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Posts posted by Doggo

  1. In I.E the image boxes come up with the red crosses.

    Just tried with firefox, and i don't get any images at all. I'm not the most tech-savvy, so this is just frustrating and confusing. LOL

    Ahhh, oh well... I guess i'm just gonna have to go to sleep and hope that everything works fine tomorrow! Or i could check em out on my break at uni. Will get back to ya then. Thanks though.







    fuschia, i'm not sure whether you're trying to make me laugh, but you've succeeded in doing so...

  3. Personally, I think he's viable trade bait. The Dogs, Sydney and Richmond are all in the market for another forward, and Port probably aren't that far behind them in needing one

    Was just thinking about this a bit further and i just can't agree. I'd argue that Sydney have Jesse White as the main-man they'll be pinning their FF hopes on over the next decade and will be looking to draft and develop another KPF probably.

    Richmond already have their fair share of VFL tall forward types who don't cut it at the top level (Cleve Hughes, Adam Pattison, Jay Schulz etc) so there's no way they'd go for one of our rejects, especially not under a new coaching regime next year.

    The Dog's as i said earlier, are in their open window time and will want a proven player like a Hall, or will trade for a KPF.

    And to be honest i don't know enough about Port to say whether they'd bite, but i find it highly unlikely.

    I don't know, i think we'd be happy to get ANYTHING for Juice at this stage, most likely a very late pick in 4th or 5th round, which we would probably pass on anyway.

  4. The Bulldogs are even looking at Barry Hall! That's desperation. If we could get a third or even fourth round pick for him, I'd be thrilled.

    The Bulldogs are looking at Hall because he's a proven gun player, capable of kicking 70+ goals a season, and he's exactly what they're lacking at the moment. He might be old and serious nutcase, but at his best he's a very dangerous prospect, and since they believe their 'premiership window' is this season, 2010 and maybe 2011 with their ageing list, and with Hall likely to have 1 or maybe 2 good years left in him, he's a prime choice for them.

    Newton isn't even on the same page as Hall if we're talking about prospects to help them win a flag in the short term.

    If they were looking at Newton, then i'd say "that's desperation"! :lol:

  5. Gee, polls seem to be all the rage atm. Not sure why. Express an opinion yourself ffs.

    So i take it you don't think polls offer a point of interest and topic to allow posters to explore and express opinions then?

  6. Newton has shown little in his career so far. But we have to ask what that career consists of. 17 games, and yes it has taken him nearly 5 years to earn those games, but we should remember that the majority of his time at the club was under a coach unwilling to experiment with youth.

    I believe that Newton is being written off a little early, much like other fringe players of the past, think Garland, Warnock and though yet to prove themselves Jamar and Meesen. His time is now, he must start to function as a leading forward. He has the remainder of this season and thankfully next year also, to prove himself. I say thankfully because I believe under Bailey, he deserves this time. (Bailey will play him on merit, I believe this differs to Daniher)

    If i remember correctly, Newton's first game was actually Neale Daniher's infamous last game as Melbourne coach, against Essendon in a thriller at the Dome. In the weeks prior to that match, there were many posters here calling for him to be given a game, as he'd played a couple of good games and kicked a bag or two in the VFL. I thought in the remainder of his games in 2007, under caretaker coach Mark Riley, he showed quite a bit to be excited about, and winning the MOTY definitely added to that excitement/hype. But it was widely acknowledged then that he was not ready, both physically and mentally, for the rigours of AFL footy, and had serious attitude issues; to which u allude to with your mates "[censored]" remark. His form in the 2 seasons since then has only served to further prove that.

    So really the majority of his career has been under Bailey. He's had every chance to consolidate his spot in the side under Bailey's youth policy, especially considering he fits the specific need we have for a KPF, plus the fact that Robertson had spent the majority of the last two seasons injured, and Miller has generally been impotent as an inside 50 option. It's really the only rational explanation to his being offered a 2-year contract at the end of last season that i can come up with.

  7. To prevent me hijacking another thread, i wanted to start a new one all about Newton. Without trying to turn this into a player bash, i'm interested to know everyones thoughts regarding Juice and whether he'll make it, and the reasons behind them?

    The majority of this post i wrote in another thread weeks ago when Newton wasn't getting a game, but I thought it might be more relevant now he's back in the side. Obviously i'll be happy to be proven wrong, but IMO he just doesn't have what it takes. He has some 'nice' parts to his game, but is lacking the major fundamentals to being a good AFL key forward. He's the icing and the cherry on top, minus the cake.

