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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. It is a salutary lesson for any business that you do not wait for the arse to fall out of your revenue base, before you act. You look at your revenue trends and you act accordingly. The fact is, our current membership numbers are down on last year and we should not wait until current or potential sponsors say, I've had enough so I am baling out. In short, it is about protecting what you have left of your brand and ours is already a tarnished brand, which continues to be damaged almost daily. Let's not forget, it was Jimmy's debt demolition campaign that substantially got us out of the poo. You can't keep going back to the same well to sustain yourself, because sooner or later that well will run dry.
  2. It's relevant because we had to continue to run a profitable business, take care of all stakeholders, not just one and at the end of the day, ensure our paying clients remained on our books. Just how relevant do you want the point to be? By any measure, Neeld has failed to reach the brief.
  3. 8 months ago, we employed a guy with outstanding credentials. He had a great name within the profession, his references were glowing and his previous and demonstrated results, outstanding. We were absolutely rapt we could land a candidate that we thought would have been able to name his own price and get a job with a much larger firm. Within 4 months of being with us and despite the fact we bent over backwards to vary our practices and processes, he is gone. His productivity was minimal, he had an adverse affect on employee morale, upset a number of clients with his gung ho demeanour and the revenue he generated was well below budget. So what happened? Maybe it was our fault. Maybe we did not provide a working environment to his liking, maybe we didn't provide him with a vision he could share. That accepted, we believe he just held that his way was the only way. He was not flexible enough to adapt to our way of doing business. That we had to cut him loose, did negatively affect our business, but that was short term. We are back tracking where we should be. His replacement does not have as high a profile, but their results are 65% better already, than the bloke we thought was a gun. The staff are much happier and our workplace is a much nicer place to be. Things like this happen and it is regrettable, but we run a business and we had to fix what was an obvious problem. These things happen unfortunately, in spite of our best intentions.
  4. I'm very relaxed old chap. Sitting back with a courvoisier and a cuban at present. Talking Footy??? They should name a TV show after that.
  5. Then don't play him in the seniors, give him a run in the 2's and let him get his confidence back.
  6. I am glad you don't litigate. The bench in any jurisdiction would hold that your writ was vexatious and without merit.
  7. No, need to check it again. He did not say what you have attributed to him.
  8. I don't see where FT said any of the things you have attempted to attribute to him. Stop trying to "verbal" people
  9. I would have thought that a web forum is just that - based on opinion. No other opinion carries any more veracity than another. In terms of making comments from what you term "cheap seats", I have two eyes and see what transpires on the footy field. That is what is becoming tiresome.
  10. Agree. The point is, there is no discernible foundation stone upon which to build the culture we seek to emulate. However, a good starting point would be to instil some belief in the current playing group. Even if many of them are not there in 12 months time, you can set the ground work now, for future players to inherit. I see nothing of this at the moment.
  11. The business analogy is the one I "subscribe" to. It is not a question of misappropriating blame for a dud product, it is about the market itself. If the market doesn't buy it, because it not only doesn't believe the product has any real value, but that it is basically flawed in the first place, then the market will turn away. If the sales manager - and I don't claim that role is the domain on Mark Neeld - can't reverse the perception of the market, then it's time to go.
  12. Membership = 31,727. Yep, "creeping" along nicely. Such a figure highlights the point. It may not be Mark Neeld, but something has to change sooner rather than later. You will not be sustained with such a membership number and we have been below par for way too long. It is a business imperative that we let the footy world know, we're ready - finally - to take the steps we need to to get us out of the mire, in which we have wallowed for the last decade in particular.
  13. Yes, at a club function. That's as far as I go on that issue.
  14. Geelong had 9 players each of whom had played under 50 games on the weekend. They have several pushing for senior selection in their 2's. Yes, before you jump down my throat, I know the core of Geelong's list is as rock solid as any in the AFL. The point i make, is they never bottomed out and they have a culture which has never seen then with a losing average of over 10 goals.
  15. Ahhhh, the old axiom. "The coach has the full support of the board" . It would be a fearful coach who hears that. As for the rant,. People "rant" on here because they are passionate. They just want to see something approaching passion emanating from the players and the club. No-one on here, at least in their right mind, expects this side to threaten the eight, in fact we know we're a long way from that, but we do expect them to have a go. I, for one, can't say I have really seen the required effort yet. And if what I have heard about certain players' parents expressing dissatisfaction with the coach and they way the coach treats them, has any modicum of truth, then I am worried.
  16. And your facts are???? If the facts are we simply don't have the cattle on the park, which is not Neeld's or the football department's fault, which translates into a lack of accountability, an absence of a willingness to be in a contest, and even though we train the house down, we cannot transpose that to match day, then we have a problem.
