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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Dont think for a minute WADA only just decided to appeal. Their now playing"Their ' game. They are going to take down the cheating element at Essendon and put their heads on stakes for the world to see.. This is precedent making stuff, ground breaking for this kind of offence. This has been coming all along. Why announce now ? Why give a schmuck an even break ? Essendon's naughty ones will now get spanked after just getting Dacked !!
  2. the records are a blind in reality....all you need to do is join the rest of the dots "comfortably" something the 3 wise ones never had the intention of doing
  3. irony...Sanity HAS Prevailed !!!!
  4. anyone see a scramble for plane seatst near Windy Hill this morning?????
  5. certainly can ollie...via the Supreme Court Different ball game now huh !!! This is what all the lobbying and propaganda shenanegans was all about....avoiding this at all costs. This is no longer the EFC/AFL corrupt little caper. This is where they have NO sway at all !! diddums
  6. all part of the self-righteous , ( we're the victims really ) spin !!
  7. And they still dont get it..the morons....They will soon enough ...lol
  8. ye of 'little' faith !!
  9. No I wasn't on the WADA site all night..lol .... Happened to been roads works going on all night outside... at about 4.30 had enough , made a cup of tea, checked the news...and woohoo LATEST: ESSENDON chairman Paul Little has expressed his shock over the World Anti-Doping Agency’s decision to lodge an appeal on the AFL Anti-Doping Tribunal’s decision regarding 34 former and current Essendon players. or as his little mate Neeldy would put it...."Geez, I didnt see that one coming !! " Shock Paul ? Really... me think you protest too much!! Tis time your felonious lot got their come uppance
  10. Can't wait to see the fanboy brigade go feral Sorry you cheating bastards......it HASN'T gone away at all, it's just arrived at the REAL judgement day ! Au revoir Jacques Merde ! The ducks have lined up !!!
  11. And BANG !!! WADA lodges appeal to CAS https://www.wada-ama.org/en/media/news/2015-05/wada-statement-on-afl-cases
  12. Macca,it all comes down to the 'dots' The Tribunal never wanted to. It sought a way of not doing it even when patently obvious. CAS I should imagine will not have any compulsions about extrapolating the obvious..or "reasoned to comfortable satisfaction" because it willl be happy with that.. Effectively the level of proof could be exactly the same between the tribunal and CAS, it all comes down to what youre trying to do? 1) seek a likelihood based upon probabilities and an acceptance of much prime face. or 2) not do as per (1) Even upon the public availed evidence and such youd have thought WADA had a case to go with, let alone all the stuff we arent privy to. The tribunal was setup in my belief from the get go by utilising a defined and narrow brief as well as selection of members likely sympathetic to the ideologies of the AFL. If that spells conspiracy because the League sought to extract a decision based upon how it conspired...then yes. Thats obvious. About to become interesting I sense
  13. Agree...theres been quite a few sympathetic articles to the Essendon cause from the Aged. Its mainly Caro who's after Hird. Robbo and Warner make up the star idiots corner at teh little paper. Most others bounce along somewhere in between depending on what day of the week it is. Masters and Lane have been somewhat straight forward in their views though.Just what is...is...and they they Essendon , more than Hird per se have something to answer for
  14. simply the nature under which it works !!
  15. But CAS are free to draw an entirely different set of conclusions from what ISNT said, if thats the situation. The Tribunal only seemed interested in what was forced down their throat !! For a start , witnesses MUST attend or be in contempt. They must answer under oath and what they dont say may be as damning as what they do. I imagine we'll hear something in about 10 hours times.. Would be about right for a 10 am presser in Montreal
  16. keep in mind its currently Sunday Night 10.56 pm in Montreal...nothing gunna happen right this min
  17. LDVC. Its my understanding that on application that CAS can subpoena who and what it likes ( with reason ) through the guise of the Supreme Court. Asada sought this power but the Government didnt pass such provisions. ( nobbled in the Senate ) Nothing save the repercussions of proven perjury can ever compel anyone in a box to say anything !! But previous testimony etc can be represented to them for validation etc. Heres where clever legal folk can trap the unsuspecting ones....or those that are too clever by half. But turn up they must, lest they suffer the consequences.
  18. ASADAs case whilst a 'correct' one was probably always hindered by elements beyond its control. Lets just say not everyone that ought to have been on the same side, were. I still think WADA WILL appeal. It has 24 hours or so to do so. Matters not whether it does this second or during its normal business hours Monday ( Canadian time ) Its just a process for it. It will probably proceed, if eventuates, after the meeting this weekend. That would seem logical. I have no idea why it 'wouldn't' Bin !! I would have thought it very likely it does., but if it doesnt...it.....doesnt. We'll know soon enough
  19. There are two elements to this. Firstly its not ever been so much about the evidence per se but how those that were charged to make a judgement on it came to do so.. Its but universally acknowledged by many observers ( both lay and professional ) that a duality occurred in respect to how the 3 wise ones approached aspects of their 'comfort'..What was seemingly fine to use as a yardstick for some deliberations suddenly was ousted and replaced by a higher order of proof required in other areas. The evidence wasnt so much the governing factor as to its weighing and application.. Also as is also seen now ASADA were deliberately hamstrung by elements of 'power' that just dont want it to be a serious player in Drugs governance. ASADA cant compel witnesses , WADA can. So here we have circumstances that would be enacted upon different . The idea ASADAS case was weak and so therefore would WADAS is a furphy. As to the other, if WADA dont appeal, one Id be disappointed but id be more concerned that it would be disasterous fro sport overall. There would be major fallouts amongst various interested bodies and I cant see it being a good result. But if it doesnt...it doesnt.. Theres no spin.
  20. and a team player as opposed..........
  21. Coates simply saying ASADA is currently hamstrung with half hearted backing. I also see this as a prologue to WADA making an announcement.
  22. agree...we often play to the oppositions mind set. Is as though we've conceded the game mentally then enact the prediction..
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