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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Might reserve my thinking til ...well... after our next game. All will be revealed then I'm thinking. Ironically the game is often mocked as a psuedo Grand Final. It wont be.... a Grand Final Test ? Perhaps. Ought to be a humdinger
  2. The Royal Weekend's Game will be won by the better defence. Who ever is selected, or not, needs to be part of a 'one minded' seemless team effort down there. We've no discernable or obvious plan of attack ( other than Hail Mary be thy name) but we can possibly cobble up something to get the leather thing through the sticks. We simply need to thwart any ability of the Pies to get creative. In that vein i dont mind loading it with May, Lever, Hibberd, Salem, throw in Tommo , Rivers McVee
  3. Have we not learnt about debuting noobs on the Royal Weekend ;)
  4. Be better though if he did do ...not nearly did
  5. Kiss of death ??? 🤔🤷🤷
  6. Got to give the coach his due.. So do they keep the gig with Dew ?? He derserves it.
  7. Thats the ideal and proper action. Remove said transgressor from field... the team can deal with it as best able.
  8. Yes... you suggest the 2 thoughts are incompatible ?? You do realise hes judged against others...in other games of THIS round ?? You get that i assume. I thought he played well the other night... i can also extend my thinking that someone else might play a blinder more akin to whatever the ajudicators deems a R.S performance. None of this need be incongruent. I can see the elements of JVR which will have above many of his compatriots in years to come. None of this is hard to understand. Try again perhaps....
  9. This might come across ti some as a bit , well, ridiculous but some fwds, even some very good ones are kinda like 1-to- 2 trick ponies. By this i mean they do one or two things quite/very well and thats it. You will and would always have them for those very qualities/ abilities. And then there's kids like Roo. They're different, very different. He's a thinker. They're not as common as some might suggest. Lot's can play, not all can think. Every game is developing that footy mind. A couple more preseasons... He'll be almost impossible to play on.
  10. I think you over rate us.. thank you. Im not denigrating their efforts... but rising star ( on the night ).. seriously doubt it. I thought Rooseys effort against the Bloods might have raised an eyebrow... seems not. They were both good last night.. exceptional 🤷🤷
  11. What universe are we in 🤷🤷🤷
  12. No Rome wasnt built in a day....burnt in one though When does anyone suppose we use use as a start-built date then ??
  13. Given there's still 6 games to go this weekend I suspect there'll be ample opportunity for some kid to play some exemptional footy it a higher skilled game that will secure this week's nomination. Cant see much to rave about last night....
  14. That was about as far removed from ecstasy as i could imagine. We've Mr Reliable Fritter.. way off the boil. Somehow teams still best us at centre bounces ( more often than not ). Someone needs to run tutorials on weighting kicks... might save us from ramming the leather down opponents throats. The idea of playing on...is to do that...quickly, not in a manner you invite your opponents to participate. Interesting that both styles on display at times. The backs weren't that bad last night.... but there was little rhyme reason or composure going forward. Ill take the 4 points.... im still not all warm and fuzzy about it. You're welcome to be.
  15. My three ins.... Oliver, Hibberd and Milkshake Smith was neither particularly good nor particularly bad but you could ask what he did do that would make retaining in the lineup mandatory. We're going to need a little bit of something playing the Pies... Melky might bring a bag of tricks.
  16. And thats the one area we're excelling in 😉
  17. As i see it ...and it's in a Team context, I think he did the role asked... to keep Harry honest ( as it were ) ...apply pressure, thus releasing Lever and May to do what THEY do well.....and they did. Tommo...didn't excel... he complimented the backline. Had he snuffed out Harry many would be ringing his praises... He did ok. Better OK.. than not.
  18. All of that is essentially true... but we'll need more savvy than get ball, kick ball. Our game seemed bereft of any intellectual capacity as to how to effectively transit the fwd50. Just bang it in... in fact just kicking somewhere was often the choice of play. That or ignoring the field....as big as it is and running along the boundaries. We're experts in playing low % footy.
  19. Well... hmm. Well.. Had a sleep and still.pondering exactly what it was i saw. Positives... well..we won, though we really tried hard at times to let them off the hook with a win. I had trepidations going in thatvthis might not be a happy night... and whilst we did take the 4 points...allin all that was a dogs breakfast. If i had to find one word......putrid. It hurt to watch it was that bad at times. Strangely and teasingly both teams showed some ability at times. Carlton much more fluid and enterprising when they had the ball. Lucky they didn't have it enough. . McKay... wtf.....what kind of bozo goes around the corner 45 out on a non acute angle ( other than Joe Daniher lol ) Bizarre.....lucky he did...as a goal then.....and we might not be the happy chappies today. Tommo did his job... not brilliantly but pair thar with Lever and Mays game.... now think.about that. JVR ... a real keeper. Our new fwd Bailey Yipper.. lamentable Someone woke Max up ... thanks. It was a hard game to palate.. In the main.it was rubbish football. Maybe our brand is NQR because thats how it looked. Efforts were made... but in general it didnt mesh properly. I feel like ive gone into the bakery, ordered a chunky pepper steak and mushroom pie and been served up a tepid 4n20 substitute. In both instances... i ll take it as im hungry. Better be better next game.. That lot know all about Pies...and winning . It wasnt a loss....... just
  20. You've earnt an Elephant stamp for excellence. A very decent appraisal of our malaise. Crossed fingers and toes for tonight
  21. Confounds me why anyone ( here ) would be interested. Let him ( sadly ) be some other club's trainwreck. Not all cut out for the big time. Lets find those that are.
  22. Whatever did happen to that game style 🤔🤔🤷🤷🤷 I miss that 🥴🥴🥴
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