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Everything posted by layzie

  1. Well, based on the first 4/5 games you’d be right. Good thing is it’s a marathon and not a sprint.
  2. Let the long bow reaching begin 6 - Oliver 5 - Jones 4 - Gawn 3 - Hogan 2 - Salem 1 - Kent Seacrest out
  3. For the first time in a very long time there is little to be gained from the 3 word analysis. The team was woeful
  4. Wow. What in the hell was that? Turned up to play in the first quarter but as soon as the Hawks found their rhythm and the rain came so did our game plan and effort. I'm completely lost for words after that. All I can think of right now is the phrase that was thrown around after rd23 last year. How it was going to 'burn in the guts'. That's all just words it really is.
  5. Shown up is a complete understatement
  6. Would have been really happy with that quarter had we not conceded that last one
  7. Let's go Dees! In the Olympic stand today for the first time in about 12 years hopefully it brings some kind of omen
  8. And the rain comes down.. 26 point lead becomes at least 40
  9. What’s happening with Hunt? Is he looking ok at all?
  10. Boy this one is tough. 6 - Gawn What can I say? Best player on the park. Good in the air when needed and torched the hit outs against a quality ruckman. 5 - Hogan We all want to see him kick goals but geez I love what this guy offers around the ground. His field kicking is brilliant and more often than not uses it well. 4 - Lewis The game he needed to play. Composed when we needed it, won a few good 50-50s, glad he’s there. 3 - Petracca Getting plenty of it. Loved the confidence to just play on and dob it even when he had recently had the yips. Song of a true great. 2 - Jones Came into it after half time doing what he does best. 25 touches 11 contested and 7 tackles. 1 - Kent This could have easily gone to Bugg but I was just so impressed with the way Kent stood up when it mattered. Especially in the 3rd when we found it so hard to break through. Welcome back son! Apologies to Bugg, Salem and Wagner
  11. Hopefully he played a terrible game. Thats right JW lovers come get me!
  12. The hoodoo is dead people! There were many times I thought we'd drop the bundle. 1st quarter, 3rd quarter when we couldn't seem to break through their rearguard etc but we came through when we needed to. Gawn was great, Lewis showed the composure we needed him to show and Petracca really is becoming the player we think he'll be. Good job Dees! Hard 3 weeks coming up
  13. Wow we have not done near enough to win this. Wasteful with the inside 50s we've had. Fire up for this last quarter and for God sake kick the first one
  14. There is more pressure on this game than many think. Or maybe everyone realises it. In my opinion the finals hoodoo and the North hoodoo need to die together. We only have them once this year I cannot deal with another 12 months of this crap. Get the job done Dees. And then onward and upward to bigger things.
  15. Shocking game. No excitement to it, two mediocre teams. Total rubbish
  16. Yes we should not have a vendetta against Jack and should not celebrate his poor games. Screw that. I’m happy to say that I was happy he didn’t do that well and will continue to be the next time he plays a honker. There’s many times as a supporter when you just have to eat it over a bad trade. I’ll be darned if I’m eating it over this.
  17. 6 - Garlett - Pressure, smart runs and knew where the goals were. We would not have won without him 5 - Oliver - Always getting it in close. Never tires and was one of the few still getting it when others fell asleep 4 - Hogan - Great performance. Lead really well to the right spots and clunked a few good ones overhead. A couple of key misses had he got he would have had 6 votes 3 - Jones - Liked his game. Was great in tight as he always is and even when the conditions got tough he was at least surging the ball to our advantage 2. Omac - Thought he really stuck to his guns when the back was heading in there repeatedly. Two solid weeks in a row 1. Petracca - Thought his first half was brilliant. Attack on the ball, hitting targets. Would be nice if he could dob an easy set shot.
  18. A tale of two halves: The first half I saw hard running both ways, good forward pressure and decent skill hitting targets. Guys like Trac and Hibberd getting it on a string. The second half I saw a lot less running, a lot more fumbling (understand the conditions played some part) and a lot more panicking. Garlett and Hodges saved the day, Clarry you can hold your head up high but across the board we really dropped off. How many of these games does Lever have to have before we worry? Because right now he’s looking like the most expensive 3rd tall defender ever.
  19. 4 points and not much else to be said really
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