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Tigers Dayz

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Posts posted by Tigers Dayz

  1. What now? I think we should go after Mark Thompson (pie eater), or maybe James Hird himself. We could offer him a sh@#load. Perhaps the HARDMAN is the answer. I don't know....

    The senior coach, as opposed to the FD and the cattle, doesn't decide game outcomes on each day. Yeah, right! I've always been sure that the only people who can win a game are those on the field, and the line coaches whom have pre-drilled and pre-decided the days plan.

    Of course, we could always go out and find the most expensive coach on offer, because he would always be the best.

    I think we should go after Malthouse, because after 10 years, he, all-of-a-sudden became the best which had nothing to do with the financial budget which could put the best people around him (you know the names), and you know the budget.

    Seems to me like MFC can at least be competitive, at the moment. Seems like our young blokes can play to a higher level than they probably should given game numbers.

    Oh Yeah... lets dump Bailey and get a better coach!

  2. The old comparison of Nats v Watts as #1 pick is gradually being put to bed.

    IMO, Watts more versatile, quietly deadly, no low percentage tricky stuff, more long term upside failing injury.

    In fact the comparison isn't realy made any more, is it?

  3. We're not cursed. We are Demographically challenged.. No key/identifiable demographic base. This has challenged all aspects of club success over the years, due to our low supporter base, resulting in poor finances and leverage within the AFL, eg, fixturing, media coverage, players not wishing to play for MFC (Judd for instance) etc.

  4. I'm resolved to just enjoy the marvelous footy Scully and these other kids will play for the rest of this year, as I have enjoyed it to date.

    I'm not going to spoil the rest of my year with speculation or worry. Life's too short, and footy goes on!

  5. After reading the 50 pages of posts and originally indicating I would rather Tom not play if he won't sign a contract now, I have decided, based on forum opinions and subsequently more informed thought, that;

    For the club to come first;

    Tom must continue to play if form permits to reward both himself and the club for the year.

    The club must continue to work on the best deal for the club (not necessarily Tom), so other players are also rewarded for their work.

    If we lose Tom after our best negotiation efforts, so-be-it.

    Every loss has some potential for gain. Who knows what opportunities may present for club and players.

    I remain a loyal MFC fan into my 6th decade,and football life goes on.

    Also, I am not a weak assed suck who excepts loss/defeat lightly.

  6. The old comparison of Nats v Watts as #1 pick is gradually being put to bed.

    IMO, Watts more versatile, quietly deadly, no low percentage tricky stuff, more long term upside failing injury.

    In fact the comparison isn't realy made any more, is it?

  7. I'm not an oldie, but no problems :P

    I can see why you'd have 5 of those in the 22 - it's getting tough now.

    Can't wait for Tapps to return.

    Oldie? I'm sure the moderating wisdom will come, eventually.

  8. I'm just repeating it, because nobody responded to the Sylvia thing the first or the second time you said it.

    I wonder if supporters would be less upset about losing Sylvia if Scully re-signs, or if this conjecture was about Sylvia all year?

    That's right to! Sylvia has been good this year, hasn't he, as a more senior player? I'm just trying to remember previous years.. Damn. When did he begin, again?

    Scully or Sylvia resign? .....mmmmm Scully for me! He has a Judd attitude.

  9. We should thank our lucky stars that Malthouse will not be available whether we wait or not! We just saved ouselves squillons on a figurehead.

    11 years to get a flag in the wealthiest club in the land... give me a break!

    What's the rush? We have a coach. We can find a "manager" if necessary at any time. Dime a dozen! It's the FD and Cattle who do the job!

  10. I don't have time to read the whole thread to make my point (which may already have been made).

    All you people "in the know", or who have a proper grip on drafting and contract negotiations, tell me why a contract cannot be presented to Scully right now, which assumes he is the best player in the AFL at this seasons end. That contact would, in essence be the best the MFC could do.

    If that contract is not signed by Scully immediately, then that would say we cannot afford to keep him. Why, then, would he get another game with MFC for the rest of the year? Subsequently we would then progress another young player in the team, and Scully would get no further development?

    Hit me!

  11. Simon....Godfrey.Its like your brother's girlfriend. If she does it for him, but not for you, then dont be jealous. If he finds the Pies system works better, then good luck to him. I'll focus on the guys wearing Red and Blue. Our discards are...our discards.

    Now fairly regular player for the best side in the league. At round 11.

    Do we really have a need for a defender who doesn't play tight and butchers the footy?By the way, the article actually strongly suggests Buckley won't play.

