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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. is that violins i hear in the distance?
  2. i was itching to respond but i was on an std call
  3. actually od we have moved from a bygone era to a buy-gone era
  4. i've been thinking about what clark means when he says he wants to get a good deal for mfc is it meaningful or just self-promoting spin? just how can he make sure mfc gets a good deal when it is completely up to the recipient club who can play hardball and we have little bargaining power? is clark going to knock back a good offer because that club doesn't offer up a good deal? yeah pigs might fly. all he can do is say he will go through the trade option (rather than delist option) which doesn't mean we get a reasonable offer it actually suits him to go the trade route because then he can choose a club if he ends up in the draft as delisted he loses control somewhat i think his sentiment of looking after mfc is just spin to gain some sympathy if we can't get a reasonable trade we should let him walk i'd rather we took a stand than accept some low pick or lowly player mal michael all over again
  5. you also need to take into account that country bumpkins from romsey are just a little s l o w on the uptake
  6. you said that last week, gorgo
  7. when has he committed to anyone?
  8. a french oaf is another man's french tart...oui?
  9. does that mean he's staying, sleeve?
  10. well butter me on both sides. i didn't know rolf harris was at the G
  11. think it might be incan
  12. the grand final sprint is just plain embarrassing the clubs and the players don't take it seriously it doesn't even have any comedic value except for usain bolt
  13. i'd prefer a daisycutter stab kick. must knock over a 100kg dummy from 30 metres
  14. and...."It is understood Dank’s claims against the Nine Network will proceed."
  15. ta.......could still be difficult for some if it drags out
  16. yes agreed, i don't understand. in fact it is only 1 day. then presumably have to wait for afl decision.....maybe missing something?
  17. for your and my sake i hope that's true otherwise it sounds like something i've heard before
  18. i thought under the afl rules dangerfield can't talk to other clubs or receive offers but i guess i'm just old fashioned
  19. thanks for the link to jlo/iggy video jack.......i think
  20. i'll stick to muesli + banana + tinned fruit and a milk coffee
  21. no, not even non-special occasions, but i'm not od
  22. biffo,you sound like a man who has just had his prostate removed taking it one dribble at a time
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