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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. "Keep quiet about it " Well..there you have it, an admission of unequivocal guilt. Why keep quiet about anything unless ......... So Essendon knew it was wrong. The ringleaders Hird etc , all knew it was wrong. Even when some doubted it they were told to shut up. Shut up about what ? The players , or some there of obviously knew something was WRONG. There goes " No significant fault " To make it worse the club and the players were complicit in covering it up. This is all so dodgy it's almost unbelievable.
  2. This might seem the most prudent path. Whether it's round 3 or another. Just start him with a half or so for a few games and monitor closely.No sense undoing all the hard work. He's proving to be made of stern stuff with laudable mettle. Bravo to the lad. But ease back into it son.
  3. Tim Lane. One of the very few to have a clear perspective on this debacle and to have remained consistently so.
  4. Yes...quite probably but what has this got to do with bananas I would ask ! Given it's Christmas I might try concocting some banana eggnog... Cheers
  5. Rjay logic suggests they called the players in as their testimony to date would not have lined up with Young's summations. If CAS had thought WADA was offering guesstimate rubbish the players would not have been called. Why bother. Again that CAS has shown reason to announce its concerns suggests its not WADA that disbelieved. If CAS finds in favour of the players , whilst surprised and disappointed I'd move on.
  6. Funny they're considering Dinge-ly .... Would have thought a little further outto Bangholme would have worked better
  7. Keep in mind it wasn't Wada calling the players in. It was CAS. Why would they do that if happy with what they had put forward as their 'story'.Its not only reasonable to draw the conclusion that CAS weren't buying their initial offeringsbut it's supported by their (CAS) comments afterwards. Some things are actually quite plain to see.
  8. That whole debacle was farcical. T'was all nudge nudge wonk wink between the AFL and the Hill. All boys club stuff. But,alas, it will count. That's all though.
  9. You won't get nsf to fly by forgetting to mention hundreds of jabs. CAS aren't buying it either hence their dragging in of players and raising the idea of concern. 2 years minus provisionals. Deal with it Essendon... All your doing.
  10. Helping...and no significant fault are out the window. NSF is next to impossible to bag. They "knew" something. As to helping
  11. They are a sponsor.....good get
  12. boy has our list improved since them
  13. I knew the minute he picked up that guitar...he was going to let rip
  14. Was there ever someone as conflicted and so inept, He's put the club before his family. Shameful
  15. Have read some. Yes. As soon as my son gives me back his copy I'll finish it. Suffice to say gave read enough do far to see how he's painting it ( and over ) Suffice to say I wasn't wasting any of my money on it...but as eldest is a Bomber (forgive him) and as I am firmly of one opinion ( not his ) he thought he'd read up on it....is about as close to any semblance of what's gone on he's prepared to go.
  16. Week in the naughty corner for even suggesting it
  17. I don't purport my offering as anything but opinion except where reporting a fact. I haven't written a book pretending one is the other
  18. I'd agree with this essentially. For me the ruse is it's really an opinion piece jacketed as a clinical assessment.
  19. A problem for me is how easily Chip slides into the role of effectively blaming Asada/wada/CAS ..in reality anyone who's role it is to deal with such breaches. That's procedural. And hasn't been quickened by any or all of the "help" given by the accused.
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