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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. part of the umpiring problem is the blatant afl interference mid season with the umpiring department they repeatedly try to micro manage umpiring rule interpretation for their social engineering of the game it's got to stop there is the rule book and the pre-season to get it right during the season there should be a complete independence and separation of the umpiring department but they won't have the cajones
  2. ok, i'll stick to the serious stuff just don't suggest bananas but
  3. how about throwing pineapples then?
  4. probably find something/someone to not like about the win
  5. sounds great to me i haven't personally watched a lot of dion. seen some highlights and stats etc but not a lot how damaging or creative a player is he? who does he best compare to?
  6. the way the afl have (mis)handled pp's over the last few years makes it virtually impossible to have any sensible or logical dialogue there is simply no comprehensible framework (publicly) to judge against of course this is no barrier to the meja to stir the pot sensationally
  7. i'd be inclined to agree with hardtack. "mobs" sounds good to me rather than nations or even just "tribes" made up of smaller sub groups it can get a bit semantic though, but personally i don't think nations conveys the appropriate structure
  8. gotta pick you up there chris the maori were not one nation. they were a collection of a large number of violently warring tribes who cannibalized and enslaved each other regularly the treaty of waitangi had to be signed by 500 different tribal chiefs because they were unable and unwilling to elect a single group or leader to represent them
  9. i'll be doing my bit for the mother country, bbo
  10. i'm very confident this week ......filth by 8 goals
  11. why? does it look any different?
  12. what! i'm shocked. just to clarify. biffo.....you're not 23 or you're not earning 500k or you don't have a gf?
  13. as long as we use the richmond doctor
  14. yep, that's a reasonable concern but in this case they are not really doing anything new, they would just be unwinding previous bad tinkering of course, winding back the interchange isn't going to solve all problems of congestion and it will take time as game plans adjust to new realities it's not a panacea but i'd be pretty confident that it would be the single best solution to reduce the congestion
  15. it's not really to tire the players skuit it is to make it physically impractical for 36 players to follow the ball within a kic all game long this realisation would force the coaches to develop a new game plan which was more positional and therefore more open players won't be more exhausted than they are now
  16. well i'm a great fan of conan doyle but i don't think we should let a long dead scribbler who saw one game of footy dictate to us on the spirit of the game - LOL on the other hand if we could resurrect sherlock holmes we might be able to unravel the great mystery of the diabolical congestion and why the mfc is so pathetic
  17. well i would only argue that we need to get rid of a lot of players. more than we can realistically achieve this year in that context cross is one of the least of our problems and at least offers some value even if at worst just good depth
  18. whether cross played all games or not he would still be good value, whether playing, as a sub or good depth, plus his experience, leadership and example we can afford to keep him as long as he stays fit
  19. another fairly recent facet of the game is man on the mark positioning it is common now on the flanks and pockets for the man on the mark to stand 5-10m to the fat side of the mark (to try to force the player to kick to the skinny side and to reduce the ability to play-on to the fat side) a simple change would be to force the man on the mark to stay on or behind the mark but not to the side this should minimise the amount of times the kicker kicks to the boundary side and might allow more play-on to the fat side just a thought.....it's only a minor change and more of an interpretation but might help a little
  20. that's certainly better and definitely easier to adjudicate i can still see a problem when a mark is contested virtually on the boundary line. what is the spoiler supposed to do, specially when in distance of opposition goals? as for kicks and handpasses (untouched) going out of bounds i can see players just allowing themselves to be tackled and taken over the line instead of risking a tricky disposal still, i need to think more on it, certainly better than last touch though also, i'm thinking it is just a fringe approach which in itself won't make a big enough difference
  21. all valid points rgrs, but personally i doubt they would make more than a minor difference. it would just be tinkering at the edges
  22. don't think it will work munga. winning the 4 points will take precedence by a country mile anyway i don't see reducing the interchange limits as a negative rule. after all it is not so long ago that we didn't have an interchange firstly it was interchange with 2 players then 3 players then it escalated again to 4 players until we created this current mess and changed the game for the worst i don't see winding it back as a negative some form of zoning would be a mess and difficult/controversial to manage last touch out of bounds free kicks would stir up a hornet's nest and not be well received by the fans i wouldn't be averse to marks being increased from 15m to 20m. some marks paid are ridiculously short i would only look at backward kicking marks being play on (in certain parts of the field) as a very much last resort
  23. probably bbo just bidding whilst blind drunk, redleg
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