rains and blows a bit.....
  10. Personally dont mind the idea of the Shack for a month. Tmac plays well...but has lost a yard of pace... thats hurting him/us...a big shame as Irally like what Tommybrings to the recipe. Benny must have serious niggles..I mean what else could it really be ?? I dunno. Shack could be a decent fillip to the role..if not the answer...again who knows.. What we do know is theFWD setup needs shoring up...its not working properly...it could be lethal...needs to be
  11. Amazing isnt it.. Take a game that in the main had quite defined rules. ( so much so ONE umpire managed ) Now dispense with some and morph others to the point no one is actually sure what is right or wrong. Introduce others that are purely SUBJECTIVE.. Introduce more umpires. Modify the ambiguous rules to beyond interpretation. Introduce more umpires. Ensure there's no consistency and frustrate everyone....esp players. Introduce draconian measures to deal wil the frustrations. Introduce more umpires. Attempt a Professional game with Amateur refereeing. Introduce and overlay of contradictory and non accountable but partisan assessment. 🤔What could possibly go wrong 🤷🤷🙄
  12. Well.... We're currently playing despite them......
  13. At current form we'd be hanging onto 4th by the skin of our teeth. We cant play wet weather footy to save our life at present.. I mean what Einstein kicks out longish to a contest in blustery belting rain ? That defines stupidity right there. We seem to have a one size fits all game plan. One thats been disected and rejigged by others to better effect. I was encouraged by the preseason footy where we mixed it up....and now we hardly do. We've coyly slunk back to the footy we know..... problem being everyone else does too. If you offered me 4th now...I'd take it.
  14. The Roo was definitely not having a "better" night.. He was far from alone. He's being shouldered with a role he's not yet equipped to do. Don't castagate him.... redirect your scorn to the Brains(?) Trust. He was very unlucky in some respects. He was caught out retaliating. Oh what a naughty boy eh.. Sticking up for himself.. Hed been subjected to ragging all night...and you're making judgements on what the TV so handily showed you. Dont get sucked in PF. These are the very games good AFL careers are forged....at the fire. Magoos is just magoos. The heat isnt the same. Id be asking ...whats the club going to do to fix the situation... to build a better fwd structure....indeed we'll start with 'having one' Sure...he's no messiah. Were far too SOFT as a club.. Need to grow some. Maybe the President could be useful forca change and ask of the AFL ...please explain, what's going on ?.. exactly as the real power clubs would. Dont lob the problems ar JVRs feet.. it's not his fault.
  15. And thats why we needto push back and call them out. The AFL ...honestly what a bunch of ( insert fav derogatory) They're there to oversee the running of the comp....not the ruining. They are actually the tail.. Certainly the [censored]-end. Time to wag them.
  16. This isnt about "a player" anymore. This is about pushing back. Collingwood wouldn't stand fot it... and i begrudgingly admire them gor not taking [censored] from fools . Nor should we. Christian is an egomaniac.
  17. Those that suggest we didnt go toooooo bad .....after all it was only 4 points , think about the real reason we were within a kick. Port couldn't buy a goal early on. Had they...well... it's a different conversation for some.
  18. And we can humiliate the [censored] again and again.
  19. Is as though Rozee had no duty of care ( to himself ) let alone Hunter.
  20. There were quite a few throw ins, esp the latter half of the final quarter that can only be described as 'odd' in terms of the way they were "MANAGED" .. ODD 😉
  21. Food for thought going foward... into Winter, arguably poorer weather. We are very over rated I'm affraid. If the ball is slippery or its just raining our game goes to water. Some very dumb ideas about how you play wet weather footy. Not going too far playing rubbish like that. Port supposedly undermanned...totally outplayed us.
  22. There was a lot we were doing last night that was diabolically wrong and a lot they were doing that was right. Logic almost demands to minimise both. Leaving Butters off the leash was dumb to the nth. Not sure our BRAND is De Rigueur
  23. Lost by a country mile.... scoreboard flattered us.
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