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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. who knows...we might be 'showcasing' some assets !!
  2. Word has it there are quite a few clauses in there that hes just not happy with...Big sticking points. Chocco is Chocco and he doesnt like being constrained....nor would I really. I beleive he's waiting for his manager to sight a much more friendlier contract before he even bothers..... theres alot that are just a bit strange in Adelaide you know !! lol
  3. Still...should Lids be on the move...he will be one of those Dominoes to act as a catalyst for more happenings
  4. Deledio will go to a higher bidder looking to gain some talent for tilts in next 2-3. We have to keep in mind that as our ownlist ages and contracts are revisited then our own bills will need attention if we want to keep our own talent at home. Maybe another visy ambassadorship is in the wind ( who said that !! lol ) Richmond wil fight to keep him or extract blood... we dont need to... we'll be fine
  5. I think aspects of consideraton are stability and longevity. we al seem to think/hope/believe that we are now setting off on a legitimate journey towards a premiership. From here on we need on ( and off) field leadership. It will need someone who is not only going to be here nextyear...but come that time in september in 3,4, 5 years time. we dont want to be continually chppoing and changing Its time to set down the shape of things to come. I honestly just dont think Greeny might be around then. Beamer might be.. Davey ought to be, he's only 26. Hes exibited the requisite charqacteristics on field and is held in very high regards off field. I dont here the same of Beamer. Then we have McLean. he seem sto wax and wane a little with his own performances and still from some accounts has his little demons. I think Davey would make an excellent Captain of this proud club. It will be intersting to see what transpires next year.
  6. Spose we could set tongues wagging by picking Trengove at 1...Scully at 2....... such would be the upset !! pmsl I think these two are now well clear of the peleton !!
  7. An apt analogy there E25,,,Dominoes as thats exactly what will push trade week along. If everyone was happy with most of what they havfe then there's no real incentive or reason to deal. Once , hoever, one or two teams get it into their heads that they need shake ups..or cetain players look unlikley to stay put then the juggernaut begins to gain momentum. Once various players get whiff they they arent their respective clubs favourites anymore or , has occurred in the past, become surprised by their inclusion on any lists table for "discussions" then they too start adding impetus to the whole event. As has been shown Trade wek has the potential to be an 'everything" or a "nothing".... rarely in between. What do we have as knowns : Port are jsut up to their necks in poo; somethng has to give. Richmond are lloking to "cleanse"..and big time. Melbourne has put its hand up with a ..we'll look at whats around, "discussions" not ruled out. Sydney need to restock. Lions to get all but completely new tier 2 coaching with associated wish lists. Adelaide has a few spots it needs to refill. North has new coach looking for a different feel to its club. Fremantle have 'issues' ..need an injection of invigoration. WCE will see a bit of a changing of the guard too. Ess to lose a couple of club stalwarts. Just because The Doggies, Cats , Sainters, Wobblies are up there dont think they dont want to stay there !! Add to this GC in '11 and some other lot in '12. 2009 last known fair draft for next 5 years trade week busy ?? Be surprised if it doesnt explode !!!! :D
  8. More heat for the fire .... Coaching merry-go-round spins on Not only have senior postions changed a bit , they yet do so more. Chocco yet to put pen to a non-seen paper.. Assistants ?? well its Flinders St all change ..all but.!! lol With this wholesale change at many clubs there will come the undoubted change in what many FD's consider keeps and disposables. Also their respective wish lists. It just seems too visible that how the various lists line up agaisnt what will be new faces and inputs into many football clubs that there has to be change on almost the same wholesale level with players. Only two real avenues for this and thats Trade or nominating for the drafts. It will be busier, far busier this year than previous, not because I think it will but simply because it has to be.
  9. fist year player ?? cough....Jurrah !!!!
