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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Hit me with your night music stick !!
  2. Roos is pizzed off.evidence enough for me. He doesn't give much away. 10 to1 he was being a young buck and stuffed up. Again not end of the world but good opportunity to teach a lesson.
  3. You joke but he has both a responsibility to his contract to say nothing of to himself for his career He fcuked up. It was dumb and exhibits his naïveté early in his senior career. I'm not wanting to crucify him.... Just teach him.
  4. Bossdog. I'm not overreacting. Im reacting. In the context of his job he has of his own fault shown up as not fit for work. That ought to be dealt with
  5. My only thinking is whilst it's not end of the world stuff it was entirely preventable. Though I'd facilitate all medical assistance I'd fine the idiot. Christian. You're now a professional athlete under contract. Grow some brains ffs.
  6. Nice....lol International OK/ not bad. Domestic ??? Yeah ...can be roll the dice. The ticketing clerk tried to rebook 5 of us on r different flights via 2 different layovers on two different days. The manager I requested saw it differently... Eventually... 3 & half later. If they had seen reason a bit quicker we might have made the hotel before the kitchen closed. I like Canada. But wasn't impressed with AC. Anyhow....how's them Dees
  7. If we didn't know it we're fools. If we did know it and went ahead anyway....we're..... Hmm..still fools.
  8. Air Canada isn't that flash. They have very little competition within Canada. They regularly stuff up. Ask any Canadian..esp those servicing the industry. The shuttle driver just rolled eyes.."Air Canada eh....do it ALL the time" . There are worse airlines. United comes to mind lol.
  9. Had a White Christmas in Banff. Traveling to UK only to have Air Canada f up and we missed the connecting flight. Had to be put up in Montreal.... Well....more the Airport precint...marvee !!
  10. I leave the county and the place goes to rack, ruin and ribald
  11. Zuchinis, cucumbers anyone ?
  12. I've been way laidand stuck in a dank ( yukyuk) hotel near Montreal airport thanks to Canada's offering to a fcuked up airline. Any happy news here... ???
  13. I really want to see this guy out there. ... (sigh) 4-6...fmf
  14. Was most concerned there for a moment Red
  15. Is Don.....is done
  16. No
  17. Not bad with a little Chianti
  18. Yeah I read about that ..The Colonel is huge on Xmas day. Just having a "Banff" coffee....Kahlua coffee with whiskey infused cream. Just thawing out before we tuck into our Christmas feast.. Kanuck style
  19. Well as you look to tuck into your Xmas dinners today its still Xmas eve here in Canada. Wife and I bout to head into town (Banff.....its hard....I know ) for brunch. Think I have to fly the flag. Stackofcakes with banana and Maple syrup (the REAL stuff eh ) Merry Christmas to all my good friends .....and even the others!! Tis the seaon
  20. Thinking of you all...from Banff
  21. You seriously think they've suffered ? A Mr J Elliott would reply..pig's a... They have paid lip service.
  22. Keep up matey. CAS raised concerns that the players story hadn't matched Young's. Hence why a handful of players called in to "explain" the discrepancy.
  23. Mid Jani is good. All bans refer to THAT date
  24. you know it is..... this is a classic..."gotcha" This is nothing about IP.. and as if telling the truth to ASADA would compromise their competitive advantage......given the season...Bah Humbug I say !! you know.....I know....we all bloody know..... guilty as charged
  25. So when Asada is asking you about what you have taken and howand you say Nada because you've been told too !!?? Nothing to do with IP.....that's a crock
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