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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. Just because Davey (allegedly) said it was not true to Caro does not mean he is the one Mifsud is referring to as the "source" Davey could just be saying that the allegation of the mfc indigenous players not having individual briefings with Neald was untrue - thats all No doubt more "facts" will come to light shortly What a f.....g media mess after last years f......g media mess with gws
  2. Nice to see this thread is really achieving something Keep it up as the waitress said to the bishop
  3. So did Mifsud leak to Caro too? or did Thomo tell Caro who forgot to get back and say it wasn't true? Just how far do these leaks go
  4. So where does a club "Indiginous Welfare Officer" (or whatever its called) stand in your definition of racism? I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you but the whole concept of setting up a specific racial support system has always struck me as having a level of paternalism if not racism (depending on definition) Not trying to start a fight or be controversial, but it just shows the difficulty of defining little 'r' racism
  5. Channel 9 claimed they knew who it was but for privacy (yeah, yeah I know - Ch9 lol) and other reasons were not going to name him So is it common knowledge in the press? If so, its going to bust sooner or later
  6. " which Mifsud then relayed to Thomas - with whom he worked at St Kilda as an assistant coach - in what he thought was a private conversation about the recent Matt Rendell case." Not only was he leaking info about Neeld at this meeting, he was STILL leaking about the Rendell case I don't see how any Club official could work openly and confidentially with this guy in the future And Vlad knocks back his resignation
  7. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/afl/more-news/andrew-demetriou-press-conference/story-e6frf9jf-1226317721248 "sources within the AFL fraternity" says Mifsud make what you will of that................which "fraternity" do you think he means
  8. I think the club needs to make a strong public statement and lay all the facts it knows on the public table
  9. Well this will be another reason why the team will get beaten up at subi We don't respond well to adversity and this sort of thing can just end up getting players not trusting each other F.......................................................k
  10. But even if the source was a mfc player talking to mifsud he may have said something quite harmless and mifsud has misunderstood and overreacted
  11. Vlad said there was not a scintilla of evidence........................but there again thats Vlad
  12. you were going great guns there Jack ......until you dropped the 'I' word i thought what would be a good replacement word. 'Reputation'?, nah, 'Morality'?, nah. 'Ethics'? nah. then I got it - 'revenue stream' or 'profits' or 'executive bonus scheme' would be better substitutes
  13. I don't think there is such a thing as best 22 there might be say best 16 then a dozen players vying for the next 6
  14. Comedy is acting out optimism. Robin Williams Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out. Vaclav Havel I am not a pessimist; to perceive evil where it exists is, in my opinion, a form of optimism. Roberto Rossellini I do believe that most men live lives of quiet desperation. For despair, optimism is the only practical solution. Hope is practical. Because eliminate that and it's pretty scary. Hope at least gives you the option of living. Harry Nilsson I find nothing more depressing than optimism. Paul Fussell I understand the concept of optimism. But I think with me what you get is a lack of cynicism. Tom Hanks If pessimism is despair, optimism is cowardice and stupidity. Is there any need to choose between them? Francis Parker Yockey
  15. heard on the grapevine that juddy's grandma said you had a few problems hope you get well soon and your new hearing aid is a success B)
  16. anyone know what 'hurting his ankle' means?
  17. could someone tell me what this thread is about?
  18. agreed, its his responsibility....was only joshing. The image of journos not making things up made me LOL
  19. LOL. Ever heard of or read the Truth?
  20. Silence. Still waiting for Dr? to release his manifesto on saving the club through supporter buy-in bet it will be a good read meanwhile i'll continue to accept my share of the blame by being so apathetically mediocre
  21. well if you have such a personal issue then take it up with the club directly your voice on a footy forum just gets lost in all the static can't blame cs for not hearing you properly if you don't
  22. No! Shock, Horror! How could you make such a hurtful, racist remark like that? Go and wash your filthy mouth out immediately.
  23. by stakeholders/sponsors "(even if it may have been a minority)" i presume we are referring to demonlanders in this context FFS we demonlanders would still find something wrong if he landed the biggest FOJ sponsorship in the history of the AFL
  24. We all want a new FOJ sponsor (no surprises here) This includes CS and the MFC obviously, whom I am sure a working hard at it Currently the BOJ$ exceeds last years FOJ$ + BOJ$ so we are not going backwards The real problem (ironically) is that CS was "too successful" with the BOJ deal Any normal person would expect the the FOJ$ to be > BOJ$ so this greatly limits the available pool of prospective sponsors If you settle for less than BOJ$ then this potentially causes problems with BOJ sponsor and other issues Its a difficult conundrum caused more by success than any failure We all may not like it but we need to give it a little more time CS did hint there was a contingency plan Lets let the club get on with managing this without all the misinformed criticism on this thread
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