    He's tall, he can jump and can take a big pack mark with a clear run at the footy. He's got good hands. He's shown good goal sense. He's also improved his defensive side, which he copped a lot of criticism for in the past, and his attitude and team play is much better now. So why isn't he cracking a regular game, considering all the improvements he's made, plus the fact that he consistently kicks goals for Casey, and that we're crying out for another key position forward to take the reigns from Robbo? Brad Miller has gone backwards in that regard, so why no love from the FD for Juice?

    IMO, the areas most lacking in his overall package, and basically that which is stopping him from having the same impact at AFL level that he has at VFL level, are: lack of leg-speed and endurance (or perhaps work-ethic?) on the lead; a lack of upper body strength in one-on-one contested situations; and shocking accuracy in front of goal.

    A forward in modern AFL footy needs to be able to do more than just take a pack mark with an unimpeded run and jump, and get the occassional ground level goal. At VFL level, where the game is slower and the bodies not as strong, it might work a treat. At AFL level that style of play is largely hit-and-miss. Good forwards in the AFL need to be able to get on their bikes and make several, hard, intelligent repeat leads. Think Riewoldt, Richo, Franklin etc. I've never seen him in my time watching him play for Melbourne, Casey and Sandy, display any sort of real speed, or the work-ethic and endurance to make several, hard, repeat leads. More often than not, he prefers to be the old-style 'stay-at-home' forward, calling for the ball to be kicked long, high and on his head, despite being outnumbered by zoning defenders. Might have worked in the 80's and 90's, but that style of play isn't going to cut it these days with the growing trend of pushing numbers behind the ball and teams playing 'rolling zones'.

    The most effective way to beat numbers and find space inside the crowded forward 50's of the modern game is to be constantly on the move. Robbo, despite all his defensive flaws (and like Newton, his love for the ball to be kicked on his head), is actually a great exponent of this part of forward line movement. He's constantly moving in and out of dangerous spaces, presenting up and doubling back, creating doubt in his defenders mind, and space for others by drawing defenders to and from the footy. Newton hasn't shown any great ability or forward smarts to do that yet. But hard, repeat leading is just one (albeit important) aspect of modern forwardline play.

    To be fair, not every KPF needs to have the speed and endurance of a Nick Riewoldt, Richo or Buddy on the lead to be effective. If, like Newton, you aren't the greatest 'lead-up' forward, you need to excel in another important area; one-on-one/body-on-body, contested marking, ie. you need to be strong! Guys like Bradshaw, J Roughead or Kurt Tippett, not the quickest or best lead-up forwards, but exceptionally strong in the upper body. They thrive on the physical side of marking contests and the "tests of strength". Newton struggles with this side of AFL footy more than any other area IMO. After 4 seasons on an AFL list, his body still looks immature and he's nowhere near strong enough to play as the body-on-body type. Yet he calls for the ball in contested situations more than he leads out to present.

    The real 'elite' forwards have the ability to do both; lead hard and repeatedly, AND use their body strength in one-on-one situations: Riewoldt, Richo, Fev, Lloyd, J Brown, Buddy, Roughead etc. The 'good' forwards generally can do one of the two really well, and the other at least adequately.

    Newton is barely adequate in both areas. Add to that his erratic kicking, and the lack of opportunity he's been given at the top level suddenly looks a lot more justified. Unless he can put some serious muscle on in the next pre-season, or can gain an extra yard in pace and a bigger engine, he's always going to be too limited a player to succeed at AFL level, IMO.

    Everyone wants a 194cm key forward who jumps on the head of packs and takes huge screamers. But what good is that if he can't lead well, isn't strong or fast, and is about as reliable a shot for goal as Richo on a bad day? Not much if you ask me.

    Your thoughts? Will he or won't he make it?

    Sorry about the long post.

  8. I doubt Carlton would go for that. But you never know. If they rate Scully that highly they might.

    I doubt that West Coast will get pick 1 anyway.

    In other rumour news -

    Was looking at Demonology, and our old mate Haydo reakons he has heard that Bartram has already requested to be traded. He is not happy under Dean Bailey. Apparently the Saints are keen as well as some other clubs.

    For what... a 4th or 5th rounder?

