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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Its always about a team thing...team roles etc in the modern vernacular and more importantly about the scoreboard. Tackles per se is irrelavant other than as a TEAM stat as it depends on who is supposed to do watt ..i mean what You bringing up Watts tackles as if it's imperative !! bogus
  2. Team A:. G. P. Team B G. P. See where I'm going ?
  3. in words of one syllable yes. PJ is not a footy person..hes admin. He'll abide the view of the FD as being sound until it shows itself otherwise. Would you not ? Of course..that might be too late..possibly. Your words and constraints as to what happens. UH nice try. I think the FD is close to good...not quite there. Why would YOU fire them ALL under that pretext ?
  4. it's a very good question. It comes multi barbed I warn. Ask yourself about that question...possibly...why is Watts the be all and end all of the culture of the club ....supposedly...why is he assigned lepper status.....just .....why ?? People are not always bright. Even people upon high.
  5. I accept that view GV I just never accept anything at face value. Maybe I've read too much Christie, too much Doyle...maybe Brown intrigues me too much and I cant help but feel Shakespearean ( and enjoy bacon ) but I seldom believe anything anyone tells me lest anything in print or web etc. Not much left to reference but the spaces between lines. In its simplicity I dont think the club is anywhere close to being beyond reproach. It has handled itself admirably in recent times but not without hiccups. For mine the current FD has f@18 all points on the board. I know it's heresy to suggest it's ridden coat-tails but that's my position. To me it fk'd up big time this season. That's not to be laid at Jack's feet . That's not to be Jacks DCM !! But it's become such., Faceless men ( in a fashion ) sacrificing the most public player...wow !! Aztec proud !! Am impressed with the MFC ?? what do you reckon ? and yes...I'll still sing the song...of course
  6. it's been that sort of journey hasn't it. who will be next I wonder
  7. what IF the Club deserves to be brought under gaze ?? Do you think the FD plss champagne ? We are only ever an assembly of humans...humans have faults. Ponder that also I admire your counsel here. Not all might suggest it warranted but we all get what we are all about...mostly. then again I'm enormously respectful of an 7ft Wookie !! May the force be with us.....must more preferential than a farce
  8. you know they arent ...don't you...... Often in groups...some throw darts....some ARE the dartboard. Anyone who wold suppose that a sporting club ( totally bereft of inflated egos...lol ) would be a perfectly normal workplace has to be kidding themselves. But then ...even a perfectly normal workplace has its foibles. Footy clubs just pump them to more exalted levels. It's the nature of the beast....quite appropriate for a Demon environement
  9. A lot of players are that good at training that they're still training 3o mins into a game !
  10. mind if I bookmark this and throw it back at you later ?? You're one of those that want to quantify him over the journey and not who he is right now ? I say that as anyone else at any other club wont share your view. They'll be judging Jack on who and what he is right now and what he can bring to their game. Since Goodwin ( previously Roos ) has had influence Jack has actually lifted considerably. He just just doesn't fit the mould. Yes Jack was 5th in 2016 playing the role given. Cracker of a year. 2017..given more roles than a one man band. Did them all with aplomb 'til injured. Still came in with respectable figures all things considered . Not ONE other player was asked to play as many different positions as JAck. So by your reckoning any old bag of crisps is decent exchange?
