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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. And thats the one area we're excelling in 😉
  2. As i see it ...and it's in a Team context, I think he did the role asked... to keep Harry honest ( as it were ) ...apply pressure, thus releasing Lever and May to do what THEY do well.....and they did. Tommo...didn't excel... he complimented the backline. Had he snuffed out Harry many would be ringing his praises... He did ok. Better OK.. than not.
  3. All of that is essentially true... but we'll need more savvy than get ball, kick ball. Our game seemed bereft of any intellectual capacity as to how to effectively transit the fwd50. Just bang it in... in fact just kicking somewhere was often the choice of play. That or ignoring the field....as big as it is and running along the boundaries. We're experts in playing low % footy.
  4. Well... hmm. Well.. Had a sleep and still.pondering exactly what it was i saw. Positives... well..we won, though we really tried hard at times to let them off the hook with a win. I had trepidations going in thatvthis might not be a happy night... and whilst we did take the 4 points...allin all that was a dogs breakfast. If i had to find one word......putrid. It hurt to watch it was that bad at times. Strangely and teasingly both teams showed some ability at times. Carlton much more fluid and enterprising when they had the ball. Lucky they didn't have it enough. . McKay... wtf.....what kind of bozo goes around the corner 45 out on a non acute angle ( other than Joe Daniher lol ) Bizarre.....lucky he did...as a goal then.....and we might not be the happy chappies today. Tommo did his job... not brilliantly but pair thar with Lever and Mays game.... now think.about that. JVR ... a real keeper. Our new fwd Bailey Yipper.. lamentable Someone woke Max up ... thanks. It was a hard game to palate.. In the main.it was rubbish football. Maybe our brand is NQR because thats how it looked. Efforts were made... but in general it didnt mesh properly. I feel like ive gone into the bakery, ordered a chunky pepper steak and mushroom pie and been served up a tepid 4n20 substitute. In both instances... i ll take it as im hungry. Better be better next game.. That lot know all about Pies...and winning . It wasnt a loss....... just
  5. You've earnt an Elephant stamp for excellence. A very decent appraisal of our malaise. Crossed fingers and toes for tonight
  6. Confounds me why anyone ( here ) would be interested. Let him ( sadly ) be some other club's trainwreck. Not all cut out for the big time. Lets find those that are.
  7. Whatever did happen to that game style 🤔🤔🤷🤷🤷 I miss that 🥴🥴🥴
  8. We finally did it....we Melburnised him.
  9. Danger.. Danger Will Robinson....
  10. Just do it. Dont second guess Dont think it Just DO it
  11. Its a curiosity isnt it regarding Brown. Been playing AFL longer than Goodys been a snr coach. So is it fair to say BBB has some idea of what he's doing ? Probably also fair to say Melbourne's style is quite a bit different from the Kangas ( Brown era )... I mean...they coukd deliver to a fwd... us....not so much. There was some suggestion that Benny still needed to show something in the Magoos about his game before reinstatement. This cant be true surely. He probably knows more about FWD footy than our coaches. We targeted him and brought him across. ...what ...to teach him how to be a fwd ...or because he WAS a fwd.....of merit . I cant believe he isnt rated by the club. That he isnt playing leaves only two avenues of thought...to me. He's either useless...or carrying something that just doesn't get talked about. I never believe Footy clubs. They lie. Its a tool of the trade. If Brown isnt playing and Smith is....wtf is really wrong with Benny.
  12. I shall prequalify my comments by agreeing with all and sundry that we dont KNOW whar actually transpired...or didn't that may or otherwise precipitated the actions of the alleged disenfranchised. It irks me somewhat that accusations are made in something akin to a mudslinging attack. I'm sure anyone with grievance has better avenues. Is that just me. Stories were told. No one knows the actual validity but then the media was given the downlow. All the whiles the supposed transgressors are none the wiser, and later not made aware of the 'details' despite actions taken for a full disclosure. Anyone else see this as ...well... bizarre. I have no idea whether Fagan, Clarko or Burr are good bad or otherwise. In a sense at ths juncture i dont really care. I am acutely aware this could be seen as a character hit job. Someone says something.... . Thats about all we seem to have. The accusations must be tested. Nobody seems to want to do this. Especially the accusers. There might be valid reasons for coyness but i dont think thats how it can work. If the concerns are as described then in tuth the notion the AFL..even thevClub are the arbiters is a nonsense. Such things are covered by any number of statutes and come under the auspices of legal bodies. As with the drug fiasco it seriously annoys me that the AFL thinks it is the judge. No, they're just the workplace, might as well be Woollies, Bunnings or Maccas. Do they have their own arenas of contrivance ? No. Nor should Gil or Dilltown. Let the due processes of Legal dilligence and adjudication prevail. Put up....or....