    Malthouse has decided this guy can play!

    Yeah we do, we lost Bruce you know... Wasn't saying Buckley was a great player, I'm saying that if he turns it around and plays great for Collingwood he'll do so in a role that woulda been handy for us...Geez, fair dinkum guys, this was not an argumentative thread, yet somehow people try and turn it into such

    He's starting to play good footy in the starting 22 in the best side in the land.

    Buckley would be in direct competition with Rohan Bail, who is fringe himself. I'd take Bail any day - torches it less often (but still more often than ideal) and his attack on ball and man is second to none.

    Bail would probably get a walk up start with Collingwood also, eh? Buckley is almost esconced

    He is actually a pretty good footballer who had a lot of bad luck at the wrong time when he played at Melbourne. I am not saying we should not have delisted him at all, but the Filth just might have scored another Bargain.Granted we are talking Round 1.

    Nicely predicted WYL.

  12. I think we have many better choices for captain, but the club decided not to take a punt on a younger player, like Grimes.

    While I don't necessarily disagree with that decision, I firmly believe that we won't have a decent leadership group and captain until we bite the bullet and appoint a young captain. Sadly, given the age and experience gaps on our list, it seems like one of Grimes, Trengove, Scully etc... will need to step up into the role before they are absolutely 100% ready. It's not completely fair, but great leaders excel under pressure. Our current leadership group craps itself regularly and has given us nothing in the past 4 weeks, when times have been tough.

    Agree with your basic sentiment. But what you are saying is that we don't currently have Captain material. Given we must have a Captain, then Green is it.

    Back to my original post, even if quietly spoken, he is not "soft", or shall we say "bruise free".

  13. ...Green/Davey are the last of a soft culture at Melbourne and were poor choices as Captain and VC.

    Bit harsh. Both players, off field, exhibit a mild mannered demeanor. I don't agree that translates into "soft". When Green runs backs with ball flight to mark, eyes always on the ball, is that soft? He tackles, he does work "inside", not only outside. The flash does his best work outside, running the lines, but soft? Tough call. The mark he failed to take last week may be explained by injury.

    Look, most clubs might contain better choices for Capt, Vcapt, but we don't have those choices at the moment, so suck it up. We'd all love a Jonathan Brown, but we don't have one yet.

    By the way, 23 years a member?... your a baby.

  14. Cannot disagree on Sylvia but you are kidding yourself on Green.It is not about when he has the ball it is about when he doesn't. Let me guess you check the disposal count before you do your bests?Give me examples of his good leadership. It sure as hell wasn't him running to space or putting his body on the line.

    Well I'm going to check the stats now fella.

    No guessing. I am giving you clear examples of when he did not show leadership. You are giving vague statements like "he pressured and tackled". You are aware that's what they are meant to do? Its like saying he "kicked and marked". I really hope the club dont look at leadership like you do. I couldn't stand another decade of soft culture at this club.

    22 disposals, 4 marks, 7 tackles. 1 goal, 1 pt. Five Carlton players had better stats. Sylvia was similar, Jordie and Moloney had similar tackle counts.

    You listed 3 errors from Green and sh*tcan him for them and for not being a leader. Mate, move on!

  15. Cannot disagree on Sylvia but you are kidding yourself on Green.

    It is not about when he has the ball it is about when he doesn't. Let me guess you check the disposal count before you do your bests?

    Give me examples of his good leadership. It sure as hell wasn't him running to space or putting his body on the line.

    Keep guessing brfe, seems to be all you do. Are you calling him gutless? Is this a phenomena only manifested this year? Or has he alway shirked the issue? I'm saying he lead ok. He presured and tackled and did his bit. Pity he didn't have more mates tonight, most sidelined.

  16. I nearly choked on my late night pizza reading this. This summary makes me sick and makes me question what you think leadership is.

    Qtr 1 Melbourne player about to take ball Green chooses to not shepherd and runs out of the way of the Carlton player to try and get an easy kick. He then lambasts the player when he turns it over.

    Qtr 2 Has options inside 50 but takes a hero's shot for goal to an empty square.

    Qtr 3 One handed effort in the Carlton goal square resulting in a goal.

    Green as our captain makes me somewhat embarrassed to support this great club. The only thing more embarrassing is I cant tell you to choose over him.

    Take your pick as to who was Melbourne's best player, either Green or Sylvia. I thought both showed good leadership tonight. Easy to find mistakes when a player has much ball. I'm happy with the Skippers efforts tonight.

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