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Roost It

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Everything posted by Roost It

  1. That's the one I'm talking about. I think the worst miss of the year goes to Watts against freo. Imagine if that had been a final.
  2. Scully can kick a goal from 50 Bail struggles from 40, I say Scully is a better kick.
  3. From the didtionary: # 1. contrary to fact, reason, some set standard, etc.; incorrect; inaccurate; false 2. acting, judging, believing, etc. incorrectly; mistaken You are by the very definition of the word WRONG. You seriously think the club should recruit an old, lazy, culture sore that it already dumped. Think about it.
  4. Leave it alone. You're so wrong it's ridiculous.
  5. Sure but the club recruited him. If it didn't know he was troubled or lazy or whatever he was then that's poor recruiting. If the club did pour extra resources into trav then it's a pity they didn't pick up on Schwarz's poor influence. Either way the club shares the blame in my book. Just as carlton are part to blame for fev.
  6. I'm not sure what world you live in but the in the world I live in everyone is different. Sure trav has himself to blame but a good club recognises certain people need to be treated differently. I have no doubt the club failed Trav just as trav failed trav.
  7. The embodiment of the Daniher era. I loved him when on song but he went missing way to often. Probably could have done with some better guidance. Club failing as well. Great decision of Bailey's to cut him on arrival. I would have loved it had we had another captain leading from the middle back then. Say a 26 year old Scully to keep the troops in order. As much as I loved Neita I think his best footy would have been played at CHB without being captain. I am in no way blaming Neitz for Johnstone's failings so relax.
  8. Many of us wish you would stop and think more often
  9. Watts in less than a heartbeat. I'd always take a footballer over an overrated marketing machine. In the next 2 years Watts will emerge whilst Natanui will become the average footballer he already is.
  10. When you say 'that is all' it's a real pity you have to follow it up with the very next post. I'm guessing by the number of posts, their lack of either length or substance that you are a goldfish with the attention span of around 3 seconds.
  11. Roost It

    Top 5

    Surely the best players are the favourite players? I'm a fan of Petterd but when it comes to Scully, I mean really.
  12. We had the opportunity to swap Kowal for Wirrapunda when Freo arrived. Balme kept the soft midget and Wirrapunda went on to become one of the best backmen in the game
  13. Roost It

    Top 5

    No Scully No Frawley. If we lose these two we lose any chance of a Premiership. We lose Petterd and Green we still have the cattle. Scully and Frawley are locks as top 2 at the club at the moment,
  14. Sadly we only had Schwarz. It was a moment when 6 or 7 MFC players needed to rush in and throw whatever weight they had around. Long shouldh've felt the full force of not only a player but of the ground. We let them bully us that day and it was a real pity. My big concern about the current crop is Are they hard enough? Not since the Northey days have we matched teams for strength and desire for sustained periods.
  15. Paul Prymke's career was ruined by a serious back injury. Jeff Hilton was a C grader
  16. Hold some hope as he was a relatively high pick in a strong draft. It's a bigger step from school footy than the TAC Cup,(Ithink he only played school footy) not to mention he missed the bulk of his first season with a shoulder reco. Will probably get 2 more years to show whether he's upto it or not. Let's hope so as some talent was picked after him.
  17. Grgic was hailed as the next Gary Lyon. He played 2 good games, one at CHB one at CHF
  18. Roost It

    Top 5

    Scully, Watts, Frawley, Grimes, Blease
  19. If he's a Gun then for 3/4 of most game's he plays he's shooting potato
  20. I like the new emblem but think it would look better without the southern cross and the trident
  21. Does anyone know how his leg is feeling now that the pins are out. Is he training? Someone on here knows him I think. Time to talk to him and let us all know where he's at. A pivotal part of our future if he comes on as hoped.
  22. We rookie list him on peanuts, send him off to reach at no cost to us. The chequebook would only need to come if he plays some good footy for us. Look I'm not saying we definately take him. I'm of the opinion it would be worth talking to him about his intent. If the club was convinced he wanted help and wanted to play football then we rookie list him. I have never said we just pick him so we can help him. I mean we rookie listed Healey and Hughes for several years at zero return so what's to lose.
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