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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I have no doubt the club will settle for nothing less than a carton of Doritos ( extra cheese, 'the good stuff' ) , two slabs of Kirin ( or suitably similar top shelf ) , three french hens or a Family box from Reddy Rooter. I'm only half being flippant. Anything that remotely looks like a trade will get this done because that's what the club wants now, a trade done. It only has this trade period to do it and only a smallish number of suitors. My bet...any second round pick will get this over the line.
  2. Actually, it ought to be "To, not too". It's a good job there are no Grammar-Nazis here eh !!
  3. dont count on it. The club's making this up on the fly now.
  4. Yeah. Lets pillory him. Lets lambast at every public opportunity.lets trade him..lets send a message !! Ffs this club couldn't be more hypocritical at times if it tried. It lauds training and all these standards etc. Yes all worthy and sensible things....all shadowed by ACTUALLY turning up to play !! Those having their dig at Jack might actually want to be involved in games in a meaningful way for the first 30 mins or so before opening their mouths (goes for on and off field personnel ). Whilst you can not play if not prepared why prepare if not prepared to play. Some love to train the house down but forget to turn up to play. The one size fits all narrative and design belongs with the dinosaurs.
  5. Interesting to see the comments...all of them. I'm heartened to read some have never bagged Jack..I must confess I have. In the earlier days Jack managed to join an illustrious club club of "which Demon" i.e the one who'll come out to play or the lazy shlt. There have been numerous over the last decade ( at minimum ) . Over time Ive come to accept Mr Watts for what he is. A very good player with limitations in some respects and sublime skills in others. He is not that Square peg some require ..hes the round one. Jack , to be perfectly honest reminds me a little of my own son. I'll explain. Like many parents without realising it I came to want him to be like me. I have been fairly sporty over my journey. Not really a sport I couldn't play...not necessarily well but able to participate. I possess all the requisite skills to perform adequately in mat regards. I was quite good at some. my son despite wanting to please his Dad inherited all of his mothers prowess.. Totally fn useless at sports..lol. He tried...and tried.. and even surprised some. But it wasnt for him. I had to come to terms with what he was, not harp on what he isnt. This is the thing. You play to strengths. Hardwick for years tried and tried a formula which didnt work for him , his club , his list. Youd only get so far before its natural ebb would push back. He learnt to change ( with help arguably ) to learn to figure out how best to use what you DO have available , to mould a team to fit , and a style that works for them . Results are impressive arent they? I wouldnt mind that club. Make no mistake we ARE the new Richmond..the Ninemons as I cynically call ourselves. So what is this old bugger on about. ?? It's horses for courses and understanding what you DO have, as opposed to planning for what you dont. old school Asset Management. Jack in the last couple of seasons HAS actually stepped up. He just doesnt fit the image that the incoming powers that be see as ideal. He doesnt measure up to what the leadership see as requisite. He actually has more football skills than all of them combined but not the supposed work ethic.. He's '''you know" " Private School " thinks he can cruise through. Here I must say his efforts arent probably in some respects Spartan. Hes not that kind of player. Should that alienate him from being productive ? What always seems to happen is when the Noobs come to town in Management they often want to invoke their idea, their image , of what is good and workable. That's one kind of Noob. Another takes time to assess what he has to work with and plan according with a view to encapsulating as much of the vision as can be done. I see Goodwin as somewhere in between. He is perfectly within his rights to do as he sees fit but it may well be sage to bend ( as a tree ) to accommodate what you have, as opposed what you don't. It is curious that whilst SG and Co see the glass as half empty , other teams see a glass at least half full. Watts' talent doesn't come along to often. Not many could pull off the tasks thrown at him as he has done. Still this is not good enough ? He is actually a very good role player..He plays any number of roles. Is he gladiatorial ? No...Never will be . A pea heart as suggested by some ? He's withstood the barrage of not only the tag of most clubs but the animosity from within. He still smiles and runs and wants to play for the jumper. If he goes as I suspect then we as a club have a lot to learn. If he goes he goes. If he goes for peanuts..We are beyond dumb. If he goes for equals.., then why bother ? If he goes for overs we are genius . Lets see how clever this club actually is. For those that think we cant stuff up...Norm says Hello
  6. Define suitable ? Bit like the length of string ...no ?
  7. Depends solely on motive/mission and acceptable outcome ( in the eyes of SG, TV,JM )
  8. Just a curio. Many purport Jack will be saying his "Goodbyes" this evening. Just me ? If nothing actually over the line it might be ill timing all around.