  10. H..the PSd has been a great source of players ( I think ) for us and you highlight poignantly that we ought now have more money and room to accomodate someone. I dont think for a moment we are nearly as much on the nose as some sem to think and a wise , out of favour ( politcally) might ju st see us as the perfect platform to continue and prosper. We've latched on to t afwe smokies via this road but its quitel likely a player with a more known profile might be sitting there for the grabbing this year.
  11. There's something akin to a dearth of talls (kpp potential types ) at the front end of this years rankings. Some teams need KPP propsects more than others. Looking at current peggings..and this will change with trade week.. but have to go with this for the moment Melbourne Melbourne Richmond Fremantle North Melb West Coast Sydney Port Ade Hawthorn Essendon were not taking talls with those picks ( well hope not ..lol ) so you might think between Richmond,Fremantle,North Melb,West Coast, Sydney and Port Ade, given the delistings and retirements that a tall is going to have to go amongst them, if not two. Talia would be right up there as far as tall propects go.and expect him to go top 10;Thats just my thinking
  12. Carlisle more probaly than Talia...dount either at 18.. Talia will be snagged by 10 I reckon...shame really
  13. This becomes the thing dosnt it...where to put all these mid types. which for mine really suggest that if we were to get the likes of Pearce..then there has to be movement off of our list too. even if we didnt play him inthe middle per se.. his speed would be killer off the half back line coming though.. He has the ability to go forward and kick goals too.. what a bugger huh !! another way of thinking this is.. Imagine having Scully, tTengove and Pearce... then the question you start askingis where does McLean, Moloney and Jones start fitting in ??.. 2 probably do..but three ?
  14. RR.. et al.. its not whether those from Toige land have any real value going elsewhere that creates the fuel, its that Richmond and a couple of other clubs have more spaces becoming vacant than they could normally fill with decent picks at drafting. They will need to shop further afield . The only other real option IS to trade. Either to better in some mannner exsiting picks or to score at the trade table. The spectres of GC and Ws simply ad expedition to this...When things get hot enough...they ignite.
  15. yep..lol Regardless of that..and the lack of activity really surprised a lot in footy, the circumstances this year are just too hot for there not to be fire. Only so many places at each club can be filled by drafts. This years draft being shallower thanprevious will certainly colour and probably devalue the currency of latter picks to the point where some clubs would rather acquiring some known entities in prefernece to loading up with back end picks. Other lcubs are possibly taking a different tact and loading up with yoth with the vision of bettering the chances that any or some might come through. It all depends where on the clock each club is and its particualr . There are just too many changes.. withnew coaches coming in ..and too many vacancies ,with retiring players..and those that dont know they are about to lol.. as well as list balancing etc that trade week wont fire this year.
  16. yeah..not apples and apples.. in the history of the game its only fairly recent times theres been any advantage to being onthe bootm.. at all previous junctures in footy you WOULD get off the bootom at any costs.. Now theres a prize. Ya gotta see it for what it is. What this says more about is the ability to hurt the scoreboard oursleves..not the ability to defend..... two very differing things. Our defence will be better for Garland returning and the maturing of other young kids coming through..It bodes well.
  17. not ready ?? Hes shown all the rigthelements in his stepping up this year. Has matured into a far more consistant and hard working player. His off field mentoring and leadehsip has apparently surprised osme but impressed more at the club. For me he has that particular qulaity any cpatian should have. He leads.. Youcansee hisefforts in tryingto get others going in games as well. Yep.. Captain Flash is fine by me
  18. ooh... in the past I think you might have been very right as we've seen how much on the nose we WERE by the flagged intentions of prospects to avoid us at seemingly all costs. I do think however that now the club has had the chance to show its intention to get serious about this notion of rebuilding and thelengths it has gone to enable and guarantee success in doing so combined with current players stepping up and the likelyhood of the types about to come to the club that we will paint ourselves with a very different picture. I , as unbiased as possible, honestly think that we wil be seen as a viable home for any apsiring talent.
