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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. not when you've been dead for 60 years ernie, even more than the demons (previous) last flag that would have been the literary sensation of the decade
  2. he's a very big boy is the bont. 194cm and about 100 kegs, especially compared to salo you don't try to run through him as salo tried
  3. let's hope that for a super fit athlete with intensive care it will be less than 6 weeks
  4. What Can I Expect After Knee Cartilage Surgery?
  5. are you commenting for a friend?
  6. jaisus ernie, you gave me a shock when i saw the heading. thought you were announcing your coming out of the closet
  7. basically just faking audio visual stuff i.e. audio, photos, video deep fake specifically referring to the more intensive hi-tech methodologies involving among things artificial intelligence programs (i.e. not simple cut/paste & photoshop)
  8. anyone heard results of salo's scans yesterday?
  9. i don't know what your point is wyl all i was pointing out is that it is becoming more and more difficult to have a private discussion with anyone everywhere due to increasing encroachment in technology based communications coupled with the nefarious and covert actions of people collecting big data on the common citizenry it's obviously, sometime in the near future, getting to the stage where the concept of privacy will be regarded as anachronistic p.s. this in no ways condoning tom morris's comments
  10. i was talking about microphones on laptops, google home and all sorts of other everyday devices actually being used for covert listening
  11. don't stop there 2014, you've never eavesdropped on a group of women gossiping about men (and other "things")? it's not just a simplistic male issue
  12. yes.....but it can be much more insidious than that. there are a lot more "listening" devices that people are totally unaware of and it's only increasing
  13. and free kick htb against tracc which led to their first goal....no prior
  14. pretty sure most people who check +ve have no idea, especially now where the majority of tests are self tested rats think i read somewhere that one of the variants (not all) was picked up fairly easily in normal pcr lab testing, but don't quote me on that also i think they still do a lot of sewerage testing which indicates overall ratios but no good for individuals obviously
  15. you need to ask an epidemiologist....and there seem to thousands of them, judging by the media over the last 2 years
  16. just love how bevo is morphing into chopper read this is what reality tv should really be i.e. reality and why aren't we talking about the umpires bullying melbourne
  17. Correction: she didn't get covid, just the moderna booster, sorry for any confusion
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