  9. Watts happening ? Haven't got a clue ? Stay tuned News at 7, film at 11 Repeat: Local drama about a Champion youth with prospects , his struggles with Big City Expectations and growing up. Follow Jack on his journey to the Tan , and back around to dizzying heights of Holiday fun. Coming soon. Watts it 2 b ... or not.
  10. Ahh , someone who sees. This is exactly it for mine RN. Some have taken every opportunity to snidely throw another dagger in. Quite frankly it's poor form. He seems like a messenger boy. Message to Nate..Jack started playing 30 mins before yo did rnd 23 ( and thats just one game ) Jones might have something worthy in that barrow he pushes but it smells to tell the truth. As you suggest Rusty I think it's been all over red rover for some whiles even if it took some getting used to for Watts and co. A lot of 'nicey nicey' verbage has been thrown up to sweeten the cesspool but a cesspool it is none the less. All in all i just cant see the ledger coming out in the black on this whole debacle and yet 2018 will come and we'll all move on. Better get this right MFC or they'll speak of the Watt's curse in tandem with Norm's !!
  11. interesting choice there. ... Biffo's barking mad and his dog bark's madly Crow's CEO's Wife...got to be a font football knowledge there !! My god...the crud they dredge from the Torrens these days “From my understanding ( so subjective ! ), and I’m not a club spokesperson ( but I'm going to pretend I am now ) but I do hear a bit, and from my understanding ( see previous ) theclub is pretty bemused (read..mightily plssed off ) byall those reports,” Alana Fagan Stick to the Chardonay Alana. Melbourne reportedly getting the job done. Crows returning to earth !!
  12. hes sunning himself in qld last I heard. Has far more happier distractions than Dland currently ( been a member of the GOMC for yonks DC )
  13. It's the times we are in. Instant gratification, click bait , Kardashians ffs etc. Hardly anything put up is actually credible if you drill down into them. Probably the one thing ol Donny will be remembered for as being absolutely on the money is the notion of Fake News. Journalists were once an honoured brigade. Now their descent into media hackery makes it hard to believe anything from anyone. The few good ones are tarred with a very big brush these days. The other side of the coin is it seems the general populace have dumbed down to accommodate also. Only have to look at the drivel on telly and even some of the 'sensational' stuff on the non-fta. Look how people are slaves to popular icons. The modern person often just wants a distraction from the durge. The Trade period is called a Circus for a very good reason; it's full of smoke and mirrors, of grandstanding, of supposed death defying scoops but we all know the Circus is a Show . It's sensational by its very nature. Those driving the show understand this and play their games. Quite frankly the only aspect of this time of year that is real is how the lists look AFTER it. Sideshow alley until then.
  14. This is it. I suppose the same can be said of a vast many really..It'll be about consistency. As noted he does have some serious footy nouse. This in my estimation is something unable to be taught. You either have the brain for it..or not. Good players...to usurp Kennedy , just DO, they don't think, they DO. If you have to think its too late. ANB is tracking ok...its a bit up and down and so to your 'concern' if it ( inconsistency ) does turn out to be simply the aberrations along the curve then fine. There's some serious syncopation of play at times between the likes of Clarry and this LAd...I hope this cements and grows. I'll watch with interest. Still at pencil stage
  15. If i may. Goodwin has shown elements ans some ability akin to good coaching. Currently he may well be quite good, but very good is a stretch. Hes also shown some ineptness. I hope the 'very good' does indeed arise.
  16. Nor I . JH has been mercurial in horse trading picks. Might depend on what GC or Giants mught need for their ' numbers' game. I watch with fascination.
  17. I was replying to your post Read my answer in that context. My reference was generic. Interesting you think it was Jones specific. Jones is a soldier and fair in that role. No General. Those who can oust are often higher up.
  18. nor do you..but im capable of observing things over a period of time.
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