  13. Its not just how we look.. curious to.our intent. Hopefully come out playing winning footy... not defending a loss.....and lose.
  14. The point was..i think.. The Freo game last year earmarked out 'coming apart' . Therefore notable. Fast forward... .. touch of deja vu. ( actually i think the Port game will be seen as 'that' game this year ).. But the point i think is..... if that was the start of the rot, where/what have we done since. Arguably.... nothing. we're marking time. Disregard the current ladder...it will be meaningless by season's end unless we rediscover attacking footy .
  15. An interesting post...much to be considered. It's good the thuggery has been made accountable. Im affraid i cant agree with you if your sentiment is the quality of umpiring and its effects upon the game both as the user is concerned ( i.e.. players confusion etc ) as well as the visual... the spectacle ; has not become nearvto farcical as ive ever seen... That would be 59 years of watching. It would be fair to say I'm probably more equiped to disect what I'm seeing now than i was say at ...5... Once games were supervised by one...one field umpire. Amazing to think really. Then 2...3....and now 4. Their numbers havent added anything notable... The AFL has introduced intrusive 3rd party adjudication. Goals by camera. Except it's far from absolute and arguably detrimental to the flow of the game. The quality of the game revolves around fairness. Nothing more encapsulates that ideal than the Charlie , but the game is mocked by none other than those entrusted to oversee and secure its uniqueness. One only need look at the ridiculous carrying ons of the MRO. The tribunal has lost its lustre. I have no doubt your posr is well meaning, reasonable and quite correctly a balanced view of life and football. That said Redleg's lament was to football and how it is run today. I can hardly fault his dissertation. He echos essentially what I see. I'm not so sure the frustration expressed , indeed as i read it was to the necessity ( if any ) to maintain any status quo. I saw it as pining for times when fairness, and consistency of adjudication were not only manifest but transparent. I think if you were to survey reasoned, observent , considered and 'balanced' followers of the game they might also lament where we find todays game. Ill agree... football and society has changed.
  16. He doesn’t.... imho.. i really like Tom... very personable. A true swing player.. on his day an excellent user of the ball and one of those with as a Mr J Wayne would suggest ...true grit. Always remember a game against Swans a few years back.. the bloids had come back and were besting us.. Tmac in the pocket.. Something snapped/switched.. he forced himself upon the ball.. flung aside a number of Swans ..pirouetteted to line up on sticks ..and bang.. I was mightily impressed... But sadly Tommy cant bring that version to play anymore... his body is cruelling him. Hes lost pace and though he still has a tank he's not quite there in AFL terms... and that must annoy him as he is a proud bloke. If he can play and be useful at Casey...i hope he uses the time to his enjoyment.
  17. He's certainly a well spoken and amicable lad. But please dont ask me to believe he wasn't aware of the win - loss stat. Thats a bit much. I was always acutely aware of how i/we were tracking as a player. Im just sayin' ...that's all He knows.
  18. Oddly, in a manner, many if those remarks could have been effectively transcribed from the previous Port and Dockers efforts at doom and gloom. Yet here we are These scummy folk are a lot more certain about the Dees than im prepared to be currently.
  19. Seems we are selecting these days the same way we play.... i.e trying not to lose as opposed trying to win. If it's as i suppose it would account for the close loses as opposed close wins. Selection will be revealing later today.
  20. What we understand as Phonetics...is modern Phonetics.. kinda came into play early 19th century.. a little late for the Greeks to be worried.
  21. Seems there's a simple formula in operation. May + Lever less capable 3rd = Struggle Street May +Lever+ Petty... =sweet May works much better when he can seemingly bark the ideas...as does Lever... but they need the "polishers" to make it look truly pretty. Salem and Petty do this well. Salem was ( in that Big Dance that mattered) the 'pilot' of the back 50. He's been missed ( imho ) Salem makes much better decisions coming out of defence. I believe Lever and May like having the cool calm Salem to sweep the ball into rebound. I think May is unsettled without that 3rd and 4th wheel.
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