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Everything posted by layzie

  1. So many cheap votes for Neale and so many votes robbed from Trac
  2. One of the cruddier Brownlows for a long time
  3. Trac was better than Cripps even in a losing side
  4. I'd just give Trac 3 in the Carlton game. It's the way it's going
  5. Kicking costs Trac a medal too by the looks of it
  6. Listening to it on the radio is so much better
  7. Very impressive. Still haven't seen enough to know if he's a great kick or not but what he does have is excellent vision. He'll pick out the best teammate in a split second.
  8. Tapping up a guy the year after he signed a 6 year deal? Not completely impossible but I'd be seriously questioning his moral and brain compass. Especially if North improve next year.
  9. At the end of the day I don't hate the gesture. It's fine and there's nothing wrong with Clarry. I'm indifferent to it but if you put as much into supporting this club as most of us do what was the headlines you wanted to hear after this final? That's right, successful ones. Headlines about how Melbourne's resilience got us over the line or how we were the team toughest the longest. Not good a good act of sportsmanship crowbarred in between a million different journos lining up to clip us. That 1%er of ruthlessness, I don't see any of the great Hawthorn or Geelong teams doing these kinds of gestures in their prime. Not the worst thing to happen but after how we went out it wasn't exactly something to make me feel better.
  10. Don't mind me Monbon, just being grumpy. And an 'On baller'.
  11. The best form of defence is attack because you can't defend the indefensible.
  12. No but thanks for coming.
  13. I'd like to be able to change the title to 23. I don't really want go start a fresh thread. Anyway I will not be watching, listening or consuming any form of footy media this week. I am diving straight into Inktober right now.
  14. I'm not following
  15. I'm not watching it. You guys can watch it like dorks if you want but I'm outta here.
  16. Today has been pretty ordinary around Demonland. Lots of quality gear left on the cutting floor without acknowledgement.
  17. And that's the tooth.
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