  9. Doesn't matter...

    But if I could dream, our 4th win of the year would be a round 22 victory over St Kilda against all odds. And after losing to Richmond, Nth, Freo and Carlton in the lead-up, i'll have the fortunate foresight to put $1000 on the Dee's at the very healthy odds of $15 to beat the Saints, who'd be 21-0 at that stage.. Not gonna happen :(

    Most likely to beat Freo, but to be honest i really couldn't care less, as long as it's not 5 wins...

  10. Are you accusing Miller, again, of missing goals on purpose?

    You claim to be a True Believer, but you accuse a member of the leadership group of going out on the field and deliberately not giving 100%?

    Player's don't tank.

    Read through the threads and understand how we are tanking or 'list managing' and you will feel alot better about life.

    Player's don't tank.

    I think he's more just having a dig at Miller's ability in front of goal. Miller doesn't need to tank to miss goals... he just will.

  11. Buckley's been Ward-like so far - a quick running back that doesn't use the ball well enough. Should we keep him?

    If you think he'll become a good user of the ball then he might be worth keeping for his pace, but you've also got to take into account the plethora of other guys who want a running defender role.

    I don't see Buckley competing for a running defender role at all. With his added bulk and strength, he is being groomed as an inside midfielder with pace to be able to break away from stoppages, something we're deserately lacking. I thought the best footy he played last year was out of the middle and on the wing. His lack of accountability off half back was exposed too often, as he ran hard to create running options going forward, but didn't run as hard the other way.

    At this stage of their careers, Grimes, Bennell, Cheney and Strauss are the likely rebounding defenders, who could likely go into the midfield in a couple of years. Bucks has done his time back there and, once 100% fit, should be ready to go into the guts.

    Another suggestion could be using him in a run-with role, because unlike Bartram or Dunn, who have been our tagging options in recent times and IMO are too negative when playing that role, Buckley actually knows how to find his own footy and could cause some headaches for his opponent when we go forward. It will help build his defensive side, plus, he has the pace to run with speedsters like Judd, Ablett, Montagna, Lovett, Kerr etc.

  12. One day you'll learn that winning is all there is,nothing else matters.That's all our players want,not the PP!!!.Our players work their A$$ off 12 months a year

    Jack7, respect to you for standing up for what you believe in. But... i guess all i can really say is: WOW. I can't believe some people are still thinking this way.

    Generally speaking, winning is all there is. Everyone knows that. But not winning just any meaningless battle, but winning the WAR. Winning the Premiership, that is.

    If you've been down as long as we have, the reward for losing is so much greater than the hollowness of winning just another dead-rubber. Strange as it may seem to some, but a win is counter-productive to the rebuilding process, which we've all suffered through these last 2-3 years. Blame it on the system if you will, but those are the cards we've been dealt, and it's up to the football department now to take advantage of this system while it's available to us.

    Of course the players want to win, no-one is denying that. I wouldn't expect anything less of them. But again, strange as it may seem, it's not completely up to the players. I'm sure the FD want the PP. Why wouldn't they? It will help us go a long way towards winning the war, ie. the Premiership, in the future. So forget the little battles and have a look at the big picture.

    If you can't see the benefit of winning 4 games this year as opposed to 5 or 6, you really are deluded. (Apologies to dee-luded :P)

  13. I think he's got plenty to offer, provided his osteitis pubis hasn't affected his pace or depth of kicking. Judging by his game on the weekend, those two things look to be fine. His decision-making on the other hand... not so good. But it was his first game back for a while, he'll have been rusty so i'm willing to cut him some slack.

    I don't think he'll get delisted, as others have already alluded to, he has something we're desperately lacking: PACE... and he's got it in droves. His ability to run and carry and break the lines is only rivalled at the club by Aaron Davey. Until we draft some more speedsters in Scully & co, or the likes of Blease, Bennell and Strauss start really stamping themselves on the game, he'll stay. Provided he can stay fit, he's the only player on our list with that speed, who has a body ready to make an impact at AFL level. He really did bulk up heaps in the pre-season, sp i wonder what effect that had on his OP? Guys like Moloney and Sylvia, both heavily built, have spoken in the past about the importance of lightening their workload, in particular weight training, in managing their OP. I suspect Simon may be doing the same now.

    Anyway, i hope he gets a game for MFC in before the end of the season.

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