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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. 33545 moving glacially. 35K might be difficult
  2. well that would be more plausible than my amateur musings still it does strike me as inconsistent guess we will find out soon does this mean that if asada had appealed they too could possibly (depending on same ruling) have had the whole thing heard fresh?
  3. i think that's where he sells that dodgy halal "certified" alpaca meat
  4. sorry to hear you are in a halfway home, bbo. hope things will lookup soon
  5. noice, hardtack
  6. didn't the trapper rack up 40+ possessions in the kreuzer cup?
  7. not sure i agree chris i think the timing would be either the time of the (alleged) offences or the time the infraction notices were issued common law works mainly like that (to my knowledge, unless i've read too many american detective novels - lol)
  8. port adelaide for the first question fitzroy for the second question what do i win, d-l?
  9. given the new 4 year penalties were publicly stated as not on the table then i can't see how this option could be on the table assuming there is any consistency of course dank can hardly introduce new evidence in an appeal when he originally failed to give evidence, failed to co-operate and failed to hand over any evidence
  10. LOL you mightn't od, but what about the rat. they've got opinions too, especially when it concerns their arse.
  11. given the limited grounds on which dank can appeal, it "should" be a short hearing he can't get a retrial
  12. given wada's budget of $20M i doubt they will pursue it for a non-international game they might make a bit of noise and hiss a bit but that's about all city hall obfuscation and vested interests will win again makes me sick but what can you do
  13. what happened to the cow's liver, jazzer?
  14. promissory notes don't count as pay, bbo as da said "and lets be clear on this, they're not worth the paper they're written on"
  15. cats kick 4.2 so far in 3q to suns 0.0
  16. doggies getting thrashed by dawks on every stat except frees
  17. yeah a real cracker both sides played the same style, attacking play-on footy i thought nahas possibly ruined norf's chances with 3 bad mistakes in last q
  18. can't** cant1 [kant] noun 1. insincere, especially conventional expressions of enthusiasm for highideals, goodness, or piety. 2. the private language of the underworld. 3. the phraseology peculiar to a particular class, party, profession, etc.: the cant of the fashion industry. 4. whining or singsong speech, especially of beggars. verb (used without object) 5. to talk hypocritically. 6. to speak in the whining or singsong tone of a beggar; beg.
  19. gee, that's a bit tough on jacky boy have you ever tried to play basketball in those conditions? and the crowd were just horrible to him
  20. i think judges need more basic algebra training
  21. pretty sure poppies are on asada's banned list
  22. best watched with the sound turned off didn't think it possible for an afl player to talk non-stop for 6 1/2 minutes he must have been cam's protege at one stage
  23. saty no doubt would be a big fan of sabrina (the actress) and of course the incomparable diana dors (true name diana fluck.....yes not a typo)
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