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Everything posted by layzie

  1. Yeah I don't know about this right now. Not saying he wouldn't be good but just not sure at this stage.
  2. Yeah gotta keep these things in mind especially if they are fresh out of the TAC Cup. Still its annoying
  3. Whilst I agree 14 is probably around the mark we should aim for, I can't help but think we are setting ourselves up for disappointment when more games against North and co are dropped.
  4. Not sure if many people have ever said this but I hope Wayne Carey is right.
  5. I think these are all pretty fair. Bit high for Oscar but fair enough
  6. There is a curse on this club. The Norm Smith Curse from his sacking, The Barassi curse from his defection, whatever you want to call it. We are two clubs in one, titans up until 1965, pussycats from thereafter. The curse of the Bambino was so well documented with the Boston Red Sox. Maybe this one needs to be constantly brought to attention. Oh no that's right we don't pay much attention to history or losing streaks or hoodos. It's just like any other game.
  7. Yeah I certainly got worse as they day went on. Culminating in a terrible evening. I don't want to have to avoid football shows or any talk of football, how are you supposed to do that when you live in Melbourne? I got asked by a Geelong friend to go to their game with them next Fri. THE MCG and its surroundings feel like Ground Zero right now and I want to be anywhere but there at the minute.
  8. I heard 22 of them were turning up as Harry Houdini. No sorry that was Saturday
  9. See what you're saying but that blanket statement at the end there doesn't ring true for myself or a lot of Melbourne fans. Being an AFL player opens doors people could only dream of. Even if your career is short live the contacts and opportunities that come out of it can take you places.
  10. If what we as supporters think has no effect on the players then why the heck do we turn up to support them each week? Dont get me wrong I know it's not all about us but to say it has no effect whatsoever isn't true.
  11. Well said. Might still be hard for some to read it but there is plenty of truth to it
  12. Yeah interesting look. Credit to Nathan for doing that but if Jack were to given sole captaincy this would have been a good first act.
  13. Its officially been 48 hours since that 1st quarter noose hanging. In some ways it is still fresh, in some ways it feels like an eternity since then.
  14. Not yet. The ridiculous thing is that I will never consider not signing up. I wish I could make a stand some other way but until then I'll keep on strapping myself for the one way trip to disappointment.
  15. Maybe but credit to the guy for actually being able to write all that.
  16. That is very much the truth and no I don't expect you to feel sorry for me. Liverpool still win the odd trophy here and there. A club like Forest really did slide from grace a bit and have had a massive baron spell. Full credit for sticking with them though, I always had a massive soft spot for Forest even in the 90s they had some great players. Nothing tops MFC.
  17. Well written. I'd even email it to the club. I think you've got the right balance of frustration and credit where its due. Good stuff!
  18. It won't please you guys but I'm actually a die hard Liverpool fan. But not the glory 70s and 80s. Only the last 25 or so years. Much like Melbourne I missed the glory and invested emotion in the battler periods of the two clubs
  19. Ah, I'm an EPL fan too but don't have Optus! Life sucks
  20. I'll answer this in a month's time. Too raw
  21. Haha yeah plus I'm a Niners fan so there won't be much success there! At least it will be a distraction when it starts. Gee, you've certainly had a garbage year of sick guts heartbreak feeling. I feel for ya
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