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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. As an observation we seem to be , as a group, still with some focus of getting that "glamour star" , you know, the one that will fix everything !! File under "saviour complex" Whilst not adverse to such if one should happen to fall our way Id be looking for very solid B graders with some potential. OUr midfield really hasnt much depth. It will get better over time as our own fold develop but the injection of some simply decent footballers who can play a role will provide amazing dividends. Think in terms of Cross. Hes a very steady and solid contributor. Not saying find that age bracket necessarily but we need good honest decent footballers.. We need mids.Capable ones, dont need to be shiny star like . Theres far more pawns on a board than knights or bishops !! So if we lower our sights just a tad, who can we get.Thats where Id be looking
  2. Gawn's without doubt the 'smartest' of our current ruck stocks. Does he have that long lasting chassis to match ?
  3. totally agree. Interesting that the likes of Brayshaw, Van da man and to a point Salem arent making these same misjudgements ( well not at the same regularity as some of the older heads !!
  4. One match does not a winter make...or somethiing Just need to see that Maxxy can actually run games out...in succession...and with effect. If so, we might really have something
  5. Given that we're making a big play at September action I thoroughly concur... actually.. We have THAT much depth currently...how about we play a kid with a bit of form...you know...just to have a look etc...I know...maverick thinking !! but hey
  6. The Essendon Defence Stategy :
  7. Gee I seem to recall certain Essendon Coterie gloating about having helped keep certain potential witnesses quiet with a littl 'hush ' funding.. In a vacuum the likes of Francis are perfectly camouflaged !!
  8. You'd think unlikely ANB will start....Roos's path invariably gets him (ANB) the 'welcome' jacket !!
  9. nor IFit for need
  10. bugger speedy recovery lad....*sigh*
  11. Gee how long before someone rolled it out: He playing better. Quite frankly hed want to; 3 seasons in ...for 24 games only......seldom mentioned in despatches. Probably in team presently because of injuries to others if we're truly honest just for comparison say some kid called Gus.. 10 games only , for a rising star nomination already. Auto first 22 selection when Jimmy starts playing as consistently and as well as the Gusman...then theres something to crow about. It would be an injustice not to acknowledge his betterment ( Dimitri ) but then really his only trajectory had to be up...just saying
  12. thought so.....bandaid's in the mail old boy !
  13. wow ....a simple question leads to a conundrum. Jamar.....can ruck/run all day...but overall is summed up as , very good at tapping ball to feet. Effectiveness.......next to zero I reckon Spencer...has that wonderful menacing mongrel about him. I like that. Rucking, not so crash hot but second efforts etc are good. Has some tank Gawn. Best skilled of all, CAN actually ruck to advantage...kinda novel. Can actually kick a ball to a position....doubly novel. Can he run all day ??? ahhhhh the $64 question...answer....wtfk !! I think the Russian can see the writing... Can Spencil develop more or are we sort of thereabouts with him ? Can Maxxy stay on the paddock ?? I honestly thought Max was all but Gawn before this past weekend. Who do I like the best , push come to shove ? Max...am I convinced, far from it. Its very Melbourne isnt it !! lol
  14. Its not bad. He kicks as many behinds though as goals really. He gives a wide berth to the naughty drugs bit by over simplifying it but that aside his goal of the day is surely..When James, when are YOU going to take responsibility and its YOU that have the club where they are..( is that two goals ?? lol ) Also , though I can understand as an ex player he sympathises with the players its also they that are complicit..so diddums really if they are now in a morose state. Whole place must be like a powder keg. !!! shame...lol
  15. and that they would know the direction of the goals ( ours ) and make it their job to run that way !!!
  16. This is where I think we fall down on game day. Its all well and good to have these master plans etc .. but when its not working on the day , or some players arent "listening" a'with it " coaching box will get a little innovative...and why not ?
  17. the one in 2010 not worth considering ?
  18. and a Cloke with Dagger accuracy
  19. yes that was the real brilliance of that goal, dropping to let the other guy go past. Very clever, very intuitive. Was great footy.
  20. I'm only guessing but if all of this has been according to some script then the second half of season 15 will see things ramped up as much as can be . This will lift workloads and accountabilies/expectations leading into 16. Tempo, cohesion and output need to lift.. Honeymoon over. Roos needs to really start delivering what he can from this lot.
  21. if you're not joking...I wouldn't be. It actually goes to the root of our malaise. A lot of things CAN be nullified . A. Lot of effort can go into scoring and those little brain fades can bring effort undone. Not making mistakes helps big time.
  22. some of our better collaborative work for sure.
  23. I mean...if only someone had run through Oxley....
  24. even my fiilth mate said we were unfortunate lol
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