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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. at least today even a kid could fix it with a trip to Boonings ... Cheap driill and box of bolts !!
  2. some of my thinking goes to the notion that Roos espouses , and something I agree on.... The draft is footy-lotto if you are down and out and higher picks lob on your doorstep as a result then obviously you probably look to go shopping . I cant remember the last time the Premiers worried too much about finding their "Silver " player come end of season. I dont think we will fare quire as well as hoped come this seasons ladder but still not near the sharp ( or blunt ) end of drafting. I think many things can be eventually sated in house but id like a good rtr mid and two defenders...again ready to roll.. They wont come from the draft.
  3. serious question....does anyone think we will really engage the draft this year...or look to use picks as currency to get a couple of ready mades from somewhere I sense the latter....just me perhaps
  4. Its a very good explanation and a much better hybrid than our diamond. The Weagles will grapple and interface their opponents as required...we seem to line up the runway for them...chalk and cheese
  5. That's spooky. That's exactly what I got for my 6th Christmas. Matchbox Motorway when I had Specifically asked Santa for Scalextrix !! ...With the Ford GT40's Got the slots the following year with a Merc and Austin Healey. Lol P.s yes we're ancient Rev lol
  6. I do wonder just how robust the angst towards criticism of the back end will be come a few months time
  7. Maybe I should have made the context of currently in 9th. The way we are possibly heading that will be a pipe dream in itself. I seriously doubt now we will end with 10 wins, if that. We have 5 and Im not sure where more than 2-3 might come from.
  8. do i dare say ...when you send boys to fight a mans war...someones going to get hurt !! Again I go to the idea of timing. tbh if it were mine to decide id be trialing and honing all of this in the magoos. Get it as second nature there where theres some lattitude etc. Then when you have the "plan" ingrained" its then about tempo in the Seniors. We seem to be going from A to B to C to F. Our defence seems well and truly F'd right at present
  9. I think you're on the scent here Rusty. To suggest that some players being raw, or not high on games etc are letting the 'plan' down is not so much a broadside to them but to the expectancy that they could. If we just look at the defence in isolation for a moment then the style suits players with great peripheral vision and good perception. Those that can judge well the space to be guarded and to do it tightly . There's not a lot of margin for error in doing this ( that in itself concerns me ) as theres a lot of space on a footy field. You need those 5 or 6 key players down there to be all working in unison to pull it off. . We just dont have those players yet. Some are playing the wrong role, some are past it, some arent on the paddock, some are too inexperienced. All in all and for those various reasons we dont have the capacity to pull it off. So why do we suppose they can ?
  10. Chris it's about timelines for mine. If you haven't the cattle.. or enough games in legs to execute a plan, hold off. The club were patient as they instilled the knowledge etc into the game and players but seem to have gone early with too much with too little. Premature expectations !
  11. The mids not help the cause at times good Dr but even his highness has admitted the backs have not been playing tight enough. The goals against you us what loses the game. Our defence is a staggeringly mere 35 pts better than Freo's !!!
  12. Jnr , regrettably I suspect dejavu might be order of the day ?
  13. Chris...Garlo should be pensioned off.. Tom should never play as #1 back Jetta is only consistent defender and even he has off days ( thats life ) Dunn is seemingly irrelevant as he must have plssed in Roosey's cap or something. Salem is below the level we need currently , but yes there are mitigating reasons ( doesnt alter the outcome though ) Omac may or may not be quite ok in a year or two but why oh why we dont adopt the philosophy of successful winning clubs and temper things. He's too raw currently..back in the oven for a while. Frost down back....how would we gauge Hunt ...Wagner....like mixer taps...hot cold hot cold...lukewarm.... Its all a bit like trying to cram a V8 in a Mini...thats to say why try to apply something that CANT work...by design...and by design I mean ..materials and specs. Its a fail on teh drawing board..its a fail at selection..its a fail on the field oh Im wrong there IS consistency after all
  14. Our defence CAN'T apply ANYTHING consistently... Given that cattle that directive .....might as well give kids matched....It's not going to end well...and almost by design...Thats the point. It would have made more sense to be more incremental. Encourage the attacking nature of our games but in a more contained fashion perhaps, more within the abilities of the personnel and maintaining and tweaking our defence which used to work kinda ok. This wholesale change ethic has just come unstuck big time. Poor Engineering...
  15. can I come back to you after the weekend ?
  16. The direction of the club is one thing, the performance on filed is another. Im disappointed. We're losing games we had /or should been winning If we are not careful we will start addressing a home in 9th as a success.
  17. Essenscum still have tentacles at the big house. Thats how it ALL plays out. Until we can effect some sort of change or indeed get our own plant in there we will ALWAYS be treated as trailer trash
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