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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Yes ..was going to suggest he was on the wrong team.. a bit of a sniping dog if you ask me. And totally unecessary as a very gifted player. Always played with niggle. It annoyed/s me he tarnished the Charlie ... imho. Take away the rubbish play...maybe... but it was there plain as day.
  2. I should imagine it means.... out of hospital today ; Training tomorrow
  3. Time to fly the flag ... Get in first ...set the tone... They want us to play as if it's a GF... Let's educate them.....
  4. Rather they got done in a PF... point after the siren... They can then watch US lift the Cup a week later 😉
  5. I'd be happy enough for us to help them with their "due-loss" ;)
  6. Nic ..yes.. Josh ?? really ?? All a bit of fluff really... imo
  7. When's he on the books til ? Might need to get the paperwork out ;)
  8. Well called by some. Not for a moment undeserved but am pleasantly surprised. Roooooooooooooo 👏👏👏👏👏👏
  9. Yes....saw that before too. It's only interesting...and not indicative ( as such ) Bookies have got us wrong a few times this year lol. But the trend is a curiosity.
  10. As with any group.. you have the noobs... the experienced ones, the more senior ones....etc Pay scales accordingly... like any organisation. But organise, train and pay them properly. Make the game better ... i.e less ambiguous and subjective rules.. Make it easier to umpire and to facilitate their abilities and accountability. Its a dogs breakfast currently....fair to no one.
  11. Picket to make "friends" with Daicos ??
  12. May i suggest making him VERY uncomfortable ;)
  13. Absolutely. Scenario for moi Game ends. 15/20 mins to get on Richmond Station. Maybe 5-15 mins for train 45mins on train 5mins walk to car 45/50 min drive home. It's a very late night.
  14. Oh..btw.... can we get someone to babysit Daicos. Harmesy would have been the obvious choice.... alas. Quiten Daicos and maintain the "Wall" down back. We can win. Wouldn't hurt for wayward Bailey and cameo Kozzie to buck up and fire either. Have a great day Brodie ;) Your chance to shine for a team that actually wants you
  15. I suspect he's not 100% ...not even 90% of his required fitness. I also suspect this is injury related and is hampering him from fully committing to contests. I.e he cant play to the level he wants to/ needs to. He's never struck me as a lazy or unmotivated player. I'm sensing his career is now crueled.
  16. It's an accurate assessment. Any bunch of idiots with half a brain would realise this and correct it. Luckily for us we have sunch a bunch of idiots at Melbourne.. so all will be right ..🤔🤔🤷🤷
  17. Umpiring needs to be professional. Simple as that. Every possible aspect of discussion revolves around or emanates from it not being so currently. Beggars belief that it isn't.
  18. We only get to play who turns up. So who ever it is...we better TURN UP. Just need a win.
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