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Everything posted by darkhorse72

  1. It has been raised over another previous incident. Access to the rooms is okay pre/post and breaks but should be blocked when it's an injured player during the game.
  2. I really enjoyed being at Subi for this game Round 22, 2000 West Coast 5.1 8.3 10.6 15.10 100 Melbourne 4.4 13.5 19.9 26.14 170
  3. How poor is the quality of the eagle/port game.
  4. What port will turn up today first or second half from last week?
  5. Muck up by tipping but who cares, another nail in the dog's coffin this season. They do not look good... Crows improving faster than expected? Or simply Walker give them better structure.
  6. Not just blessed with but built over time to last through this generation of players.
  7. Imagine coaching teen AFLW footy, eye rolling is compulsory :)
  8. The dropping of Tomlinson shows that the best 22 will be selected with some preferred over others in certain positions. They simply wait for their opportunity. Is Weid out this week for BB? Has he done enough to hold that spot. As the last game him and Mac seem to be gelling better as a team in terms of positioning and movement.
  9. Not quite, lots of shocking skill (basic skills like marking by themselves) and decision making errors. ‘but they are better as a group. aren’t both Bradshaw brothers talented and hard working. Did they leave nothing in talent for the third brother (short stint at west Coast ). Happy bombers lost. Rutton didn’t look very happy 😊
  10. Crows/Tigers looks better at the moment :)
  11. I bet more than 1 person though the same thing. I considered it this afternoon for a bit but didn't change. Then you didn't expect this level of footy.
  12. Maybe we shouldn't play footy on Goof Friday, it doesn't seem a good day for good matches.
  13. Bulldogs… nothing to see here move along
  14. Woeful first qtr.... Any danger of them finally taking the game off North. Even at our worst, QB was never this bad.
  15. Wasn't it top 20 last year, why would and when did that change? Top 40 is pretty much the whole draft for most teams nowadays.
  16. Been slipping every round.
  17. Can the crows do it.. ruin my tipping but ti s worth it!
  18. Didn't help as he never learnt how to play footy, where to position. IN the early days they always had a mic in his ear at training to try and teach him. It like comparing Stynes and Naitanui in terms of game knowledge. In saying that he is the nicest guy and has done really well out of his career.
  19. Wow, will the eagles do it?
  20. It will get there, but it'll going to take awhile.
  21. First up as pointed out the Crows are the best of the state winning 3/5 grand finals says it all. But like the eagle in the 90's. Hopefully with Port coming in, it will break up the team a bit. But the apparent effort by many of the girls on TV looked really poor. Lots seem to be walking, waiting to see where the crow player would run before moving and not running to support at all, with terrible decision making. Crows run really hard to support, creating space for better decision making. Think the girls were psyched even before the game started or the coach tried something new and it upset the side? No idea. Bit except for late 3rd and some of the 4th, we did not look like we wanted to be there. As the umpire is so different to AFL, watching Phillips mouth off to the umpire when we got a free off her and no 50 (2md war near our 50). Doesn't that rule apply for the women this year? Hopefully the girls will learn from it and see who comes back in August for the next season.
  22. I about to post that too. Constantly diving instead of trying to run through and pick the ball up (Like he used to), Something wrong with his back and he can't bend?
  23. Watch it live :). But we didn't do that then, completely different approach as the opportunity were very different.
  24. In WA the private schools were first to form specialist programs in footy and got the jump.They may more speaclist staff but it depends on the size of the school. Now there are public schools that offer the same and we have the SEDA academy for yr11/12 for those focussed on a sporting pathway. I'm not sure who they get in to train but they are based at the East Perth home ground.. The success really depends on your cohort. I have girls from a private school AFL academy in my team but they don't rate in my top players. As its their own attitude and drive that makes the difference. We'll see how they go this year. Whereas when I was at my previous public school and running the footy program, we were going undefeated in the inter school comp (Including against afl school). Simply because we had a strong core who were on a West Perth development pathway. (Though none made it, but get paid well for travel in the country) As for community teams, yep it can vary on the coaching quality and experience of those taking it on.
  25. Not a game I'll ever watch again and on the season highlights package, just say we played PA in rd 4 and skip it. But we won without really trying. And know we know how it feels when I team shuts up shop for attacking with a qtr to go but still easily win.
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