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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Btw...let's not confuse h/a viewing with the GF. There maybe a temptation by some to develop a strawman argument where h)a droppoff supports a switch in GF time. That would be complete [censored].
  2. Ah ...context
  3. Most I know only watch their own team. Still do Who wants to watch crap games like Carlton etc ? Tv numbers can be rubbery. Without absolute context ....
  4. Keep in mind attendance numbers at NRL are laughable compared to AFL League is essentially a TV game now.
  5. Sponsors, TV and others want some night action ??? Play around with all others finals ...knock yourselves out. The BIG day .....leave alone. It's just fine. Still drags in big telly audience...still massive exposure for brands. Ffs.. stop f@#$ing around with the game you Dills !!!
  6. Which bits have fallen off ??
  7. The Grand Final isn't broken.. It's doesn't need fixing.... Leave it alone
  8. Oh that's a shame...? Said no Demon ever !!! ?
  9. The GF is in reality a LIVE EVENT which is also televised. There is a difference. There is no doubt the Televisors would prefer a later time but it's not THEIRS. ITS OURS As pointed out the game doesn't need all the rubbish you glitz and sham of American rubbish. The FA cup manages just fine as a day event. So should ours.
  10. Someone shoot Gil. Fmd, he's done more to ruin this game than anyone. Send this ponsy polo-ing puckhead to some other sport to bugger it up.
  11. Have you read Red Fox ? Might be more than an accidental comparison ;)
  12. I don't hang it on anyone for NOT buying a membership. More to life than footy. Much more. We should be gracious and thankful for those that do. ... whenever they do Some need to seriously pull their heads in.
  13. The reason I ask is I see there is no effect to anyone with real health issues being tested. The whole thing is a ruse. Those who would cry foul would be the FIRST I'd test ;)
  14. Serious q How does a drug test exacerbate a mental health issue ?
  15. Stop looking at very compact numbers. Look outside those and the value as a team member/team player. Hogan will stall and either. He hasn't the mixture. Tom wants a flag for the Dees. Jesse wants to play backyard footy. Over to you
  16. What that sookilala does in a bottom 4 team is beyond irrelevant. Go Dees
  17. Good at vfl...good at intra. Good at JLT...ok against average teams...gets found out when tempo and intensity lifts. He can play...but still have my doubts he has a place in a premiership quality team. Not a knock.. just what is.
  18. It's Channel -Eddie Everywhere.!! Prefer we fly under the radar
  19. Meanwhile at Arden St.... Nth Melbourne Football Manager
  20. And I reckon most WOULDN'T use it...just like the 'idea'
  21. OD...I couldn't give a rat's about a social club. That's all a bit 70/80's Happy for the club to have decent digs to train
  22. Oh I dunno....I reckon a bit of land might appear at Docklands in the not too distant future ?????
  23. Exactly.... can't be seen to be 'fully fit '
  24. Congratulations to Daisy and family. May they lead happy and fulfilling lives. Preseason in 18 years...ink it in No pressure you understand
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