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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. A very interesting game coming up. They are beatable...but don't give the Buddy monster a sniff... it's come alive...thanks Filth With Moore going off and a noob set the task to monster-mind the Swanettes had a resurgence. Starve supply out of the middle they'll wither and die. We can't let Buddy just roam...he needs baby sitting out of the game...let Frosty have a crack. I've had this as a danger game for some time....Fox clever Goody...it's going to be a win by design....get cracking lad.
  2. It was GC God help us If not superior
  3. Buddy had a night on the town. Moore went off and a noobie had the job...poor bvgger. Buddy got a sniff then went ape. I actually don't think he'll be afforded that largesse. He'll have a big crack no doubt. You need to starve him of service. We have a game ahead...just saying
  4. The problem with the Suns as indeed the Bears ...AFL designed a cosmetic appearance of a team. It had no soul. Lions had to import one. GC.. is Priceline footy
  5. You're closer...I went the ton
  6. Relax.. we've got this Dees by 100
  7. Sadly Gil epitomizes Mickey Mouse... insidious grin ...cartoon character understanding of...well.... anything
  8. anyhow...avagoodweekend Edit.. apologies Moonie...I'd didn't see yours
  9. Is the worst time for a game imho. Invariably many other commitments on a weekend..esp a Sunday.
  10. We've got this ?
  11. Brent says hello Spargo is fine...needs to refine his craft. Not our worst by along shot OD
  12. Another stat that fails to tell the real story
  13. Yep.... It's comfort and pain relief. Words fail really to describe this ...I know two PC nurses... I have no idea how they do it. There's no joy in any of this....though everyone tries to put on their best face...chin up..etc. It's kr@p . A gentle passage to a fellow Dee. May the gods provide strength and solace in these days...and the ones to come. The big C is insidious
  14. Thanks...you figuring on lining up ??
  15. Pointless..unless your remuneration has little bonuses for such awards I don't know that Max does....but they aren't uncommon .
  16. Bvgger If there's anything... anything positive... it's the gc game Speedy recovery Jake
  17. Tommy hasn't been all that long in the role really Next year...more settled list etc..more settled game...who knows Edit Funny though.. when drafted... was a fwd
  18. He's totally within his rights to release the ball however he likes... provided he actually kicks it. If he doesn't .... it's a throw. The scenarios you describe are throws. No attempt to kick It's not as complicated as some might think.
  19. Somebody trying to make sense of the MRP !!! ?????????
  20. They would not listen, they're not listening still... Perhaps they never will.
  21. The manor has limited world exposure ?
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