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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. probably a more realistic get than Dangers....works fro me........make it so ( whoever )
  2. Now would be a marvelous time to abandon the correct path of ethics by continuing with WADA and instead strike out on ones own with unparalleled integrity !!!
  3. its ok ManDee.. we're bound to get dizzy at times in here
  4. No one carryying on a program such as this could hope to keep above it all " just in their head"...even one as big as Donks. There's a record...somewhere. Its too valuable for its info to have been binned by the "Scientist". He'd think himself far too sneaky to get caught...hes above such little folk...he's "clever"
  5. I said the tribunal was a crock.. Were they complicit.. well... They did exactly what the AFL expected them to do. As to the morals or legality of same said such... spin at best.
  6. think what you like mate.. they were picked for a reason.. as others have also explained... panels are often selected by gov's and whatever according to shown sympathies etc. This was no different. The wise ones are not gods...there just people. People are not perfect. Though these were perfect for the job !!
  7. I understood his position.. shame the reality of the situation suggested it was an entire crock.
  8. yeah...tis not quite like tv/movies would have it believed eh DC still short of a hard drive visiting a crematorium youd expect to get something off of it.... you just have to find it !!!!! I would think its proximity far closer to Donks than Windy Hill. They had the sense I think to not keep the records close....just accessible I reckon theyve all just been looking in the wrong places. If you had the heads up is easy enough to rebuild a server/files etc .....sans 'what you dont want to return" Personally Id have though a person's laptop the most likely repository for this sort of stuff...and only saved to a jump-drive...now that WOULD be easy to destroy....no backups there...just gaaaawwwwwwwnnn !! or hidden in a bottom draw somewhere til the right occasion comes along
  9. you mean...like a membership/union fee ?? too sensible best let Uncle Gil pay for it.........he'll look after you !!
  10. of course...and I agree 100%
  11. Is there any real doubt in hindsight why these 3 "wise' ones were selected by the AFL ?
  12. surely the logic you come to this is...you apply the SAME level to ALL evidence...It then falls where it falls etc I would also suggest WADA will definitely pose the counter argument to this situation. "If not TB4 then what? and how, and ...and ...and "
  13. for those unaware : More lies, counter-claims and hatred: Can WADA do what ASADA couldn't?I fell decidedly odd posting something from DB in a positive manner. . Strange times !! Its a reasonable portrayal of the situation though...so well done Barrett.. ( think I need to shower )
  14. Ernest, in all seriousness, what real evidence is needed thats not already there.? The Tribunal deliberately chose to 'evade' particular paths evidentiary construction thus allaying them of needing to tackle further "curly' ones. With more 'balanced' viewing of what is ALREADY there an entirely different construct can be had.
  15. Something for consideration regards any idea of the AFL 'releasing itself of obligation from participating in WADA code observance. It is just about compulsory ( my understanding ) that any sporting group in this country receiving and grants/funding , help of any persuasion from a Government of semi -gov authority MUST be subscribed to the relevant code dealing with, well anything. i.e Doping/drugs...WADA. Police checks and Working with Children required to underage sports etc. Coach moving to full accreditations...right across Should the AFL withdrawl they are likely to then not be in line for ANY money from these kind of sources. Their Grass-roots funding and ability to participate effectively against competing codes, indeed any sports fighting for numbers etc will be sorely hampered. It would be business suicide. There is a groundswell of disillusionment amongst many parent towards any sport that cant govern itself, cant protect their kids. Parent dont want kids anywhere near drugs and rightly so. They would vote with their feet and abandon AFL in sufficient numbers to do the game much harm should Gil the Dill attempt any such stupidity ( let alone do it )
  16. doesnt need any NEW evidence...thats a blind. Everything is ALREADY there...for those that will SEE, and comprehend. The Tribunal had no interest in a fair appraisal of ALL that was before it. It selectively applied one rational here, another and then stuck its head up its arse. It did what teh AFL intended....whitewash !! CAS will see things very differently. "No new evidence,,,,WADA to fail" Its a campaign to throw doubt etc.. its a joke
  17. I have no doubt ...they might try...or 'test the waters". I can also see a huge lobby countering them. A simple question will be posed : "Why, what do you want to hide ?"
  18. how to say this nicely FCUK YOU HAWTHORN !!!! there
  19. NFL has never operated under WADA code...it can stay aloof. The AFL would need a way to extricate itself. Can not see how it can without severing ties with all that support it..
  20. I can see no way any major sport..or minor for that matter will be able to operate and be accredited , funded , assisted etc in this country if it doesnt abide by the rules...i.e the WADA code. A country with such a massive sporting monicker will not be allowed to have one of it s prime codes operate OUTSIDE of the fence.
  21. Dont you just love the way the Fanboy press mischievously dance with words. "WADA blocks key Bomber advisor"...... Now we know Grace is unable to represent Essendon now being a registered Arbitrator must recuse HIMSELF because thats the protocol. It has nothing to do with any effort or ploy by WADA. Personally I feel after this Grace should be DEREGISTERED as an arbitrator as he obviously has his allegiances compromised...Youre either a judge or an player ( lawyer/solicitor/qc ) in this arena...not both
  22. Ive often thought this "spreadsheet" crap is/was just a ruse to deflect and provide quasi plausible deniability... Create a phantom, get people to buy into it, then have it unobtainable. Something akin to being told something then instructed to dismiss it. It cant be unheard.. Nor can this lot of cods-wallop be un-Hird !! Any sensible person ( rule out about 90% involved in this ) would have used a record sheet with generics representing the different "good stuffs" . Then again Donk and Dummer thought they were all too clever. ALl that a spreadsheet could infer is some for of recording was used. WOW !! theres a paradigm shift in scientific procedure.. "Notes!!!" What theyve cunningly tried to suggest is that if such a regime existed then we'd have records for it. i.e no records no regime. The logic doesnt hold for you could have done something and no notes, or you could have done another thing with or with out notes. I.e theres nothing about any of this records that is absolute...of itself I brief sidestep into History... Who doubts the Pyramids exist ??? Show me the records and plans by which they were built ? My point being...you can not erase a value of what remains simply for the lack of something which doesnt. Does having no records , to show, mean nothing happened, or happen as one thinks in preference to another ? The whole records business is for mine, a blind. Its classic smoke and mirrors stuff, bang-puff....look over here.....ahh but its really all happening over there etc Time and time again I revert to my ol' mate Sherlock's reasoning "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth" Here we go to the notion...can they show they sought/supplied/used Thymodulin ? I would say NO. All roads lead to gaining access to THymosin. Its not that hard ......really !!!
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