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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. Well he couldn't be in de Nile could he?
  2. od sane?
  3. i can't see medical fraud if players signed a waiver saying they could be injected with aod
  4. Alan Stockdale wants to be PresidentDaisy Cutter wants an new Ferrari for Xmas
  5. yes i think this was the board's major mistake and just showed up their weakness looks like no-one wanted to step up which is disappointing jimmy could still have stayed on the board, just not prez
  6. according to kero it was two players, the other being melksham (McV used the term others and another) guess we find out soon everybody DR, SD, JH, MT, the rest of the FD, Players, Dr, CEO and some board members all have good reasons to tell half-truths and be self protective will come down to any hard evidence, and weight of circumstantial evidence asada has going to be hard to argue though that aod was not banned under the wada code and the ultimate player responsibility also DR and SD knew the wada codes backwards especially the relevant S0 code (and i would think Dr Reid too)
  7. 12th od and first cab off the rank (glad it wasn't the 13th)
  8. yes od, a big contrast to wada's zero tolerance approach will be interesting to see asada's take on this
  9. seems to me that young jack spends to much time waiting ....waiting for the ball ....waiting on coaching appointment
  10. he might just be vision challenged biffo
  11. channel7 with the tv rights has a vested interest in at least the players getting off i thought this was a little obvious in the after interview roundtable - a lot of apologetics
  12. it's an executive summary nasher for public consumption the full real report will never be public and we will never really know if it was snow job or what
  13. Dr Poo would disagree with this assertion
  14. did you get it on ebay along with jousting sticks?
  15. "whatever it takes" "i take full responsibility" "i hate hawthorn" well one out three ain't bad
  16. well he could always run for president - win/win
  17. now that's a novel idea
  18. just how does he propose "that the members be included"?
  19. i think he meant full responsibility to see this through to the bitter end - lol definitely never hird of the westminster principle
  20. maybe there are new vtol passenger jets coming
  21. essendrugs new president was just a walk-up, and they're in the poo as much (or more i hope) than us he does have more money but
  22. does that mean he wouldn't be welcome at the gat?
  23. apparently the oval will be multi-function it doubles as a runway for docklands international airport......lol
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