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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Has he been sighted at any training ?
  2. Accreditation.... sucking from the [censored] etc Afl media bought and paid for in the main.... a very cushy gig. Lets not upset the cart...the hand that feeds us. Sad
  3. Sorta plausible deniability... or... umm.. dumm de dummm.... ummm yeah nah yeah... all move on. It's detestable
  4. Need to be 100% Professional andcaccountable
  5. How about they DO pay what they see. Thousands upon thousands can see the howlers.. There's 4 out there.. The idea is they position themselves to cover all angles. But the weasels wuss it.
  6. Quite possibly you have to look at the contribution of those players as a group and the synergy they brought. I see barely an oz of it out there currently. When we play well, when ANY team plays well , theres synergy; there's fluid movement,there's purpose through design.. Until we see those elements come back we're going nowhere much. ( imo )
  7. Cough.......
  8. A whisper, a horse... media ...club ? A timely addition if so.
  9. That'd be interesting.... not knowing if thatd do some damage ...but certainly mix it up a bit. Im still very iffy about McAdam but footy being footy he might have a blinder one day ( or not.... )
  10. Overall yes... but he was quite shocked to see him back out there.... just sayin'
  11. What we do is mutually exclusive of the highs/lows , success and or failures of other teams. The comparison is truly moot unless ALL variables are equal. And they never are. Each club plies its own path and has its own things to deal with. I want to win flags. Being finalists isn't the goal.....as we can attest.
  12. Mr Squiggly currently has us finishing 12th...with 12 wins. Even amother win (13) we'd be 9th ....on % Our work not only cut out....but stacked high. To make the 8 we more than likely need 7 wins.... out of 9. Who really sees that happening ? What is... IS
  13. Much is made of any and all evaluations . Ive been one.. and some are saying even with the best scans and protocols ... how was it missed. In all of this the the "blindingly obvious" ( correct jnr ) seems just as blindindly overlooked and/or disregarded. He couldn't move properly and was in pain. You could see it....I could see it....I know others here could.. The Collingwood players could and seemed more concerned. How bizarre .. . Among any questions and evals did it occur to anyone to do the one "bleeding obvious" test.. throw a ball high to Trac...... The result should have been again....bleeding obvious and he would never have been sent out on the field and most likely ambo'd to hospital for scans there and then. Why wasnt this the case.?
  14. Spot on Accuracies are reflective. We seem to make harder work of it by way of how we enter 50... conversely better opposition teams are straighter. Numbers alone are very rubbery....need context. I for one am not expecting the 'accuracy gods' to miraculously swing things back out way. That's purely down to us.... in both regards.
  15. Id agree in that culture and results can well be two different things. That essences ebb and flow between.the two might be inevitable however.
  16. Not remembering we played brilliantly in game 1 ( or zero...lol ) ... nor did we remember to turn up in time against tge Lions. I'm thinking whatever underlying malais exists has been around much longer than 6 weeks. Yes...won a flag .... a good thing. Trend since.... not so much... But please all, when ever discussion goes into a direction folk don't enjoy.... break glass and hoist that flag. You're right...we aren't going too well. Might possibly be the only aspect everyone agrees upon. Not thinking many if any arw either curled up or rocking monotonously.... Need to fix a few things/play better. Yep, go along with that but there might be a tad more than a few things .....unless you're simplying it as ....need a working gameplan, need better skills and need more commitment/endeavour. There's some things that spring to mind. Probably just need to wave a wand over that 'short' list. All good. I agree some need to harden up.... but might i respectfully suggest we start with those playing closely folllowed by those directing !! Need some HARD decisions made....and HARD evaluations. Shouldn't be too hard....just a few things.
  17. Was that a yes or no then ?
  18. You raise an interesting thought, whilst on the subject of related/unrelated metrics. Can you not like much about a club while still loving it ?
  19. Youre not thar bright are you ? There's no connect.... but hey.
  20. Crayons... Is that your level ?
  21. We aren't playing finals this year short of a miracle. 3/4 wins doesn't cut it.. 5 is iffy.. 6 to be sure. Who seriously sees us winning 6 games from here on in ? Always possible......but truthfully unlikely. I've witnessed Melb revivals but we had a fighting team... playing full tilt...and turned tge tables. Is this now ? Computer says no. Need to just play to our best long term interests. Forget 24 imho
  22. Gee ...we don't like it when faced with the truth... so tempted to cite A Few Good Men. Take away the author's identity i challenge the naysayers to actually debate the article. So easy to lazily call names and mock disdain. For mine he pretty well nails it. The truth can be and often is ugly. Actually I thought he held back somewhat. So again...point by point ... engage... Or just sit there.... and throw barbs simply because the truth annoys.
  23. Ahhhh "Learnings" ......
  24. They found themselves in unchartered and unexpected territory... didnt know how to finish it off... a pity.
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