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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. .75% of $12m (can't be bothered looking up exact sc figure) equates to $90,000 If this is accurate, then not bad. certainly better than the $200k someone quoted earlier
  2. think the entry price to discussions is pretty high, red
  3. ok, i'll volunteer. you can use my avatar or i can provide another image
  4. Wedon'tknowhatitsnameisbutitislegal Park
  5. nearly but not yet
  6. only 1 day left to get the hogan trade done
  7. so, all afl trade managers need to do a course in hostage negotiation - lmao
  8. assuming 200 is legit above tweet from peter ryan says 'minimal'. wouldn't call 200 minimal
  9. St. James Palace Gatwick Park Tullamarine Safe Injecting Centre
  10. think harley is armenian for jake which is the new jack
  11. yep, finally saw it coming about 48 hours ago
  12. hope got a rain-check on that $70k from his dad
  13. Best to lock up the sharps for a few weeks, picket
  14. if true (and i doubt it) then we were royally screwed. more like the other way around
  15. yep, we are paying some of his salary. we don't know how much at this stage....guess?......>= 100k <= 200k per annum
  16. or flange desire.....or naughty neville?
  17. was going to post the farewell aunty jack song but i can't see our jack ripping anyone's arms orf
  18. yep. port offered him <500k. mfc and connors to meet to see if difference paid in lump or instalments btw 500k = 416k pre cba. avg post cba contract said to be in low 300s.
  19. fa, red
  20. did someone just cry wolf, or was that the fat lady gargling?
  21. whadda day this has been. wowwwweee on the ratings of this trade period i think the afl will extend trade period to 3 weeks next year popcorn time
  22. i thought he announced his prediction of an announcement
  23. by friday, old we will have a new 100 page thread. but i will await uncle's announcement on friday with bated breath
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