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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. oh come on frog, you can do better than that did you miss my deliberate use of the word "relatively" christianity in the western world is by most measures a dwindling force dredging up individual instances of christian fuelled incidents is failing to see the forest for the trees btw talk to an irishman about the current prestige and power of the catholic church in ireland.....it is disintegrated at a rate of knots
  2. simplistic stereotyping may not be helpful in an argument but neither are arguments of equivalency if you follow through on an argument of equivalency you could argue that we may as well let criminals migrate here because we already have our own home-grown criminals which of course is ridiculous just saying
  3. you are correct that it is "organised religion" that is a problem, as easily attested by history and your examples all organisations as they grow become more interested in power and wealth and its attendant corruption. Organised religion is no different. an even bigger problem with religious organisations is fundamentalism i would argue (and you might disagree) that christianity in the western world is largely becoming more benign relatively speaking these days, with more and more adherents becoming non-practicing or non-believers. Contrastingly some non-christian religions appear to have a growing fundamentalist component. This gets somewhat conflated wihen the line between religion and state gets blurred
  4. but the argument might be (not saying i'm one) that because of his age (and possibly the mess we were) he couldn't do both
  5. i think daisycutter would look cool on a jumper maybe we could follow suit with forum footy
  6. well a toilet here is often called a thunder box wonder why Peel Thunder would name themselves after a toilet?
  7. from raymonds over on ology
  8. lol, and then there was young warwick, and ever since they just remind me of a faded porn star
  9. you're right jnr, i remember all those arguments over the footy record and numbers if we do get names i supposes it raises the question of do we need numbers + names could we add names and do away with numbers?
  10. well i was thinking navy blue (with maybe a little red), but i do agree red shorts aren't the nicest look
  11. i don't have a problem with it, but players with long names might be problematic
  12. LOL - can't wait to see "Rochford Devenish-Meares"
  13. looking at that picture reminds me of one aspect of clash outfits - SHORTS The NRL the A-League (and others) allow non white shorts for the "light coloured" clash strips as too this picture shows one of my problems with afl clash strips is the insistence on white shorts when you couple this with a predominately white jumper the overall result is more like caspar the ghost i would (grudgingly admittedly) give a bit of ground on clash strips if we had the option of coloured shorts opinions?
  14. ok he's not managed by Pickering
  15. daisycutter


    he has a good avatar but
  16. sigh, don't you just hate it do you think a death tax would help to stop people dying?
  17. still sounds like a strawman to me
  18. you never could stop at one though bbo
  19. i don't get your point hood when i was a kid in the fifties everyone called them cancer sticks. didn't need any peer reviewed scientists to know that they did get thalidomide wrong though for a while
  20. daisycutter


    true. an accountant could see that LOL that's why a balance sheet has different sub categories of debt
  21. well i won't get too concerned with either of your political opinions until either of you decide to stand for office
  22. i'll probably dissolve into a cataract of tears
  23. is it possible he has both jobs? the carey one sounded like a part time position
  24. everyone is as happy as michelle obama?c
  25. well colin strangely in a democracy his vote has exactly the same "weight" as yours
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