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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I cant blame the AFL ? Like f#*k i cant !! Who created the scenarios ? Whose reward system was it ? Who make and change the rules to suit themselves ? Who works in secret without transparency ? Go on guess !!!! Who acts like f'n god or Caesar or both ? You dont feed the cat...put a bowl of cream outand then smack the cat ? Youre kidding me They instigated this through nefarious manipulations and now they act all moralistic ? They caused this, they can clean it up. They can call a truce and clean up their own act.
  2. If the club rolls ..so will the board and the bastards win. The Filth would never stand for this. Theyd be out swinging. If this club cant stand up for itself why would anyone follow it ...honestly .
  3. I still find it incredulous that the instigator deins to act as inquisitor and executioner.
  4. i assume there are Judas's who's agenda is to ensure we're whacked. Let us not be naive to what was the ideal outcome. Would havr been thd same for many othrr clubs at times. A But there are some within the club or surrounds who want their own ends sated. There are traitors in our midst thats all im sure of.
  5. given the AFL always loved to follow Jeffs advice it may work in our favour !! lol
  6. interesting thats there's no A, F nor L in INTREGRITY !!
  7. No....just couldnt see the blue sky for the haze most likely
  8. you are an absolute tool arent you Blueywhere have I said he is.. but thats not how you Trolls operate is it.
  9. Didnt suppose it'd be quite as easy as some might suspect Billy..as you say. Much is often based upon perceptions. We often make judgements on things without knowing the back stories only what we can see/read/hear/ participate in etc. We probably all have varying criteria also. Thats the nature of these things
  10. in his absence I'll oblige !! lol I did revise the questions a bit though..
  11. In the absence ( seemingly lol ) of RR I humbly offer up this POLL !! Now try, if you can, to remain unbiased and honest. Feel free to expand upon the answers but only as to clarify. plenty of other threads to whinge or compliment etc. Ive only supplied this poll to provide a snapshot of where people might stand. its really inconsequential as to the good bad or otherwise. it neither castigates nor validates. Just asks a few questions. Might be interesting to garner an idea of what people think.
  12. well thats the composition of the mess but we are only there because of enticement..
  13. Theres a term I believe for the predicament we find ourselves in. its call 'entrapment'
  14. I dont think his heart was EVER in it.. Just enjoyed the salary while it lasted and he could be bothered. Hell be back playing that stupid game in no time with the other lot crowing loudly. What a huge loss
  15. lol didnt get as far as reading yours before replying..lolyour generous btw !!
  16. It has to be made quite simple to all and sundry...that to take us on for this.... is but to drink of the Poisoned Chalice !! The situation was not of our making and we shall not be condemned for it. We were accused of not standing for much, well we certainly ought not stand for this. This is BS with capitals !!
  17. Buggger all this rubbish about rolling over.. If Vlad and his cronies wont to impose retrospective morality....its grab your wigs time and they'll need to be prepared to get hit..and hard .
  18. whatever doesnt kill you makes you stronger...so they say. They Club will continue irrelevant of whatever traanspires. I'll suck it up, I'll grin and bear it, just as I ( and the greater many ) have for decades and will continue to support this club. What I would however like to happeen is that all the Judas's are exposed, rounded up and given a taxi ride off a short pier !!
  19. Interesting who a host on that show is ...ne c'est pas ?? .lolIve lost track of how many times Gerard Healy's name floats to the top of the algae with sniping at the MFC
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