  19. geez RR ya bum must get soer sitting on that fence for so long. Logic.. something you profess to deal in.. suggest..no..actually dictates that there must be an inordinate amount of player stocks replenishing to be done. You scoff at the notion that the Toiges are cleaning out.. all that is is you scoffing at the notion..It doesnt change the FACT of it. Players will go.. means players are needed.. They have to come from somewhere. Only so many can be had via the draft..so other will come from trades etc. There is the knock on effect. Richmond are not eh only club to signal a reuvenation of their list. So again, more action in the filed of procurements. Of course Bailey i going to say he has an open mind. Just as he says he experiments etc. its just what he says but th emthod of dleivery and timig to the world that has that side element of intirgue. I would concur that more often than not trade week has beensen in restrospect as hyped beyong its delivery but surely even the cynic you are can se beyond the media mongering to the playig field thatmuch not only needs to happen at clubs but that theclimate and timing is ripe for this to do so. Whether or not players being delisted or cleaned out go to other clubs in trade or not there by their absence is a vacuum. This wil be filled. Trade week will be far more of a reality this year. Beleive it.
  20. I really wonder how many have actually played footy. Its a CONTACT sport. An element of the game is a well exectued bump/hit . Most often a hip /shoulder is done side/semi side on in oder to knock theopponent off the ball..or if within 5 completely out the way. its legitimate and a good one is something to behold, to enjoy and invariable not to be on the end of !! lol. Sometimes the game can conspire that the opponents are not side on most likely as a result of one or both players change of line. Football , especially at theh highest levels is played at break neck ( npi ) speed. The times available for decisions or changes of them are split seconds. Its a hard game.. Yes people might get hurt or injured. Its a risk inbedded in the game. Every effort ought to be made to rub out the INTENTIONAL head injury. There are times in the game where such things are preventable. And then there's accidental injuries in legitimate collisions. You can get hurt returning to earth after a specky, you can get hurt rucking, you can get hurt smothering a kick, tackling... hell you can even do personal damage trying to relocate a goalpost !! Just where do you draw the line ? Common sense suggests you do it at the point where decisions one way or the other can be had. And then you lay down the rules in an unambiguous manner and you need to ajudicate in a consistent manner. Where a player is seen to be guilty of head contact in a determined and nonaccident and avoidable manner then there ought to be penalties invoked . Where its purely an unfortunate by product of an otherwise 'reasonable " and legitimate play then thats all it is. Leave it there.
  21. further to this we have newly installed Hardwick at punt road who has already signalled theres one hell of a cleanout to occur there. The Toiges are after players. Port has signalled a bit of a flushing..More players required there. Sydney needs some. Other teams will obviously look upon this volatitlity and consider what they can get /make of it all. Make no mistake this is quite a different year come post finals. Real interet intermingles and disguised amongst the rumours will fly thick and fast up and through trade week. We probably wont really come to grips with all the change until the dust settles. Melbourne will be in amongst this, how couldnt we be. And as usual there will be angst and disagreements about what transpires, about who comes and who went. I for a change actually have quite a bit of confidence in what the FD are attempting to do. Settle back and buckle up...going to be a fun ride :)
  22. surely its time we got clever. Speculative picks are fine....just not at 2
  23. yep .both eyes wide open...one on Scully and the other on Trengove
  24. This is the subtle ( or not so ) announcement that we ( MFC ) are here to play ball. I have been thinking all along that the club would exploit the semi hysteria that the looming GC and Whatarethey Sydney will bring to drafts and options etc. Picks 1 and 2 are/ought to be sacrosanct. After this...all bets off..any its anything for anything if the deal is right..picks 18...34..50.. ..go for it Melbourne has flagged its interest, now other clubs will come out of the shadows. It will be a few years til such a similar climate of wholesle change is on the menu for so many clubs. Its beholding upon our FD to take as much of an advantage as posible in these circumstnaces.
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