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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. It's very likely hes now a square peg where round holes exist. I dont think he's the style of player the 'brains trust ' seek. If he's set effectively an impossible requisite how long would anyone bother ? It's easy for some to say it's up to him but i very much doubt it. Its up to Goody...up to Macca etc I wonder if Jeffy is familiar with the writings of Heller ??
  2. Yes we are..... and even you start describing how ! All we are is a yo yo middle order team at present. We need to stop kidding ourselves. There are many things to cheer about....but beating up cellar dwellers loses its shine when a 'real' team shows up with the resulting reality check. Currently we're mutton dressed as lamb in that when you look closely the truth stares you back. We can only hope to emulate Richmond's progress and success. The Toiges turned the corner when they brutally looked introspective. They realised what they were doing WRONG and set about changing that ( and the personnel ) We might need to follow suit.
  3. Youd be forgiven for thinking hes out of favour ( carrying a marked card ) ..eh ?
  4. Barney if he's not on a plane or a boat somewhere the poor ol' thing needs to be somewhere ?
  5. havent seen a min of this blokes game but the reviews etc suggest he might well grow into a KPB ..He HAS the physical attributes where as neither Lever or Pig are geared that way. If Lever can be re-released back to what he does super well then we might be getting somewhere
  6. Be very VERY surprised if this lad goes anywhere. Too important to Collingwood's list...too important to their brand etc The argy bargy of 'negotiation' will eventually come to a ...dare I say....happy ending. North and Aints will STRUGGLE to land anyone...to many other BETTER destinations out there.
  7. i'll ask it: Is Big Tom just blowing hard after some runs..if so...why ? he's normally an endurance king OR Is he struggling with his "niggle" ?
  8. anything above tracks is a curiosity of sorts.. reminds me a little of how it works in China where NO ONE owns the land but they might own whats on it...and have the right by a lease to have it there. My understanding is you can buy air space but NOT above tracks...there it is a lease...invariably 99 years. The chattels are yours in the normal commercial manner...so YOU reap any benefit other than the outgoing of the air-lease This is NO reason not to consider this scenario.
  9. I think he the jury as they say is still out...i'm sitting with the jurors,if not one of them. We know only too well from experience theres a chasm of difference between a player having all of the required to be absolutely anything and actually attaining that. One does not guarantee the latter.. Yes time will be THE thing.... and TIME judge many to be a bust
  10. im not even sure so much it's about how hard our blokes will fight, though at times you might wonder if a limiter/governor has somehow been implanted. it just seems to me some teams are far more switched on/alert when the pressure goes into the red zone. Mention has been made of structures. Structures are NOT, I repeat not a player decision. They are a COACH"S area of influence. That and the strategist. We have some good ideas and structures for a specific style of game. Once any influence of them has been exhausted by a team with a BETTER set of structures our all go 'poof' into thin air and we are steering aimlessly thereafter whilst the opposition runs riot. Damo has been around the block a few times. He's learnt considerably. He's managed to groom/grow a few of his charges ( to say the least ) into a formidable troupe. The result...they have an understanding of what to do with the ball...and WHEN that far outreaches the scope of our team and our BOX. If Simon truly wants to develop both himself, our list and our 'brand'/ style he might fair far worse than lock himself ( and his fellow gurus ) in a room and watch ALL of Richmonds games. He might truly learn something useful...both about how they tear teams new orifices and how occasionally someone gets the better of them. As Bing181 suggest...he is one Grand Finalist....who's the other ? who knows other than to say it's NOT us by a country mile !!
  11. Was out dining with family and friends last night but the venue had a sports bar nearby and a couple of sneaky visits had. What i saw is what we need to be...abd we're nowhere near it yet. May or may not be heading in right direction but we're quite some distance from what i saw Richmond doing. Good luck to them Over to you MFC
  12. We win at Etihad.... recovery a tad better too
  13. Yes , leave fabrication to the experts .... 4th estate
  14. Funny that some dispute he's in a rut ...but he's just a bit inconsistent.. consistently !! ?
  15. A fair if innocuous reading. Its glossing over the Elephant...to suggest our 'home' game against freo is a monty. Its not anything of that sort. Interesting analogy ...cricket....hope we're better.... as our lower order will disappoint.
  16. Stage fright....or a limiting script ?
  17. Nice duck there Team somewhat consistent : good against weaker teams struggle against better teams/coaching
  18. Sue...if i may, A good way to stay sane, grounded and reasonably happy ( other than the assault on our demeanor made by the MFC during its annual comedy parade ) is to just not indulge the media by reading/watching any of it. It's just about guaranteed to be 99% recycled garbage . The only publishing i personally take much notice of are ...the results Anything from clubs is especially chancey ... anything from players...meh Anything from 'experts' invariably requires a spray of dettol. Each to own of course
  19. A question...to all and any. If this were the case then EVERY team above us will have beaten us. They will have done so because they nullified out "game" and played theirs. We have NO plan/game B Why would anyone presume any success ? Its just a question. I think a valid one. Do some subscribe to different outcomes for same scenarios ? Einstein had a thought about that ?
  20. Need to fix quickly. London to a brick any tean we meet in finals ( if ) will have already played us and already know how to turn us inside out. Our 'brand' is faulty.
  21. Now ...ppl have to look away Its not about Oscar per se Just our defence as a whole Currently..it sucks
  22. Hope some of you chaps and chappettes are right otherwise a somber sept awaits... A little over that
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