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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. these days it seems the player decides where he wants to go ("preferred club") and then the club to club dealing begins we need to convince dion we are his "destination club" first
  2. bitters, i presume that point 2. was described in the first person? in that case i can only admire the squeeze.
  3. could be nut, if you can catch that off a web site then 'land would be the best bet
  4. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  5. no need to bitters, what with plc and deakin uni in burwood and box hill a mere punt kick away we seem to have half of asia already here. besides i'm saving up for earl's middle east nostalgic oddysey
  6. you must admit that he is very persuasive, ernie. or are you morphing into a wowser in your reincarnation?
  7. he reminded me of a portuguese fish-monger
  8. another afl scheduling masterpiece.......................what a yawn
  9. the afl does
  10. i suspect more likely a 1+1 contract with triggers would be more pragmatic
  11. actually 4 at the mcg, jaded crows suns dorks carlton - round 22 - actually a "replacement home game" which members get in for free
  12. iirc about sept time, but don't hold me to it
  13. the ghost who walks is not amused, loonie
  14. i'd say the "l" and "a" instead of "j" otherwise not much in it
  15. 38,766 yes it's still got a heartbeat. think 39k is now the target
  16. and a lot of gifs you see are actually jpgs or jpegs, but no-one really cares (except maybe a lawyer, or stuie)
  17. a point being missed here is eddie's lack of a clear apology when this blew up. he attempted to justify his behaviour and further obfuscated, turning the charade into more of a filibuster in his usual fashion than a simple clear apology here is frawley's immediate unequivocal apology by comparison
  18. maybe it's time to proceed with "extreme predjudice", earl before things get really snafu'ed and ensure there are no links traceable back to you this post will self destruct before the [censored] next crows
  19. oh dear oh dear......
  20. eddie mcchins is not of your generation olisik and believe me he was using the "old" derogatory meaning of black widow i hadn't been aware of him saying this so it does add a sexist element to his behaviour though i believe his prime motivation was more personal and an underhand payback to caro's recent journalistic criticisms of him
  21. your wish is my command
  22. i think if usain bolt had 2 years off his legs and out of training he might take a bit of time to get up to pace. leave it till end of season before judgement
  23. now you are just deflecting and changing the goalposts. first you try to argue it wasn't bullying and when you fail on that front you bring up sexism in response to me when i never said anything about sexism. fyi i don't think in this case it was (necessarily) about sexism
  24. not my definition, oli. bullying as in intmidation (see above). hard to defend yourself when someone says he'd pay $50,000 to someone to hold her underwater presumably because he doesn't like what she reported but i thought you could work that out for yourself
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