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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. the old one-cup-of-coffee-a-week trick. hmmm, i like it (and the coffee)
  2. they are set a good example by their political and corporate role models, bb
  3. well give it any label you like, bub, but he is yet to establish himself as a regular player let alone a good player i'll invoke an od'ism and say i'll wait until he has played half a season.......though i am optimistic
  4. very harsh, wyl, very harsh
  5. mono, others have said that the original article has since been edited to say moving
  6. because there was talk of a draft to select players don't know how draft order chosen, maybe pick a number from hat?
  7. know what you are saying i found another way to cleanly delete after trying the normal things.....but i can't remember what i did - lol - will pay attention next time can't help on a mobile bub, sorry
  8. correction: Richmond will have nine of that!!
  9. or a future ambassadorship?
  10. agree that is the way it is supposed to work also agree that it is a nice feature. it has saved me remembering and retyping a number of times (due to various reasons) however.....i think some people a saying that sometimes it's not working as designed i know i have had a few strange things happen (and i've cleared my cache since the new version) clearing cache, reloading browser or even rebooting are all things to try p.s. all my experience is just with a win7 pc and chrome browser
  11. I'm just passing this on and not making comment on it or trying to imply anything....ok It has been reported on radio and other media that a number of witnesses have come forward disputing the account of events as described by the woman involved furthermore it has been intimated that because this has caused some uncertainty the afl effectively have handed it over to the police and that they and richmond will WAIT on the outcome of the police findings before deciding on their actions. I say intimated because as of yet neither the afl or richmond have made a definitive media statement (at least not that i have heard)
  12. talking of coleman medals has anyone won the coleman medal where someone kicked more goals for the season? i'm talking about where someone kicked enough goals in the finals to surpass the coleman medallist's tally at end of home and away
  13. i don't see anything to be happy about in this thread. ymmv
  14. actually, that is not what nasher said here is what he said " Threats of violence aren't akin to actually inflicting violence, but psychologically they can have a similar effect. " no where in that quote does he say " can have more lasting effects than an actual physical assault. " since when did "similar" become "more lasting" if you are going to quote someone, get it right
  15. i'm thinking some figure in the 60's would be achievable and a massive effort
  16. that's unfair and a distortion of this thread i haven't see suggestions that posters are saying it should just be "shrugged off"
  17. of course not i expect they would charge you with what you actually did. just like martin was there a point somewhere in your post, because it went over my head
  18. well i know that was a cynical response and in other situations i might say the same about hq and club self-interest i really hope that scenario is wrong. the afl and richmond would take a battering from the public and the media if they pulled that kind of stunt lets exchange posts, say mid next week when we can see which way the wind is blowing
  19. actually gws, gc and brisvegas have fairly decent lists if you check gws and gc always knew they were going to lose some of their millions of first round picks. they will get good trades/picks for the ones they do lose and if they are smart they have plenty of options to strengthen their list. more options than other clubs. where they need most help is off the field
  20. faulty, it is my hope that afl/richmond will not wait for the police/court decision and they will act within days. remember martin has admitted guilt if they wait what might be 6-12 months then i'm afraid you might be right
  21. i think you are being a bit harsh on curry he was only pointing out a very important difference in law between threatening something and doing it, it may have been luck he didn't do anything physical but that is just pure conjecture. the fact is that he didn't people need to apply some perspective here and have some tolerance to others who have a different perspective even if only slightly different. it gets very hard here to have a calm, rational discussion with so much emotion and hyperbole flying around and poster abuse martin is in big trouble no doubt and deservedly, but judging on what courts hand out for similar offences i think many here will be sorely disappointed it is more likely his afl/richmond punishment will hurt him more and have more impact on his behaviour, but that does remain to be seen.
  22. i wonder that will be a pity if they do. after all he has admitted guilt. they should get on with it and deliver the "work-place" punishment asap
  23. so the player's are secondary culprits i'd agree with that but culprits are still culprits and wada obviously agrees or they wouldn't be going to cas can you see that?
  24. the tassie hawks? i'm sure i've seen that written somewhere
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