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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. It's incredible that NASA and NOAA have "adjusted" the 1930 temperatures down after the fact. It's even more incredible that the media and politicians don't seem to care. This is not some pie in the sky what might happen in the future scam, it is a well documented fraud that you can see with your own eyes.
  2. What are to counter arguments? I've been to the site and it just seemed to be a biography.
  3. Of course I would prefer to be in snow but I wouldn't be standing near a smoker in the first place. I dislike actual pollution. It is a long bow to draw that CO2 and not natural climate variations caused the tinder like conditions in 2009. If CO2 caused the conditions surely we can expect it to get worse every year proportionately as CO2 in the atmosphere rises?
  4. Can't you drive to a station a bit closer in and skip the traffic.
  5. I like the idea of playing interstate in the final round while the AFL insist on a break before the finals.
  6. Why are we even talking about Melbourne's fixture when we could be discussing Jack Watts draw.
  7. I wonder this as well. My guess is the extra training they hope the players do is in recovery not muscle building or endurance. Or working on a particular skill / weakness.
  8. You won't find me talking up NASA. They have completely lost their way.
  9. HT - Are you really pushing something that will "probably" be said in 2021? i'll probably like the look of the draftees the dees select in 2021. What will you probably do?
  10. Crameri is chasing us not the other way around. I hope we take him but it is very unlikely. Goodwin will have the final say on this.
  11. Jara whilst I wish my condolences to your friends, linking fires caused by fallen power lines, to global warming is a stretch.
  12. I know he was very confident of another contract with the Bulldogs a few months ago. He told his player manager to organise a completely performances based contract because he was confident he was over the injuries and ready to role. source - the horses mouth I'd take him.
  13. We have been hearing what "could" happen since the industrial revolution. We are at a point now where the predictions haven't materialised. It is no good saying forget every dud prediction we have ever made,now this could happen. The race has been run and the predictions have been found out.
  14. Did you just link to an article saying what "could" happen? That is embarrassing.
  15. Please enlighten me. Show me the IPCC predictions that have eventuated. If you can't do that ( back up the alleged science with real world examples) Just humour me with something.
  16. Common sense is to be expected from me. why would we / I take precaution from something that clearly isn't happening as predicted by the the doctor? Do you take medicine prescribed for symptoms you don't have?
  17. hardtack - do I have more chance of being hit by a car or dying from climate change? lets get a starting point and then agree how ridiculous your argument is.
  18. I take precaution when crossing the road. I don't subject myself to chemo in case I have cancer. There is reasonable cation and there is non-helpful or just plain ridiculous.
  19. PJ confirmed what we had already heard in a couple of other interviews Tommy Mac will play forward next year. Given his super endurance I wonder if he could play a Nick Riewoldt type role. He also appears to be a much better set shot at goal than field kick. Suggesting a plugger or Dunstal stay at home type role. These two strong qualities don't really seem to compliment each other.
  20. You remind me of an old moderator who was all vocabulary and no logic. Of course you will mute me. Your long winded answers are taking up too much time and my short responses are cutting through the bs. I've muted everyone who has a better argument than me as well. It just hasn't happened yet.
  21. It doesn't answer my question nor did I ask one but thanks for trying. I don't personally believe brown people are homophobic but you seem to. Then you try and blame white people for making brown people homophobic. The kind of warped argument I come to expect from leftists.
  22. Wouldn't be surprised if he makes it as a brilliant coach. His attention to detail is the best I have ever seen. It is just a matter of whether he has the people skills.
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