  11. London to a brick he grows whiskers and dons blue hoops !!
  12. I'll now drive myself right back into drivel/dribble territory ( as some would have it ). Just hang on whilst I afix my target and don my flack jacket...... Im really in two minds as to where we are as a club right this very minute. I really feel as though we've gone no more than a step forward and a lurch backwards. In reality 10-12 and 12-10 and that remotely different and if folk want to break out the Champagne and light the fireworks go right ahead.. A barb thrown back at Tex by Bartel re all this money/success shlt was that Adelaide havent really had any success so in reality...stfu !! By that comparison we're still a long ways off as well and for mine we've but moved teh chairs forward on "that ship". Yeah..a cribbing forward but lets not get ahead of ourselves and be very careful about using it as a yardstick against ANYONE...especially our own. It was interesting that somewhere the remark was reported ( of the Roos discussion ) that the likes of Macca couldnt get the best out of some players ) despite his supposed mercurial talent for such ) and following Maccas departure theDogs , some esp , lift and win a cup. History is there to judge what happens after but it shows to me all is seldom as it seems. It also tells me that some folk succeed with some players where others don't. Anyone who suggest that Roos has no idea in reality highlights the namecaller themself. It would not surprise me a bit if Roos hasnt spoken to Jack since this debacle started. I have a theory. I suspected it last year. I may even have mentioned it from time to time ( or possibly was just thinking aloud...I do that ) but I think Jack had his card marked ( in thick 5b pencil ) before the season even started. He's the proverbial too hard basket for some. Ive described Jack as the round peg among a square peg ideal team before. Ive decided that the club just finds Jack too much hard work for whatever reward they feel he gives. He's somewhat unique and as such requires a unique approach. But this is a TEAM sport..we all do the same stuff ? ..NO ??? I think the current version of the FD have just given up on him as a bad exercise....too hard basket stuff. Any opportunity to belittle, to castigate, to berate Watts was taken this year. Amazing stuff really. Despite Jack being burnt on and off the filed he still wanted to play for Melbourne. Jack isn't perfect...wtf is ?? As others have suggested theres a dozen youd strike a line through ahead of Jack but that isnt what this has all been about. Its been about moving Jack on. Despite the rhetoric to the contrary I suspect the club wants all square peggers. Jack isnt one. He needed to be rid of. He gets told one thing and subjected to another . Any number of double standards are in effect at the club currently but Jack isnt flavour of the month. No, he's been scapegoat of the year. Many who think this is about Jack, in terms of debate and discussion are actually missing the bigger picture. Its all very well to grunt and brouhaha about standards but when they arent applied across the board, or up the ladder then the whole thing becomes a laughable joke...and a bad one. Quite frankly theres a stench about Melbounre atm for mine. This is my opinion. I own it and don;t expect ANYONE to agree. That wouldnt be very Melbourne orientated now would it !! If Jack goes for anything other than a like quality player I'm calling bullshlt and from a long time ago. Certtain folk were poised with their textas to change the pencil to indelible ink and have now got their way. I hope that leads to a Premiership..Nothing else will warrant this disgrace of a period. This club isnt new to burning people. And we wonder why we're cursed !!
  13. There is a great deal in that , if one cares to consider for a moment or two
  14. Might well be something in that. Which then makes me think the return to the club will be token. All for what ?
  15. suspect he'll be setting up shop on the Bellarine OD.....just my gut feeling The MFC have set the scene for a bag of crisps etc. All the rhetoric is papering over cracks really
  16. Apparently Tex is going in for surgery... Word has it they're scouting around for another half a brain !!
  17. no...its just that the Jack Watts saga is like watching for the inevitable. We all know whats going to happen...not if...when !!
  18. Tex and his texans have dropped their collective bundles. Too many drinking from the Torrens currently. Tex and his fellow indignants might possibly take a moment to reflect as to the why of the many leaving the Crows before uttering such nonsenses. A question to Adelaide, might Lever actually be leaving for MORE and sustained SUCCESS ? He's entitled to the money, it's footy; but before you can place one above the other in argument you might want to be able to back it up. Adelaide are conjuring hypotheticals as though they were FACT then adjudicating upon this. Possibly Adelaide has looked in the mirror and not liked what it has seen and so has to start blaming folk for their failures. So, let's start pining the "deserting rats" !! Adelaide are full of more "rats" just waiting to leave too. The Crows are in a murderous mood but they'll be the ones taken down a peg or two I sense in 2018. Many will play but not with their hearts in it. Better open another Bin 407 chaps...
  19. I have no doubt the club will settle for nothing less than a carton of Doritos ( extra cheese, 'the good stuff' ) , two slabs of Kirin ( or suitably similar top shelf ) , three french hens or a Family box from Reddy Rooter. I'm only half being flippant. Anything that remotely looks like a trade will get this done because that's what the club wants now, a trade done. It only has this trade period to do it and only a smallish number of suitors. My bet...any second round pick will get this over the line.
  20. Actually, it ought to be "To, not too". It's a good job there are no Grammar-Nazis here eh !!
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