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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. at best, maybe a rookie listing
  2. but...but...slobbo says he is only worth 1 first rounder.....
  3. that's what i was thinking. money is already allocated to someone else
  4. mills and boon couldn't hold a candle to you, goffy
  5. it's funny how we all know how crap and dishonest the sports media are but we still fall for their clickbait and start long threads to discuss their bs. it's a funny world we live in with all this instant net "news"
  6. enormous difference in trade value - zero vs whatever
  7. it just goes to show how much bs gets thrown around by the sports media - we are so blessed
  8. yes, and the biodegradable bag was a nice touch
  9. are we arguing over a moron and a oxymoron?
  10. you'd go to carlscum for a 100 bucks???????????????
  11. but it can be, and has been elsewhere. may not be ideal, but then, what can you do if he digs in
  12. so he's gorn staying gorn staying gorn staying gorn staying gorn staying gorn staying gorn staying gorn staying? or maybe not?
  13. may not need 1.1m to get him, bub
  14. i'm sure i remember a get tex thread not long after bernie came over
  15. wait...what's that pink thing with a curly tail flying across the sky....
  16. does anyone think darling deliberately dropped that goalsquare mark to ice the game just to emphasise that colonwood was robbed by keeping the margin to less than 1 kick if so, absolutely brilliant move by darling
  17. i don't know how to thank you enough, ethan keep up your groundbreaking news
  18. robbing collingwood is perfectly legit, in fact it is to be encouraged, but remember that how ever much you rob collingwood, they are still streets ahead in the robbery gig.
  19. only god knows why any human being who is not a complete moron would willingly join the collingwood cheer squad and those that do are obviously completely incapable of loving anything worthy of love
  20. have the filth ever lost a game where they weren't robbed? the more controversial the loss the sweeter the schadenfreude 12 months of goading filth supporters as chokers - delicious santa just came early
  21. i always thought "cakewalk" was a synonym of "colliwobble"
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