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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. His run without the ball, towards our goal, facing away from play with a backman running with him, then turn around with an explosive lead towards the ball carrier is the best I have ever seen any Melbourne player do (maybe excluding Jackovich) He did it enough this season to make me think he is a natural forward. He has the pace to put immense pressure on opposition rebounds. The way we bombed it into our forward line this year wasn’t conducive for crumbing forwards. It wasn’t a year for our forwards at all really. I’d train him with the forwards.
  2. Will Hunt train with the forward or backline this pre-season? I prefer him as a forward.
  3. For a team that pays over the salary cap in paper bags they are hopeless!
  4. Is it ok to say we win the flag if Harley Bennell turns up in good shape week one of his training?
  5. Silvani is the worst recruiter in history. I'm glad he took the same dud players from GWS to Carlton. Looking forward to watching Friday night footy this year, without having to watch that incompetent list.
  6. I think he actually kicked 6 that day and had over 30 possessions. Carey and both Abblett"s would be jealous. I'll back Max Gawn to set the standards this year. Captain or not. If we get Bennell"s calf right it could finally be our year.
  7. Dustin Martin, Sydney Stack & Marilon Pickett. Bring these guys into a good culture and let their actions speak.
  8. The only player I have ever seen who can hook or slice depending on his angle. i’m not much of a believer in kicking coaches but for Lewis I make an exception.
  9. Having left footers is the biggest myth towards being a balanced side i have ever seen. 1) most players can kick with either foot 2) if they can't kick with the left, which all of them can, they would just handball, if they can't, they would just turn back in and get a kick on the right foot anyway. 3) the idea that left footers are better kicks is like believing left hand golfers are better. This isn't cricket where they can bowl to your non preferred side.
  10. I reckon Twilight Payment can run first 4 and will blow everyone out of the multiples. One to include for mine. Otherwise, a very even year and like everyone else unsure how to do the form across the different countries. I've been told Ireland is good this year but how could you possibly know? Even if the best horses comes it might not travel well. Don't discount the ones from across the ditch (NZ)
  11. I love my horses and horse racing but I just think Waller is the NSW version of Weir. Too good to be true. Every time I backed one of Weir's horses on form his other bloody thing would win. I have a gut feel Youngstar will continue the tradition tomorrow when everyone else is on Finche you watch Youngstar run out of its skin. I'd be putting it in every multiple.
  12. Anyone like anything for the cup? I was at a luncheon last week where Nick Williams said Latrobe is the best horse in their stable since Green Moon. I doubt he was foxing i’m pretty sure the Williams are just passionate about winning the cup and not trying to play funny buggers. Barrier 22 might make it tough. note Macca’s post above about Moreira. Looks to be on one of the more fancied chances.
  13. This is what I don’t understand and in true demonland spirit I normally think I know everything. Can someone explain why in previous calf injuries mri scans were showing a tear if it was just his calf pushing on nerves?
  14. Hopefully he is telling May how to come back fit for for day 1 of pre-season.
  15. There are 3 ways you can pay overs for an existing afl player 1) give away too many or to valuable draft picks 2) pay the player too highly and jeopardise your salary cap 3) offer a longer contract to the player I think it is clever list management to get players in without breaching 1 & 2 and just give them an extra year on their contract. You basically give away nothing and potentially bring in a talent. If it doesn’t work out so be it but there is the real chance of bringing in talent for nothing. KK could still well work out. Might even be in his 3rd year...
  16. I don't think either of the above are true. He worked as a groundskeeper at the Yarra Valley Country Club maintaining the greens etc. He fell through a plate glass window. A bit dopey. One of my favourite players ever.
  17. I heard Gawn on SEN late in the year say he personally had his best pre-season ever last season but that is no good if he can't bring the rest of the squad with him. I'd expect there will be more pre-season catchups amongst players this year than ever to prove a point. I'm glad Viney didn't take Petracca or May they would be to buoyant.
  18. Welcome to the Melbourne football club. Petracca and May are fat as well.
  19. I’ll watch the 3 minute highlight clip and decide if I like him or not. Then praise or slander him for the rest of his career based on my decision, just to prove I was right.
  20. This is the bit that always puzzles me, out of the whole rotten saga. It’s inconceivable electronic records were not kept. There are forensic IT teams that can retrieve deleted data. I’ve never read a good explanation of how the records are missing and not retrievable. Were they only recorded on Danks personal laptop with no backup and that has gone missing? Data just doesn’t go missing if there is a will to find it.
  21. The listing of the substance the day before the self reporting all but confirms Demetrious illegal call to Hird.
  22. Sorry mate I don’t read every post on demonland. I missed your post on this. With the Pickett thread it just reminded of a fellow indigenous player who made my 90’s.
  23. They admit it, in a round about kind of way after the fact. Dustin Martin?
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