  17. Yes we do. Our membership numbers are haemorraghing at the moment, god knows what the sponsors think and we become more and more an unattractive place to be, for possible future players. It may not be Neeld, but something has to change.
  18. Bimbo's post is excellent. In a perfect world, that is where we should believe ourselves to be. However, unlike other clubs, who have long spent time further up the ladder, I have grave doubts whether our supporters, sponsors and the football world in general will afford the MFC the luxury of the time needed for Mark Neeld to deliver on his supposed manifesto. I don't want anyone sacked, but I understand that the imperatives of doing business in today's AFL make it so. Even more so when you are in our position and have been there for so long.
  19. I couldn't go yesterday, due to a full 18 holes of golf on Saturday - if I had gone to the footy yesterday, I would have become a single man very quickly. Instead, my dearly beloved bought tickets to the stage show Barassi. Corny acting aside, I just couldn't help choking up during the young Barassi, Norm Smith scenes. 6 Flags in the 50's to the 60's. Then the scene came when young RDB announced to Norm he was leaving to coach Carlton. Choked up again. Who did we play yesterday??? Irony I suppose. While I know footy is a different business these days, the one thing the mentor and protege had in common was that commitment to the team cause and endeavour were non-negotiables. Despite the different footy world we live in today, are those core values so anachronistic in today's footy world?
  20. "that's footy"?? No it's not. How long do you expect supporters /members to witness what we have to put up with. For the last time, we can accept the realities of talent or the lack of it that we have and the losses that will inevitably bring. What we won't accept is the manner in which we lose and and the magnitude of those losses. Nor bloody well should we. Let's get in the real world shall we.
  21. How can I say that? Because I am obviously one of those morons. You can be as condescending as you like, but no Board, which operates in a competitive business environment, would tolerate such a low grade performance. To do so would be to abrogate their due diligence and be contrary to good corporate governance. In fact, they would be "morons" if they let it happen under their watch. On the footy side, it was not all that long ago, we flogged Paul Roos' Swans, dissected Brisbane and annihilated Adelaide. Short memory!!!!!! Like I said in my previous post, most of us have the brains - contrary to your misguided opinion - to understand the losses. But what cannot be tolerated is the way we lose at the moment. And just a word of advice, if your response to a robust debate is to enter into throwing insults, then I suggest you go to your local bar and try it on there. There is no place for that here.
  22. Maybe so, but in my humble opinion, we're better than what is on display at the present time. I reckon anyone on here; most MFC supporters in fact, can handle the losses. What we cannot abide is the way we lose at the present time. You're right, Jackson will make recommendations and I would suggest those recommendations will not make good reading for some current key people at the club.
  23. Robbie, while not in my 60's, I am not that far away. Like you, I have seen 50 years of re-build after so-called re-build, with some bright periods along the way, that have kept me coming back for more, without reaching the golden prize. But the difference with today's football world is that is a cut throat business now. Unlike the late '60's, '70's and 80's, you cannot survive any longer on prolonged mediocrity. The sponsors won't buy it, the media won't buy it, supporters feel more and more disenfranchised and perhaps more importantly our AFL masters won't tolerate it. That is why Jackson is trying to steer the good ship MFC back on course. His main problem is, he has to get it back on an even keel first. Any one of us on here can hypothesise about the game plan or lack thereof, as much as we like. The facts are, our results are abysmal and the current footy world is losing patience with us. Something has to be done and its got to be sooner rather than later.
  24. I have empathy for your points BB. There appears to be 3 'camps' on where things sit with Neeld. The worst of these is that the players are not listening, do not buy in and therefore don't play for the coach. The 2nd is that our list, due to past sins, not of Neeld's making, is just not good enough and therefore we just have to wait for yet another attempt at a re-build. And 3rd, if Neeld is not the answer, then there is no point in getting rid of him now, as that would only further destabilise a club, which has reeled from one crisis to the next. I don't particularly subscribe to any of these views, simply because I do not know what the true situation is. However, if the first scenario is true, then there can only be one remedy. As painful, uncomfortable and disturbing as it may be, the club would need to be purged. I have heard things, from the likes of "Caro's sources close to the club" about several players' parents being unhappy with the way their boys are being treated. I might say, these players are core and not fringe. If this has any substance at all, then action must be taken and it must be taken sooner rather than later.
  25. Last time I looked HT, they were free and available in an assortment of fonts and colours, so knock yourself out. I'll say again, I can't find anywhere in this thread, where anybody has said or requested that Sugar goes virally public, but at the risk of sounding too precious, it would be good to hear from him just the same. We sure do have some keyboard warriors on here don't we??????? Whoops, sorry for the liberal use of punctuation again.
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