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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. govt blessing to dump wada? i'd like to see that if they did dump wada there is no way it would be with govt blessing. the ramifications would not be worth it
  2. hmmm.....we said that 7 years ago......
  3. more interesting to look at their success in trading in top players from other clubs
  4. ebay is your friend, jack http://www.ebay.com.au/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2060353.m570.l1313.TR12.TRC2.A0.H0.XKnives.TRS0&_nkw=Knives&_sacat=0
  5. hope he's not a wally(oon)
  6. i'm waiting for sheedy to wade in and blame the aliens
  7. no, no. just pointing out that different sports have different physical requisites and probably different concurrent nutritional requirements additionally the cricket example is more anecdotal and opinionated than scientifically assessed
  8. see my prev post i'm not taking sides
  9. i'm not taking sides, tpf just pointing out that cricket fitness requirements are different from afl as is nrl, basketball, soccer etc requirements
  10. how do you reckon they'd go at 120 minutes of afl footy? different requirements
  11. except offering a 20yo a mill/year contract for 6 years to be the marquee player would qualify as a big statement to the public but i suppose once in the wilds of sydney's west it's all too foreign for the local melb press. probably niknak too in faraway westralia.
  12. you could include niknak (6 marks in 7 games this year) and hwfua (except a bit better this year) as high draft players not getting full scrutiny
  13. and to be more precise it was true for the first half of 2014, and only partially true for second half of 2014
  14. tennis court, biffo
  15. biggest risk in burwood, bbo, is asian affluenza, it's become endemic
  16. no idea wat you are talking about pitmaster
  17. hird came out on saturday and blamed the media in general for misrepresenting the truth and saying certain journalists had it in for him and were venomous lets see now who hird/essendon have blamed and attacked strongly for their predicament 1] the afl 2] the government 3] asada 4] the court 5] wada 6] the media i just wonder who is left to blame? oh that's right....maybe themselves?
  18. we are going to have a side very far from full strength i reckon the only chance we have is to play tight man on man and hope the extra pressure breaks their structure but i can't see roos going for man on man as a game plan .....and that it's a wet rainy day
  19. 4(+?) weeks for concussion is quite alarming too
  20. LOL your stupidity and disingenuity just made an ass of you 1] you expected nasher to pm you to an email address that is not you....yeah right 2] you claim that in australia you can only have 1 real email address. you must think we are daft to swallow that one. most isps i know allow multiple email addresses (i have 3) plus you can have email addresses with other internet sites, such as your employer(s) or places such as gmail, yahoo, google etc
  21. how about a new midfield coach? surely our midfield tactics are partly to blame for such ineffectiveness
  22. interesting stat at 3q time: free kicks 20:6 in doggies favour
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